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  • up and running

    Originally posted by gmeast View Post
    OK, I wa$ able to order my headers for the first populated Phase Board as well as the related connectors.

    More news at 11:00PM. Later,

    Hi all,

    Well the two boards married up into one complete 3 Phase PPC (Poly Phase Controller) ... A Frequency Board and a Phase Board. Everything plugged in and fired right up. That's NOT 'bragging' ... it's a testimony to simplicity.

    Picture below:

    Thanks. Later,



    • Very cool greg! I would like to build one someday.


      • battery charging

        Hi everyone,

        I had been going over my private email communications with Bob Boyce. I discovered something I think is important. I had asked Bob in a private email about problems with the single-battery setup as seen in wacky1's videos. I had not achieved net charging so I asked him '... what is it about my battery that might prevent charging ...?'. Part of his reply stated this:

        "The large battery could have self-discharge losses higher than the charge current. With single battery charging, losses are more critical because we have to use the series choke on the output. If running from one battery and charging a second battery bank of higher voltage, the choke can be eliminated so that charging is greatly enhanced. Just be sure not to connect anything electronic to that battery with the toroid running."

        What caught my eye was what was in his statement:
        " ... running from one battery and charging a second battery bank of higher voltage ..."

        I think this is important because it makes 'swapping' batteries impossible because your 'charge' battery will have a lower voltage than the 'run' battery ... again: " ... running from one battery and charging a second battery bank of higher voltage ..."

        So ... I'll use a 12-volt battery as the 'run' battery and charge a 16-volt battery bank consisting of a 'bottom' 4-volt battery in series with a 'top' 12-volt battery ... swapping ONLY the 'run' battery and the 'top' 12-volt battery from the battery bank. In this way the, the battery bank will have to be at a higher voltage than the 'run' battery. Will this be 'too' high a voltage? I don't know.

        Someone please tell me if this is a crappy idea or not.

        Well, that's what's new. Later,



        • watkykjy1 going open source now

          Latest news:

          Bob Boyce's technology is going open source. According to Bob, he supplied the original code and parameters to make the self-charging work. I wonder if Bob will get anything out of this.

          Someone has already committed to providing watkykjy1 (his real name is Johan Booysen) with circuit boards and donations are already approaching $1000 US.

          Sterling Allan is the major mover in this thing. Michael Couch had asked Johan if Bob Boyce was 'cool' with it and Sterling instead replied "He doesn't have to be. His stuff isn't going to be used in the open source...".

          I don't know if this thing is going to turn out Ok or not. I'm continuing with what Bob has advised me to do ... or what I thing he's meant.

          The link to the open source announcement is below:

          Johan Open Sourcing His Solid State Free Energy Charger




          • Originally posted by gmeast View Post
            Latest news:

            Bob Boyce's technology is going open source. According to Bob, he supplied the original code and parameters to make the self-charging work. I wonder if Bob will get anything out of this.

            Someone has already committed to providing watkykjy1 (his real name is Johan Booysen) with circuit boards and donations are already approaching $1000 US.

            Sterling Allan is the major mover in this thing. Michael Couch had asked Johan if Bob Boyce was 'cool' with it and Sterling instead replied "He doesn't have to be. His stuff isn't going to be used in the open source...".

            I don't know if this thing is going to turn out Ok or not. I'm continuing with what Bob has advised me to do ... or what I thing he's meant.

            The link to the open source announcement is below:

            Johan Open Sourcing His Solid State Free Energy Charger



            I thought that you, Farmhand, and others had achieved the same thing
            about a year ago with your modification of the Bob Boyce circuit.



            • circuit

              Originally posted by FRC View Post

              I thought that you, Farmhand, and others had achieved the same thing
              about a year ago with your modification of the Bob Boyce circuit.

              Hi George,

              No, no one ever achieved net charging. There is still a great deal of missing information ... missing information that Bob never really came forward with ... many hints and some private emails to me, but incomplete. The Yahoo Groups forums opened up and one of them ... don't know which one ... was established so Bob Boyce could help people get this up and running but Bob never followed through and things went dormant (I wasn't there - it's what I read - or was told).

              In light of the ORBO thing, caution is recommended here too. I'm just waiting for a deposit to post at my bank so I can buy a couple of new, small batteries to continue testing with. I'm happy with my controller boards and they might accomplish the same as what Johan and Sterling are doing. I've spent more on less in the past.

              If anyone wants to donate anything to my efforts, you can do it via PayPal. A Canadian foundation just donated $31 CAD ($30 US) ... and the lion's share of that will go for a 2V 5AH SLA battery.



              • update

                Hi everyone,

                I received shipping confirmation for my batteries today. I'll be using a 12V SLA battery as a 'run' battery and also a 12V SLA battery in series with a 2V SLA battery as the 'charge bank'. The 12V battery in the 'charge' bank sits at the 'top' of the bank ... ie. the upper 12V of the 14V bank. The two 12V SLAs will be swapped with one another and the 2V SLA wil stay at the bottom of the bank.

                Bob Boyce let me in on this fact: The single battery configuration suffers charging losses because of the need for that 'recovery' choke between the MUR410 diodes and the B+ terminal. If the system is being used to charge a battery bank of 'higher' voltage than the 'run' battery, that choke is NOT needed. The 2V SLA in the 'charge bank' guarantees this.

                When I begin test, the 'charge bank' will be discharged as a 14VDC power source, probably into a motor with a fan or something. I know this is 'indirect' and somewhat counter to what was fascinating about a single battery system as opposed to a 'battery swap' system ... I still consider a single-battery system to be the "Holy Grail" ... so to speak.

                On another point: I had started to experience some instability with the LT6900 silicon oscillator after I had started running the PPC as a finished board. Every possible scenario was entertained as to why this happen in-board now. It turns out to be a poor connection issue attributable to 'socketting' the oscillator on the board instead of soldering it in. The oscillator itself is a tiny surface-mount component and I though it would be easier to solder it onto a DIP6 adapter rather than directly to the board. Well, I was right ... it was easier, but not as good so I un-soldered and removed the socket and soldered the oscillator+adapter directly on to the board. I think ...... problem solved.

                That's my update. Later,



                • Hi Gmeast,

                  i saw this link on

                  Hex controller still running 3 years later - YouTube

                  Enjoy, Regards itsu


                  • open sourcing

                    Hi itsu,

                    Thanks. The guy whose videos started all of this has decided to go open source with it ... at least that's the plan. His name is Johan Booysen and he lives in South Africa. Anyway, he has made two new videos that he posted to:

                    Johan_FE:Johan's Solid State FE Charger

                    That's on Yahoo Groups. People have donated a whole lot of money (thousands and thousands of $$$$) toward helping him develop it further. The money started pouring in thanks to an endorsement by Sterling Allan at So there's no competing with that. Johan has emailed me personally a couple of times and cleared up some technical issues and questions I had. There's still some 'hanky panky' going on somewhere because information hasn't flowed at all. Bob Boyce had (seemingly) been open with me about some of the finer details of his hex-controller, but it seems now that Bob was using me to disseminate technical MISinformation ... it really sucks to be a 'tool'. Bob Boyce called Sterling Allan and warned something like ' ... if carelessly experimented with ... it could generate devastating storms with deadly consequences ... and it would be careless to open source the technology ... I want nothing to do with it ... ', etc.

                    So, now that money is flowing, information is NOT. In the Johan_FE group, I seem to be the only one actually asking pertinent questions about the videos.

                    I don't care. I got my batteries in on Monday and will forge ahead with my efforts hoping to learn something important from the open-sourcing ... if it actually happens.



                    Originally posted by Itsu View Post
                    Hi Gmeast,

                    i saw this link on

                    Hex controller still running 3 years later - YouTube

                    Enjoy, Regards itsu
                    Last edited by gmeast; 03-28-2012, 01:08 AM.


                    • setup

                      Hi all,

                      Here's my update. I posted this in the Johan_FE forum in Yahoo Groups. Johan said he is 'open sourcing' this technology and has collected thousands in "donations", but no useful technical information yet ... no circuit, no theory, no nothing.

                      Hi all,

                      I'm very anxious to get baseline info'. That's all I ask from Johan. I've been going on what little bits and pieces Bob Boyce has communicated to me privately.

                      I have a setup, controller, FET(power interface, etc). The controller I
                      designed and built is not micro-based but is digital and programmable -
                      frequency,phase angle and pulse-width.

                      Here are photos of what I've done:


                      setup_0.JPG shows the overall setup consisting of a Boyce Toroidal transformer, batteries, controller and FET Board.

                      3-ph_controller.JPG is a tight-in of my digital controller showing the Frequency Board on the left that also contains a very efficient switching power supply for the digital logic (along its upper 1/4). It outputs the Ph-1 pulse. It's tied to the Phase Board to its right by the 19, or so, brown digital data lines. The 3 phase logic level signals exit between the boards ... pink, black and brown. They go to the FET Board Driver chips. The DIP switches are used to set frequency and phase angle relationships.

                      FETBoard.JPG is a tight-in of my FET Board prototype. It uses the same (I
                      think) gate driver chips and HEXFETS as the hex-controller ... that is to say
                      the UCC2732X driver IC and IRF540Z power MOSFET.

                      I've been running at about 21.4KHz with a 500nsec pulse-width. It will go down to 120nsec PW. These numbers are in good allignment with the specs for both the gate driver IC and the power MOSFET.

                      The variation of the setup you see in the photos is based on charging a separate battery bank of a higher voltage than the battery running the controller and toroid. The upper battery is a 12VSLA in series with a 2VSLA cell for a total of 14V. This is the charge bank. The lower position is the run-battery ... also a 12VSLA. In this configuration, you do not need the recovery choke to mitigate conflicts of the single battery setup. This was an alternative setup suggested by Bob Boyce in a private communication.


                      ... wish $omeone would $end me $ome money ... ha!

                      Now you see why I'd like some questions answered ... if this is truly an
                      open-source effort. This will probably follow the FAILED ORBO model instead of being TRULY open-source.

                      Later all,

                      Last edited by gmeast; 03-30-2012, 04:06 PM.


                      • almost a net charge

                        Hi all,

                        I've had further communication with Bob Boyce today and he gave me some more valuable information involving timing. I will soon be posting another video showing my newest setup. I have not achieved net charging yet, but things look encouraging. What's most interesting in Johan's videos is the rate at which his 18AH battery voltage drops when just running the hex-controller. The hex-controller consists of only 7 IC chips including the voltage regulator. My controller consists of 18 IC chips including the voltage regulator and stays to within 0.01VDC for more than 6 hours and my battery is only 7AH. My IC chips are not even the lowest power versions of the chips ... they're all 74LS ... not the lowest power versions ... which is the HC's. My PW is right at around 300nsec @ about 32KHz.

                        I will show this in the next video and try to explain how I intend to sneak up on self-charging operation. You must all try and get a handle on the concept of Longitudinal waves and Longitudinal Magnetic Energy. This is what knocks down conventional 'Ivory Tower' EM theory like a bowling ball does to bowling pins. It's the KEY ... from Tesla to this charging stuff. I have not even grasped the finer points let alone some of the fundamentals. This is where Bob Boyce is the genius.

                        Thanks. Later,



                        • scope capture

                          Hi all,

                          Here's a scope capture of one phase relationship that almost creates a sustained operation. I does not net charge ... yet. It will soon though.

                          The scope probe is on the phase-1 FET Drain. I haven't quite figured out why I can see all 3 phases when I probe any of the drains. Insight welcomed. Here's the shot:





                          • complex timing

                            Here is an update. The link is to a pdf showing the progress I have made with my controller. Those who have followed this thread from the beginning will understand and appreciate what's been done. Please download and 'safe' the pdf.


                            I'm accepting donations. PayPal will do. Enjoy,


