farmhand desulfator
Hi all !
Well, i spent last hours of yesterdays evening like this :
YouTube - Angry Little Devil
Why ?
I was already tired and could not to concentrate very well, and
i soldered this Farmhands desulfator on little board as final product,
but holly cow i made some mistake and i could not find where is
that little devil, so i lost my nerves and i suffered a little attack of
nerves, and finally i became so tired that i fell asleep with this
desulfator in my hand and pcb in another
After i woke up, guess what was the first think that i made ?
Ok, lets cut the crap, at the end of the story i found out that i
did not connect pin 3 and pins 5 and 6, wow, that was a real
relief, after i soldered these pins i finally got the desulfator
working well, and with very, very good results, i have to test
it more but even now i can say its efficiency is best than bingo
and stingo, so Farmhand you are the man !
Sorry that i had to postpone this Gregs project but today i go
to store to see about this mosfet, i think i should have to order
from abroad, does anyone know if i could put instead of this
Gregs mosfet some replacement (any other n channel mosfet) ???
Farmhand you made me laugh with this picture of the devil, thanks
for that
I just needed something like that after your desulfators
suffers, but at the end it turned out very good, thanks again !
Sucahyo, thanks for your engagement in this thread too, sorry i had to
postpone that relays measuring too...I ll catch it up, no worry !
Merry Christmas to all of you !!!
Hi all !
Well, i spent last hours of yesterdays evening like this :
YouTube - Angry Little Devil
Why ?
I was already tired and could not to concentrate very well, and
i soldered this Farmhands desulfator on little board as final product,
but holly cow i made some mistake and i could not find where is
that little devil, so i lost my nerves and i suffered a little attack of
nerves, and finally i became so tired that i fell asleep with this
desulfator in my hand and pcb in another

After i woke up, guess what was the first think that i made ?
Ok, lets cut the crap, at the end of the story i found out that i
did not connect pin 3 and pins 5 and 6, wow, that was a real
relief, after i soldered these pins i finally got the desulfator
working well, and with very, very good results, i have to test
it more but even now i can say its efficiency is best than bingo
and stingo, so Farmhand you are the man !
Sorry that i had to postpone this Gregs project but today i go
to store to see about this mosfet, i think i should have to order
from abroad, does anyone know if i could put instead of this
Gregs mosfet some replacement (any other n channel mosfet) ???
Farmhand you made me laugh with this picture of the devil, thanks
for that

suffers, but at the end it turned out very good, thanks again !
Sucahyo, thanks for your engagement in this thread too, sorry i had to
postpone that relays measuring too...I ll catch it up, no worry !
Merry Christmas to all of you !!!