Hi cikljamas, Good to hear of your results with the circuit and that you worked out your diode problem, it's things like that that frustrate me sometime's the little things I can't see properly.
I hate to say it again my friend but if you had a scope you could troubleshoot most circuit problems much quicker. But we learn tricks like we do the hard way still.
Haha I've only just started, I don't fear the long road. I welcome the challenge.
Well I don't feel like that, i'm sure he has his reasons. Whatever the reasons be, they don't apply to me, so I just don't think about it.
The things i've learned for myself since the begining of this thread are much more valuable to me than if he had given me all the code and drawings he had.
Maybe the way he did it is just one way, which is why I never usually just replicate things exactly, I make things the way I can to suit my needs.
I havn't actually got much out of the video except the idea and the choke and we don't even know the specs of that. Most of what i've learned is from Bobs Info, Stans Theory, and most of all, Tesla's Theory and the principals he revealed.
You guys may have a point to prove, but i'm in it for the knowledge and understanding, I have to keep trying hard to get that, no one can just impart it upon me.
There is no one to blame for me not learning, only people to thank for helping me to understand. And all of you help with that funnily enough.
Some posts way back by you and Greg triggered something in me that has made me very determined and inspired. I wish I had learned electronics when I was younger, it's difficult to understand. But I am addicted now.

I hate to say it again my friend but if you had a scope you could troubleshoot most circuit problems much quicker. But we learn tricks like we do the hard way still.
So much time , so much nerves , so close, but still so far !
And if i am wrong nobody happier than me !
And if i am wrong nobody happier than me !
I ask myself often how Watkykjy can monitor this thread (suppose that
he does monitor it) and leave us without any support whatsoever....
Shame on him !
he does monitor it) and leave us without any support whatsoever....
Shame on him !

The things i've learned for myself since the begining of this thread are much more valuable to me than if he had given me all the code and drawings he had.

I havn't actually got much out of the video except the idea and the choke and we don't even know the specs of that. Most of what i've learned is from Bobs Info, Stans Theory, and most of all, Tesla's Theory and the principals he revealed.
You guys may have a point to prove, but i'm in it for the knowledge and understanding, I have to keep trying hard to get that, no one can just impart it upon me.
There is no one to blame for me not learning, only people to thank for helping me to understand. And all of you help with that funnily enough.
Some posts way back by you and Greg triggered something in me that has made me very determined and inspired. I wish I had learned electronics when I was younger, it's difficult to understand. But I am addicted now.

