HEllo quantum these might be those with high Rds on resistance so they are more stable. I also tested those from the flyback set and saw they are more stable but wast more energy.
No announcement yet.
Exciters = OU from Mass = semiconductors
The thread is a quest
Hi Goldfinder,
yes you’re absolutely right; I don’t work in the world of military black budget projects and I most probably cannot even imagine how things are going in those circles. It only annoys me tremendously that those guys always seem to work on technologies which could be for the benefit of the entire world but even if we are producing so much pollution it’s not quite healthy to breathe anymore, the ice-caps are melting down and a lots of wild animals are close to distinction, those technologies stay hidden.
We are still building nuclear power plants which we most probably for a really long time don’t need any more; we happily don’t know what to do with the crap (waste) those things produce etc, etc. What does it take to change this? You often hear the argument that releasing this “clean technology” too soon or too fast will put or society upside down because we can’t handle it. It would crash the economy. Would it? Maybe we just have to add an extra human right, “Free energy” …
Anyway, is your ‘quest’ evolving in a direction you wanted it to? Are you planning to interfere and ‘guide’ things a little or will you just watch now and see where the wild geese will fly?
I'm fine man, how about you? What have you being doing? I hope for you great too. I'm around here constructing my prototypes and making time pass, i'm also studying, to get into the physics university for the next year.lot of work to do
Best Regards
After reading this thread, I'm still at a loss to find anyone actually contributing to it, as Goldfinder asked for.
We have Doc Stiffler and conradphd who appear to still be way too paranoid and are probably sitting on some bits of information that should be shared.
Then the rest are just paddling their own theories based on hear-say, regurgitation of what's already been said, or pure conjecture.
It should also be noted that these theories come in waves and one can observe patterns of appearances (and repetition), as threads take over various discussion forums, then dwindle for a while and disappear.
I know this post was not a contribution to the thread, but frankly, if I was a mod I'd delete all of your posts...Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?
Originally posted by amigo View PostThen the rest are just paddling their own theories based on hear-say, regurgitation of what's already been said, or pure conjecture.
So, the theories I present are based on a solid foundation. It's just that main stream sciences has chosen to neglect to a large degree the fact that the electric field is not a static force field, but a propagating wave, something that has been known for a very long time.
Another major problem with the main stream science is the errors that have been made in the Maxwell equations, because at some point it was postulated that the electro-magnetic field is caused by charge carriers, while we know from quantum mechanics that it is the other way around. The fields cause the matter and therefore the Maxwell equations do not describe the physical situation for the full 100%. And it is exactly this error that has lead to Einstein's general relativity theory, which is a piece of junk. In essence, it is based on the assumption that the fields are caused by matter, which is proven to be incorrect by quantum mechanics. Tesla had it right all along, there is a real ether and at some point Einstein's general relativity has to go where it belongs: in the trash can.
Thornhill has some very good papers on how and where Einstein went wrong:
Dr Charles Kenneth Thornhill
Hi Lamare,
I’ve been reading bits and pieces on the links you posted here and it’s all very interesting but I’m a practical man. You did not build anything (As far as I understood, maybe you did) because others did and you believe they managed to do so and you say you now have the theoretical explanations to back them up.
Wouldn’t it be nice to actually re-build one of those devices and report the progress of our experimenting right here in this thread? Something easy on the over-unity would be great to start with ;-), we do not need COP=100 straight away. What do you think or better what do you propose?
One more thing, I read that piece of the MIB too, you say you’re safe because all the info is on the internet now but what does that all help if we can’t actually use that information to build something that actually works? You say you have the theory to explain it all, well let’s use that theory and build something. Maybe we actually get somewhere and maybe once we’re busy we get some extra information from where we expect it the least.
Originally posted by amigo View PostAfter reading this thread, I'm still at a loss to find anyone actually contributing to it, as Goldfinder asked for.
We have Doc Stiffler and conradphd who appear to still be way too paranoid and are probably sitting on some bits of information that should be shared.
Then the rest are just paddling their own theories based on hear-say, regurgitation of what's already been said, or pure conjecture.
It should also be noted that these theories come in waves and one can observe patterns of appearances (and repetition), as threads take over various discussion forums, then dwindle for a while and disappear.
I know this post was not a contribution to the thread, but frankly, if I was a mod I'd delete all of your posts...
So how does the tap work?
Can you understand this statement. I posted. from the document I posted.
" All mass is formed by a contraction of the electric poles of the generative cones of energy to the point of north of it's gravicative center and by an expansion of the contours of the radiative cones untill they disapear in the plane of the equator."
We are not trying to build sand castles here. It is complicated and difficult to comprehend.
Would you like to tell us how the tap works? What are you doing to help?
What is your theory ?
I only see one real question in the Original post.
Stifflers exciter is creating a disturbance in the aether and then taps this disturbance. So how does the tap work?
Originally posted by b4FreeEnergy View PostHi Lamare,
I’ve been reading bits and pieces on the links you posted here and it’s all very interesting but I’m a practical man. You did not build anything (As far as I understood, maybe you did) because others did and you believe they managed to do so and you say you now have the theoretical explanations to back them up.
I think I have a pretty good understanding of what goes on in resonating systems and how these are able to tap the energy from the vacuum, trough the electric field. I think I understand the principles. However, building practical devices is quite complicated, because you have to somehow separate the part of the system that uses the electric field from the part that creates it (or better: creates the dipole that gives you energy in the shape of an electric field). One way to do that, in principle, is to use higher harmonic oscillations, which is what I recognize in the systems I have analysed (Gray, Meyer, Puharich, Stiffler, Kapanadze - Kapagen., Tesa coil).
Wouldn’t it be nice to actually re-build one of those devices and report the progress of our experimenting right here in this thread? Something easy on the over-unity would be great to start with ;-), we do not need COP=100 straight away. What do you think or better what do you propose?
The first one is basically a combination of an exciter circuit with the Kapagen device, the second one is inspired on the Kapagen way of winding coils which suggests it is possible to have a pure electric oscillation in a two-layer coil, where one layer is wound clockwise and the other counter clockwise, so the magnetic fields cancel each other out.
If I understand this stuff right, these circuits should produce interesting results. If they do what I think they will do, that is.
Some time before these, I posted these:
The first one is an idea how to oscillate two identical (air core) transformers using an exciter circuit, and the second one is an idea how to combine Puharich's circuit with an exciter. Also very interesting and promising idea's, but we won't know if they actually work before someone builds them and tries it.
All of these could be important steps forward. But they could also be miserable failures, that's how these things go. The devil is in the details and it is hard to predict whether or not you forgot some detail that destroys the whole idea, like what happened with my idea of driving transformers trough AV plugs (half bridge rectifier). These short out your transformer in the second half of the oscillation....
One more thing, I read that piece of the MIB too, you say you’re safe because all the info is on the internet now but what does that all help if we can’t actually use that information to build something that actually works? You say you have the theory to explain it all, well let’s use that theory and build something. Maybe we actually get somewhere and maybe once we’re busy we get some extra information from where we expect it the least.
And indeed, when we just continue to move one step forward at a time, we will somehow get the information we need to take the next step. I have no doubt we will be successfull eventually:
Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.Sir Winston ChurchillLast edited by lamare; 11-07-2010, 10:33 PM.
I am so frustrated that I don't have the resouces or time to try some of your circuits lamare there are a couple I am particularly interested in, though I have no formal training in anything much, I see some circuits that make complete sense to me even though I can't undestand exactly your explainations. I try to look at them all for a while.
I have a theory of things in this area, maybe a way out of the shackles, but not with need to break them but dissolve the shackles of oppression, the people who seek to controll everything have very slowly bound us to thier ways by slithering into almost every aspect of our live's. I think we should do the same in reverse, by quietly putting the many and varied efficient and OU devices we discover into everyday living for all to see and use, it will be difficult however and attention should not be sought for ego boosting.
If we do this right it would of course end in some kind of confrontaion, between control and freedom. I'm ready for the end game when it comes, but are we all?
I thought I would edit with an example, if you have made a very efficient or interesting device, make it pretty or usefull and give to somebody, who could use it, as a gift, include a drawing, if it works very well word will get around you can count on that. The person you give it too may want to become involved in the movement because they can see the value of it right in front of them and use it.
I hope that makes sense, maybe i'm a dreamer.Last edited by Farmhand; 11-07-2010, 11:12 PM.
Some on and some peddling
I guess I stirred up the hornet nest of various theories.
Amigo hit it on the head - most just peddling their own theories and didn't bother to look at the initial question.
Sebasfato and Quantumuppercut - moving in the direction that I envisioned.
Namely - that semiconductors do appear (I think they do but I am open to other suggestions) to trap energy out of the aether. AND if they do - then how can we move to a real simple energy device that converts the energy in the aether in usable electric energy.
And charge is NOT fundamental - and particles are not some resonant thingy - they are vortexes in the aether. Again I say - look up Lucas and Bergman, and Paul Stowe and you would realize that. Stowe is the closest. Electrons and Protons do have charge but why do they have "charge" and what is charge?
And the aether is NOT fundamental but getting closer.
And yes, I do know that QED and Einstein stuff should have been circular field long ago. Lets not go there. That has been beaten to death by many and it doesn't solve the problem. Telling what is wrong does not tell us what is right.
So if we can drop our various views of how this or that works lets get back to the original question regarding - Semiconductor materials.
I do appreciate all the inputs. I learn lots but it was not where I had tried to go.
So if we can drop our various views of how this or that works lets get back to the original question regarding - Semiconductor materials.
A list ?
Anything with silicon in it good enough?
I posted a definition from a document I found that proposes what matter actually is. If it is correct, in my opinion it is relevent, but that's just my opinion.
I respect the content of your thead though. I think we can all asume semiconductors are a factor.
You said
The proton and electron are resonant structures and tuned into the standing scalar waves as well as an infinitude of others. See Global Scaling. These structures of mass are already sustained and supported by the gravitational/scalar standing waves that run the universe. They are tapping the aether directly.
If you want to tap the eather directly then why not use a doped Plate "p". in a capacitive arrangement.
CheersLast edited by Farmhand; 11-21-2010, 06:20 AM.
" All mass is formed by a contraction of the electric poles of the generative cones of energy to the point of north of it's gravicative center and by an expansion of the contours of the radiative cones untill they disapear in the plane of the equator."
The application of these principals reaches way beyond being able to turn on a light for free.
In my opinion the Van DeGraff machine uses a continuous doping technique to attract and repel the charges.
Aluminium or other metals can be "Amalgamated" with silicon and other materials. Could an "Amalgamated" and maybe "laminated" ( NPN, PNP ) metal plate be considered a semiconductor? It could be made very big!
If a semiconductor is in resonance with its host circuit. Would it's "grasp on the Eather" be confined to the area of the active region of it's junction ? And its Eatheric flow or current capabilities relaltive to that ?Heavily doped semiconductors work different to one's that aren't. The flow it just starts ?
I have no idea how you would dope the big plate. Wouldn't have a clue unfortunately. The circuit may not work either.
RegardsLast edited by Farmhand; 11-21-2010, 06:22 AM.