Still Going
Hi all, I just got a new panel so I removed the two little 10 watt panels to use elsewhere, now the setup i have is 70 watts. I discovered I have a lot of heat coming from my BT151 Thyristor so I think i'll need to do something about that.
Anyway my setup is still going stong even though it's getting warm.
Here's a video of how it regulates the charged battery's voltage in pulsing mode. Sorry about the extra storm footage at the end, i'll try to remove it.
YouTube - AlternateFarmhand1's Channel
I'm trying to think of a way to get a Power Mosfet, an IGBT or a Bipolar Transitor or pair or combination to switch by the rising voltage to get the same effect or similar. However I can't think of a way to do it without the oscillator. Any idea's ?
I have a non sensitive gate SCR an S6025L, I think i'll try it and see what happens, i'll use thicker wire connections and try to think of a better way to trigger the gate, ie. right amount of current.
Hi all, I just got a new panel so I removed the two little 10 watt panels to use elsewhere, now the setup i have is 70 watts. I discovered I have a lot of heat coming from my BT151 Thyristor so I think i'll need to do something about that.
Anyway my setup is still going stong even though it's getting warm.
Here's a video of how it regulates the charged battery's voltage in pulsing mode. Sorry about the extra storm footage at the end, i'll try to remove it.
YouTube - AlternateFarmhand1's Channel
I'm trying to think of a way to get a Power Mosfet, an IGBT or a Bipolar Transitor or pair or combination to switch by the rising voltage to get the same effect or similar. However I can't think of a way to do it without the oscillator. Any idea's ?
I have a non sensitive gate SCR an S6025L, I think i'll try it and see what happens, i'll use thicker wire connections and try to think of a better way to trigger the gate, ie. right amount of current.