Originally posted by Bob Boyce
energy, am i right ?

One thing i just do not understand :
None of the replicators built their own circuit boards, Watkykjy included
If this tuning is so delicate and presumed such a skills of intuitive
abilities not just specialized knowledge than i can hardly imagine
how these stuff could ever be of any wider benefit ?
Who is going to produce these things even if by some miracle
governments of all countries in the world allow commercialization
of this kind of stuffs ?
I just can not believe that Watkykjy is some kind of David Copperfield
and that we all have to be kind of David Copperfields to be able to tune
these things...
It must be i am dreaming again !
And if it is so, than i must conclude that this is not energetic forum,
but magician forum !
And we are allowed to know that 100 years after Tesla achievements...
Good for Marconi that he did not believe in this magician theories, and
good for all other replicators of Tesla inventions that they did not believe
in this magician theory, and guess what, after all arguments are used,
what last argument left : magician argument !
And we are talking about suppression ?
What suppression do we need if this magician theory is true ?
Come on guys, this is really too much !
But, as i said before, i am going to be fool, you do not even have to
tell me that you feel good with that !
I would believe you everything just if i stopped first to believe my mind,
but i just could not do that, sorry !
And again, just ignore this words, and i mean it, ignore them PLEASE !
Thanks for understanding !
Now, i am leaving this thread till something really happens here, but
if i understood well, only David Copperfield is capable to make that
happening...Greg, i believe you are David Copperfield, i really do !
Cheers !

