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Exciters = OU from Mass = semiconductors

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  • #46
    If you glance back at Tesla...

    Originally posted by lamare View Post
    It depends on where you want to go. As far as I can tell, the basic principle of Tesla, Moray, Gray, Kapanadze and Stifflers circuits is to get a coil into higher harmonic resonance. The more higher harmonics you are able to get in there, the more energy you can tap from the dipoles in the coils, because the higher the frequencies you use, the more dipoles you get in the coil, of which you only have to drive one yourself.

    In this line of thinking, the essential element of getting these high harmonics is (ultra) fast switching, so you get a very high bandwidth. Stiffler has found a specific transistor which can do that and the other ones use sparkgaps and HV. And both ways give you a very sharp rise (or drop) of the voltage you supply to the coil to keep it in resonance.

    So, the essential key is: steep gradients in the circuit that steers the coil. Then you get these higher harmonics, which are benefitial, as far as I can tell.

    However, you wanted to do to a semiconductor only solution, which is supposed to work without an external power supply. That would be a completely different beast, to say the least. If such a device is possible, it can only work if you tap an existing energy flow, such as the gradients in the E-field that cause gravity, or some other signal, like maybe what you refer to. However, even with signals in the kHz region, it seems you would need at least some kind of antenna and tuning circuit, which would be more than just one transistor or some other kind of layered semiconductor device.

    To make a long story short: If you want to look for a single semiconductor device, you are looking for a completely different working principle. The only thing I can think of is that the gravity gradient may be somehow capable of giving you a voltage difference, that it can charge a capacitor, which could maybe be the capacitance across a PN junction. If that were the case, you wouldn't be able to measure this in a normal way, because you would get the same voltage difference across your probes, because they are experiencing the same field. However, if you could get a voltage difference across (a number of) PN juntion(s) this way, you would have an energy source you may be able to use.
    Tesla talks about producing huge amount of frequency by only adding 60 hz at a time. Every time he adds more it acts like a pond with no resistance. Each drop creates more and more waves all crashing into one another and causing more waves.

    I can't wait for the Ultra caps to come down a bit I got some great plans on making the perfect pond (cap bank) to play with the waves. I used to have a program that acted like the surface of the pond and you could set the resistance and watch the interference patterns after making random drips fall in the pond. It was kinda like this link: Two Point Source Interference


    • #47
      What if what you have there is two halves of the single particle. A half diamond would be two triangles base to base. The bases hold the charge that binds them and the focal point is the tips. This guides the waves or fields as you put it to radiate out from the base and get concentrated twords the tips. This would give the effect of a swirling field above the tips just like in the Great Pyramids.

      I'm telling you they knew the fundamental shape of this particle. Who ever built the Great Pyramids knew way more and these were mere monuments to the smallest particle in existence that was responsible for all movement in the universe. It all fits.

      I truely believe this is the most important fact and it would suggest that geometry in fields is very very important to both add and take away the power you need. Plus it has been proven that geometric coils like the Rodin coil produce more output then traditional coils. Tesla even states this with his conical coils.
      Yes of course you could be correct, how can we be sure, that brings us back to the begining.

      Is this particle itself "Mass". I think we travel the same path but with slightly different theories of the actual intracacies or fine points. That is not really important to me. I would have to agree the pyramids are relevent. It would seem impossible to really know exactly where to start "which came first the chicken or the egg ?" and i'm not trying to be funny, so I think we will always have some mystery in our exsistance. Of this I have no Doubt there will always be mystery.

      I will concede you may very well be correct. My head hurts when I try to think about it too much. I really wish I could just "understand" it without having to try so hard.



      • #48
        Goldfinder is like an ET dropping down to earth. Instead of preparing flowers and welcoming signs, we yelled out "what is the meaning of life?". I know there are many questions and how anxious members are on the subject but amigo has a point. Where are our manners? Maybe we should try again start with a proper greeting?

        I'm glad that you're here


        • #49
          Originally posted by Goldfinder View Post
          So if we can drop our various views of how this or that works lets get back to the original question regarding - Semiconductor materials.
          Let us look the similarity between Moray and Bedini:
          They both make their own transistor from crystal.

          Now, anyone ever build your own transistor? Anyone know how to make one easily?

          Can we use available transistor to make OU transistor?


          • #50
            Originally posted by Goldfinder View Post
            And I agree, low frequency is one good possibility. One of my earliest success in tapping the aether was a signal of 128 Khz which I had derived from my visit w/ Dr. Moray. It was one of the base resonant frequencies in the Van Allen belts. Unfortunately, I can't find my old notes from 1960 where I had a precise derivation of the frequency.

            Found this article on a.o. the Van Allen belt:

            In the past century certain inspired and creative scientists and engineers felt their thoughts and intuition flowing toward an energy source formed of the workings of the Universe itself—but what of now; what do scientists of today see? Are there new clues to guide this free energy path? First, from Stanford University, researchers beamed very low frequency (VLF) radio waves to the magnetosphere, the outer region where belts of charged particles stream toward the Earth’s magnetic poles. The signals followed the curves of the magnetic field back to Earth and were detected half-way around the World—amplified a thousand times in some cases. The radio signals were strengthened by gathering energy from electrons within the Van Allen radiation belts. Each time one of the world’s 50 or so VLF (3-30 KHz,) transmitters emits its signal, streams of excited particles cascade into the Earth’s atmosphere from the outermost regions of the magnetosphere. Even low frequency (LF) radio waves leak into the upper layers, causing this same phenomena. (Low Frequency: 30-300 KHz.)
            The injection of small signals into the energy belts creats something like a supertransistor effect, altering the motion of free electrons thousands of miles out from the Earth’s surface. This Tesla Magnifying Resonance effect can control enormous energies by miniscule triggering signals. The Stanford physicists state, “We can amplify waves in the magnetosphere for a Global Communications at lower frequencies.” (11,12)

            Googling for "Van Allen belt khz resonance" I found something known as "whistler mode radiation", whatever that may be. Some papers on this:

   - "Discovery of very large amplitude whistler-mode waves in Earth’s radiation belts"


            Apparantly, this has something to do with HAARP:
            AGU: Propagation of whistler mode waves with a modulated frequency in the magnetosphere

            This paper presents results from experimental and numerical studies of the propagation of whistler mode waves in the Earth's magnetosphere. An experiment conducted at the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) on 16 March 2008 demonstrates that ionospherically generated waves with particular frequency‐time formats are amplified on their pass from HAARP to the conjugate location in the South Pacific Ocean more efficiently than waves with a constant frequency. Numerical simulations of a one‐dimensional electron magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) model in the dipole magnetic field geometry reveal that the amplification takes place more efficiently when the frequency of the whistler mode waves (in the frequency range from 0.5 to 1.0 kHz) changes in the equatorial magnetosphere with the rate from 0.25 to 0.47 kHz/s. The maximum amplification occurs when this rate is 0.33 kHz/s and no/very little amplification is observed when this gradient is equal to 0 or when it is larger than 0.78 kHz/s.
            Full article here:

            This whistler mode wave is mentioned at wikipedia:
            Electromagnetic electron wave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            There's also an e-book on these things:
            Whistler-mode Waves in a Hot Plasma - Free eBooks Download - "Whistler-mode Waves in a Hot Plasma"


            • #51
              Sensors Semiconductors Capacitors

              First - Thanks to the quantum guy for the nice welcome sign. I don't feel unwelcome here. Just need my armor on against critical energies when working with others. Real Mastery has no criticism energies in it and one must be on guard to keep the negatively qualified energies out if his/her own energy field.

              Jbigness and Farmhand - you guys seem to have your own thread going here on geometry. Actually geometry is a major key. Your questions on phi and pi and golden mean and you could add "fibonacci" can all be answered by an analysis of geometry in 2 and 3 dimensions AND how matter aggregates. An old book on natural form by Darcy Thompson and another by Macvicar (1800s) have some interest discussion in this area.

              Dr. Stiffler and Lamare - re Fogal transistor - I always had a funny feeling about that. Never sure how much was really there. And your (Stiffler) idea of a virtual negative resistor has a lot of merit.

              Resonance - basic principle to tap energy max. Global Scaling has a major key in this area. Their GS freebee calculator is nice to play with. I got it translated to English by a friend. It does take some playing with to understand what Mueller is talking about and working out natural resonances. Mueller is another with a major discovery but he is stuck in his own tight circle.

              Capacitors - A friend found that a blown electrolytic capacitor makes a good sensor to monitor non-hertzian energies but only if you keep a small residual voltage on it after it is blown. I never got around to trying it but the data he collected with it was very interesting.

              Sucahyo - interesting name. Bedini and Moray both made their own transistors. So what did they deduce about semiconductor materials?

              Lamare - some of those Van Allen frequencies have 128 Khz in them.

              Semiconductors - and interesting property of wood is that it is a semiconductor. Trees are natural resonators and they resonate with gravitational forces and actually use the gravitational forces. But so do dielectrics and when configured as capacitors can be used as gravitational (non-hertzian) sensors. And fellow researcher friend back in the 1950s was so excited about semiconductor theory when it came out. He stated that it really explained how to tap free energy.

              Me - I don't pretend to know all the answers. The more I know the more I realize what a marvelous universe we live. Much of what we perceive as complication is because of our limited viewpoint and we get all screwed up with the complication. This semiconductor thing has cropped its head up in many strange places during my own little journey. The tree thing was one I was astounded by. We all get wrapped up in our viewpoints so that we get lost in the forest of our own hallucinations. Louis Figuire (sp?) "Science is a lucid madness occupied on tabulating its one hallucinations.

              Back to topic - What is a semiconductor material and why does it have properties of conductivity and non- conductivity, of metals and of dielectrics? Why does it bridge the gap across the span of our em energy world and our non-em energy world? So lets see - no one has even made a basic statement on what is a semiconductor. We have just danced around the topic without defining a basis. Basics Basics Basics Basics...

              And Lamare - A pure semiconductor tap would be the ideal but I never eliminated it in conjunction with other components. All these marvelous electronic components do have their usefulness.

              Onward and Upward,


              • #52
                Thread Loading

                Because this thread is becoming so loaded with everything under the 'sun', I feel compelled to say two things.

                When I stated to lamare that the negative resistance effect in the MPSA06 was important in the overall SEC view, he responded he dd not know about that. Well the simple display of the condition is the removal of the base resistor after oscillation has started. Indeed we have even prototype exciters that were started by the small pulse in charging a cap to the base only. This is not a trivial observation and is a critical aspect of properly operating SEC Exciters. This for lamares information is best simulated in Micro-Cap where the base resistor can be programmed to go to infinity after a few milliseconds.

                Another important point is the diodes themselves when used in an AV Plug configuration. This is best described by the following video; YouTube - Strange Directionality Observations

                Two things are working together in the SEC Theory or one is invoking the other under the right conditions. The semiconductors and the wide band width or bifurcation of the exciter.

                I must stated again for the record, opening a connection to the access of or coherence of external energy is not as the folklore states, "When open, unlimited energy shall pour forth". Total BS. I like to refer to Maxwell's Daemon in my lectures. That little fellow is either selecting the correct particle to pass via the door or he is holding the door open for only certain particles.

                In SEC you are opening the door and how wide the door is opened determines how much energy is cohered and without a throttle on the Daemon holding the door, he can become tired and the process suffers, this is where if an unlimited voltage is fed back to an exciter it continues to dissipate more and more energy and a point is reached where the dissipation exceeds the recovery or the fellow holding the door burns himself out and the door closes.

                Granted not much said here?

                So far limitations are present for a self-running system, at least one I can build and they are temperature and diurnal effects. Now be aware if the energy lattice I insist I am tapping is present everywhere, why are there diurnal effects? Temperature I fully understand, yet the lattice and the door seem to work best from sun up to sunset.
                Last edited by DrStiffler; 11-09-2010, 06:59 PM.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                  When I stated to lamare that the negative resistance effect in the MPSA06 was important in the overall SEC view, he responded he dd not know about that. Well the simple display of the condition is the removal of the base resistor after oscillation has started. Indeed we have even prototype exciters that were started by the small pulse in charging a cap to the base only. This is not a trivial observation and is a critical aspect of properly operating SEC Exciters. This for lamares information is best simulated in Micro-Cap where the base resistor can be programmed to go to infinity after a few milliseconds.
                  I have taken a look into this negative resistance:
                  Negative resistance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                  All feedback oscillators imply the presence of negative resistance. There are many such topologies, including the Dynatron oscillator, Colpitts oscillator, Hartley oscillator, Wien bridge oscillator, and some types of relaxation oscillators. If the feedback loop is broken and the input impedance examined it will be found to include negative resistance.

                  I also noted that Eric Dollard is also talking about negative resistance in his intro to the Tesla coil. Now that I'm reading this, it looks to me he is describing very similar things as what you see with the SEC. So, IMHO, your SEC circuit really is a solid state Tesla coil done right, albeit a small one compared to the coil sizes Tesla used:


                  The transformer's principals of operation are as follows:

                  The first requirement is the sudden collapse of an energy field thereby producing a sudden impulse of energy, second is the transforming properties of the odd harmonic ordered single wire delay line (coil) which allow for the production of enormous E.M.F. and M.M.F., and third, the dielectric phenomena surrounding the free space capacity terminal.

                  1) The formation of the energy impulse involves the discharge of a capacitor with the highest practical stored energy into an impedance (inductive) of the lowest practical value, and the discharge path is coupled to an energy supply through a negative resistance device. This negative resistance is classically a spark discharge, but a superior plasma device needs to be developed to enhance efficiency. Under optimal conditions the exponent of oscillation amplitude will be positive over a sustained period of time.
                  The net result of this system is the production of an extreme impulse of M.M.F. of great dPHI/dt. An alternate method is the discharge of an inductor of the highest practical stored energy into a circuit of the lowerst practical admittance, thereby producing an enormous impulse of E.M.F. of great dPSI/dt.

                  2) The energy impulse generated by the aforementioned methods is then coupled into a pair of single wire transmission systems. Through induction a strong travelling wave is formed. Due to the impedance transforming properties of the odd (LAMBDA/4,3LAMDA/4, etc) order line, the E.M.F. of the wave is converted into lightning magnitudes, still retaining the extreme d/dt of the initial discharge.

                  The capacitive discharge method of impulse generation is Tesla's favorite, but Steinmetz shows that inductive discharges will also work.
                  Another important point is the diodes themselves when used in an AV Plug configuration. This is best described by the following video; YouTube - Strange Directionality Observations
                  The directional observations I saw in this video also look very similar to what Dollard describes:

                  In his writings Tesla indicates some seemingly impossible phenomena surround the emanations from the spherical terminal capacity, and I have determined these to be true by experiment. One is that the power gradient (poynting vector) is in the same axis as the dielectric flux gradient. The other is the slow formation of a conductive area surrounding the sphere that is not ionic in nature (in other words is not a spark or glow discharge).

                  Contrary to popular relief, the Tesla transformer is not asteady state device but is a magnifier of transient phenomena. Also it does not behave like a L. C. network nor a transmission line, but more like a unique type of wave guide. If all parts of the system are designed properly the EMF and hence dielectric flux jumps from zero to an enormous value almost instantaneously, thereby producing an almost inconceivable displacement current into space. The transformer is then basically a device for rapidly discharging the capacitor bank nearly instantly into free space, producing an enormous dielectric shock wave similar to a sonic boom.

                  Because the dissipation of the transformer is for all practical purposes negligible, the energy keeps increasing at a linear rate per cycle of oscillation, thereby accumulating a gigantic quantity of electrical energy. (A form of laser action may be possible.)


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Goldfinder View Post
                    Sucahyo - interesting name. Bedini and Moray both made their own transistors. So what did they deduce about semiconductor materials?
                    That part of my name means good light. Bedini conclude that transistor can also tap aether that shown as power multiplication. He show zero resistance with his homemade transistor and mention it can go negative.

                    Originally posted by lamare View Post
                    The first requirement is the sudden collapse of an energy field thereby producing a sudden impulse of energy
                    That is my goal for implementation with coil. Not frequency or duty cycle but sudden collapse. I don't think switching transistor with 555 or optocouple can achieve sudden collapse.

                    But I also believe that OU can be achieved without sudden collpase. It is not the only way.


                    • #55
                      On Topic !

                      Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                      That part of my name means good light. Bedini conclude that transistor can also tap aether that shown as power multiplication. He show zero resistance with his homemade transistor and mention it can go negative.

                      Well - a light at the end of the tunnel. So how did Bedini make this resistor?

                      That is my goal for implementation with coil. Not frequency or duty cycle but sudden collapse. I don't think switching transistor with 555 or optocouple can achieve sudden collapse.

                      Yes, you can use really fast spikes or collapse of the wave to cohere the energy in the aether. Been shown in numerous instances. Most of the optoelectronic devices much too slow that i have seen. The real problem is collecting it.

                      But I also believe that OU can be achieved without sudden collpase. It is not the only way.
                      This I also believe, which is what I have been trying to get at. Probably with something like the negative resistor made of special semiconductor material. In this area we are dabbling in a materials science domain.

                      There are natural materials that do this. Some of perscovites like olivine (see Global Scaling) and also conglomerate materials like granite which is a combination of quartz and feldspar. Quartz is a natural resonator w/ the aether. And quartz is SiO2, again the silicon as used in semiconductors which are doped Silicon materials.

                      We all need to get unstuck from our academic training. Good in its place when its useful in the lab but bad because there is so much disinformation in it, especially in the physics domain. Modern physics is like Swiss cheese - full of holes and you don't know where the holes are until you cut into it. Also quit relying on guys like Beaden and a lot of others. They have some serious issues in their theories also. If you can't prove it in the lab don't theorize. Bearden has been flaying around with his energy theories and still doesn't have anything. His MEG was a copy of the Richardson patent dressed up with some fancy verbosity and that wasn't free energy either.

                      Bedini has made lots of stuff work in the lab and many have duplicated.

                      The old tried and true "scientific method" is to get an idea, check it out in the lab, get it duplicated, get some else to duplicate it. And keep this process up until you have a decent framework that can approximate a theory. The current orthodoxy got carried away with mathematical fantasy land and forgot to go to the lab.

                      So any more ideas on how to make these negative resistance semiconductors. Or do they already exist. Dr. Stiffler claims only certain ones work. Others claim that many different transistors are working in circuits Stiffler has promoted. ???

                      If there are certain semiconductors that do work better in these aether/EM transition circuits what do they have the others don't have? Materials ?, manufacturing processes ?, etc.



                      • #56
                        sure,they exists and are very cheap (yet?!)

                        here Varistor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


                        • #57
                          varister not it

                          Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                          sure,they exists and are very cheap (yet?!)

                          here Varistor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                          I am familiar w/ MOV, varistors and these are not what we have been discussing. And the wiki write up doesn't lend fit either.

                          Unless of course you know something about them that can act as a converter of aether energy into usable EM energy.



                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Goldfinder View Post
                            So how did Bedini make this resistor?
                            He test transistor resistance, I think. I found it amazing since all transistor I test have 500kilo ohm or somthing and yet he show transistor resistance with many zero.

                            He make transistor from crystal. He poking out pyrite crystal to find contact point. Different contact point will produce different transistor characteristic and may obtain higher limit than commercial transistor.

                            Bedini mention that commercial transistor is made is strict specification to allow consistent result and thus will not give something out of the specification. Maybe tapping aether is just not in the list or something.

                            Originally posted by Goldfinder View Post
                            Quartz is a natural resonator w/ the aether. And quartz is SiO2, again the silicon as used in semiconductors which are doped Silicon materials.
                            I have some quartz, but I still can't find out how to make a current pass trough it, not even spark got trough. Any clue will be very appreaciated.

                            Originally posted by Goldfinder View Post
                            The old tried and true "scientific method" is to get an idea, check it out in the lab, get it duplicated, get some else to duplicate it. And keep this process up until you have a decent framework that can approximate a theory. The current orthodoxy got carried away with mathematical fantasy land and forgot to go to the lab.
                            Agree. I also see many people reject a good idea even before they try it just because their theory do not accomodate the idea. Even when they were once experimenter.
                            Last edited by sucahyo; 11-11-2010, 03:58 AM.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                              He test transistor resistance, I think. I found it amazing since all transistor I test have 500kilo ohm or somthing and yet he show transistor resistance with many zero.

                              He make transistor from crystal. He poking out pyrite crystal to find contact point. Different contact point will produce different transistor characteristic and may obtain higher limit than commercial transistor.

                              Bedini mention that commercial transistor is made is strict specification to allow consistent result and thus will not give something out of the specification. Maybe tapping aether is just not in the list or something.

                              I have some quartz, but I still can't find out how to make a current pass trough it, not even spark got trough. Any clue will be very appreaciated.
                              poking Pyrites - interesting! The old crystal sets had a piece of germanium that the operator would poke around until the radio would work.

                              Quartz is definitely a non-conductor. However, at the atomic level its crystalline structure sizing is in resonance with certain gravitational frequencies. See BEI Theory w/ Dr. Larry Babcock.

                              No one has told me why an AV plug works which I asked in the beginning. Looks like a bunch of diodes. How do they convert the exciter radiation to EM?

                              And is the exciter energy non-hertzian?

                              If low power diodes work in an AV plug, will diodes with more semiconductor material (e.g. higher power diodes) convert more energy?

                              What is needed in a material that converts the vibrations in the aether that are gravitation (non-hertzian) to electromagnetic (EM) and usable as power. This is what I have been try to get at and I have mentioned this before.



                              • #60
                                Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                                I have some quartz, but I still can't find out how to make a current pass trough it, not even spark got trough. Any clue will be very appreaciated.
                                If you consider manufactured quartz crystals encapsulated in metal or glass cases and with two pins to connect them into a circuit, then you can pass current through them by feeding a current with the frequency the quartz was manufactured for. To be more precise, current can only flow if it has the fundamental or the so-called overtone frequency components in it. See an equivalent circuit for a crystal in Figure 4 here:
                                Ecliptek Corporation - Crystal Glossary of Terms
                                You can see, it has a series L1C1 "embedded" circuit with a loss resistor and a parallel Co capacitor of a few pF value like 3 to 5pF, all this is between its 2 pins. Because the motional inductance, L1 is extremely high (and C1 is extemely low, it is in the some femtoFarad range) the quality factor ranges from some 10 thousand to some million value, this is the high Q, lumped element LC components cannot have. This gives high frequency stability if you use it in an oscillator.

                                No wonder current cannot flow through it: it is a 3 - 5pF capacitor between its pins for any frequency, except for its fundamental and its odd harmonics.


