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Exciters = OU from Mass = semiconductors

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Goldfinder View Post
    No one has told me why an AV plug works which I asked in the beginning. Looks like a bunch of diodes. How do they convert the exciter radiation to EM?

    And is the exciter energy non-hertzian?

    If low power diodes work in an AV plug, will diodes with more semiconductor material (e.g. higher power diodes) convert more energy?
    Hi Goldfinger,

    My understanding on the AV plug is that it is single wire transmission line (and the ground is the 'second' wire I think). The exciter energy probably can be Hertzian, in most of the cases it is the "hot" point of an LC parallel tank circuit or an uptransformed AC voltage.
    See some starting info here: Frolov on resonant tuning and the Avramenko plug

    I do not think the diodes' mass, i.e. more semiconductor material in it brings more output energy, a normal high frequency diode chosen for the high voltage and the possible load current is what is needed requirement from the diodes, this is what I think.

    Stanislav Avramenko's patent on it in English is here:
    Method and apparatus for single line electrical transmission

    See an earlier thread on the AV plug here:

    rgds, Gyula


    • #62
      Originally posted by gyula View Post
      Hi Goldfinger,

      My understanding on the AV plug is that it is single wire transmission line (and the ground is the 'second' wire I think). The exciter energy probably can be Hertzian
      I do not think the diodes' mass, i.e. more semiconductor material in it brings more output energy, a normal high frequency diode chosen for the high voltage and the possible load current is what is needed requirement from the diodes, this is what I think.

      rgds, Gyula

      I think we're getting to the real juice here.

      I have wonder about the AV plug for quite a while now. If AV plug is a single wire transmission line and ground as the second wire, then shouldn't we only need just 1 diode to load to ground? After all, we still can rectify half of the current. I tried and it doesn't work, but I think the cause is the diode recovery speed. This couple to the question does increasing semiconductor material output more energy. I agree that it won't, but I believe that with faster recovery speed (ultra high speed diode) can. How fast is fast? I think the fastest semiconductor technology we have right now is a solar pannel. lol frequency of light is about 10^15 hertz. I also agree that high voltage is also needed with any frequency.

      I don't know why we emphasize too much about radiation and EM wave. I really don't think they're different. It is like seeing pressure waves and sounds waves are two different thing which EM waves literally are (in my confident).


      • #63

        I think the fastest semiconductor technology we have right now is a solar pannel.
        I think quantumuppercut makes some very good points, i'm not sure about the specifics, i'm sure no expert in any field, but I think the solar panel is much underated and possibly "nobbled", I think they could be made better.

        And used better, possibly in a voltage only way as Jbignes5 I think it was suggested to me one day, not sure how. Is a solar panel a semiconductor? I guess it is.

        Umm the Two Point Source Interference that Jbignes5 linked looks very interesting aswell. That could be very usefull Technology in my opinion somehow. Isn't that what a semiconductor does ?



        • #64
          Originally posted by Goldfinder View Post
          poking Pyrites - interesting! The old crystal sets had a piece of germanium that the operator would poke around until the radio would work.
          Interesting .

          Originally posted by Goldfinder View Post
          No one has told me why an AV plug works which I asked in the beginning. Looks like a bunch of diodes. How do they convert the exciter radiation to EM?
          AV plug is hertzian and the source power do reduce if we utilize it via AV plug. The drawback is it is more efficient to use two wire.

          Better diode produce more efficient / higher output.

          Originally posted by Goldfinder View Post
          Quartz is definitely a non-conductor. However, at the atomic level its crystalline structure sizing is in resonance with certain gravitational frequencies. See BEI Theory w/ Dr. Larry Babcock.
          Originally posted by gyula View Post
          If you consider manufactured quartz crystals encapsulated in metal or glass cases and with two pins to connect them into a circuit, then you can pass current through them by feeding a current with the frequency the quartz was manufactured for.
          Thanks for both of you, thanks for the head up .

          I read that Robert Adams during childhood use two crystal to make transistor and produce strong gain and clarity. I guess he don't use quartz. Maybe it is better to use it quartz not as transistor in OU circuit.

          Is germanium rock rare?


          • #65
            Originally posted by quantumuppercut View Post
            I have wonder about the AV plug for quite a while now. If AV plug is a single wire transmission line and ground as the second wire, then shouldn't we only need just 1 diode to load to ground? After all, we still can rectify half of the current. I tried and it doesn't work, ...

            I think you can use just 1 diode too but remember to insure a DC closed circuit path for the diode, otherwise it cannot work. This means even a (de)coupling capacitor cannot be inserted in SERIES with the diode, to block DC diode current, probably this was your problem. I do not mean the usual series coupling capacitor at the input tip found in the normal probes that couples RF energy to the diode
            To understand this better, here is a classical single diode RF probe that normally needs a ground clip too for meaningful amplitude measurements above the diode forward voltage threshold: N5ESE's Classic RF Probe
            On the input side there is the coupling capacitor which blocks any input DC and on the output side you can see the continuous DC diode current path via the 4.7MOhm and the DC voltage meter's inner resistance, 10-11MegaOhm, eventually a DC component can flow through the single diode because it has a closed DC path.
            IF you wish to use this as an AV plug I think you can, without the ground clip and the 'ground' wire is substituted by your body capacitance when you hold the measuring probe's outside metal can in your hand. Of course, now it serves as an RF voltage level indicator, STILL a half wave rectifier from energy transfer point of view. So it is better to use two diodes as is shown for the original AV plug.

            but I think the cause is the diode recovery speed. This couple to the question does increasing semiconductor material output more energy. I agree that it won't, but I believe that with faster recovery speed (ultra high speed diode) can. How fast is fast? I think the fastest semiconductor technology we have right now is a solar pannel. lol frequency of light is about 10^15 hertz. I also agree that high voltage is also needed with any frequency.
            I think the diode speed matters from rectifier efficiency point of view only: diodes should be chosen according to the frequency of the AC voltage, just like in any normal RF rectifier/demodulator circuit. Fast or ultra fast recovery power diodes are good choice.

            rgds, Gyula


            • #66
              Originally posted by Farmhand View Post

              I think quantumuppercut makes some very good points, i'm not sure about the specifics, i'm sure no expert in any field, but I think the solar panel is much underated and possibly "nobbled", I think they could be made better.

              Thanks for the support. After one night of thinking about the photoelectric effect use in solar panel, I can see that it can't work the way i envisioned. I think the part of the panel absorb high frequency and emit electrons as a step down frequency process (much like black body radiation). The solar panel may be a evolved form of pyroelectric model.

              Thanks guyla,

              I have to check out your material later during the day to comprehend what you saying but I think you said "yes". lol I meant it works, but inefficient.

              Can you elaborate on the efficiency view point of a diode? I always think power output is proportional to diode efficiency.


              • #67
                Onward to next ???

                OK - Thanks to youall the AV plug question is answered. It is basically an RF converter to DC. And we all know that photo cells are light converters (high frequency EM) to DC. This is all hertzian or should we say Teslian as hertz was just a john-come-lately copier of Tesla.

                So now we still need to solve the conversion of non-hertzian (gravitational = G) to EM. Obviously, Stiffler's exciter circuits don't do this. They are not G to EM even though they may have some over unity effects.

                If you look at optical physics or a popularized version i.e. Bearden's scalar waves (non-hertzian) there is the addition of two EM waves 180 degrees out of phase to get a non-hertzian G wave, a pure stress wave in the aether and the converse is also true, that is two 180 degree G waves added together to get an EM wave.

                And if you study Helmut Mueller's Global Scaling theory he is saying the Global Scaling natural frequency waves that the universe has going continuously are G waves. Now it is quite possible to use G waves for communication systems and if you use the natural G wave frequencies you end up with a very nice covert communication system that is FTL and usable as a "sub-space" communication system universe wide.

                It is also possible to tap the G waves, which have HUGE amounts of energy in them and convert them to EM! So that is the question - how to convert G to EM????



                • #68
                  Originally posted by Goldfinder View Post
                  It is also possible to tap the G waves, which have HUGE amounts of energy in them and convert them to EM! So that is the question - how to convert G to EM????
                  That is basically a matter of resonating a coil the proper way. I started a paragraph on that in my article over at Pes: Article:Free Electric Energy in Theory and Practice - PESWiki

                  When you resonate a coil at its 1/4 lambda resonance frequency, you have high voltage, zero current at one terminal, and low voltage, high current at the other. The first terminal is a voltage hotsplot and a current node of the standing wave, the other terminal is a current hotspot and a voltage node.

                  In order to convert longitudinal electric, non Hertzian G waves into useable power, you have to drive the coil at one or more voltage hotspots from that wave. Then you can tap the power at one or more current hot spots.

                  That's the basic principle used by a.o. Meyer, Puharich and Kapanadze, in various variations.


                  • #69

                    What would be lambda? How do you know what is the lambda resonance frequency of a coil?

                    Everybody talks about this 1/4 and never answer.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by quantumuppercut View Post
                      Thanks guyla,

                      I have to check out your material later during the day to comprehend what you saying but I think you said "yes". lol I meant it works, but inefficient.

                      Can you elaborate on the efficiency view point of a diode? I always think power output is proportional to diode efficiency.

                      Yes I said yes...

                      For diodes there is the so-called trr, reverse recovery time issue, here is some detail on it:

                      If you do not use a suitable fast recovery diode, read what happens with it in practice:
                      Specification of ultra fast recovery diode and rectifier

                      So this is how diode rectifers self-efficiency (i.e. the efficiency of the process of rectification) depend on their own trr and this can affect output power in a circuit.

                      Several diode manufacturers list their fast or ultrafast recovery diodes in the product line in separate groups, what is more, some group them just by the trr, here is one at random, there are many others if you google for it:
                      Vishay - manufacturer of discrete semiconductors and passive components

                      rgds, Gyula


                      • #71
                        I would like to explain to you all what zero point energy really is.

                        It is nothing more than the very small but still existent vibration witch atoms will still have even under 0k absolute temperature.

                        Is too small indeed.

                        Just to let you know what it really is.

                        Many talk about this, in my opinion is a misconception to say you will extract energy from this.

                        Zero field also for me is a wrong lable.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by sebosfato View Post

                          What would be lambda? How do you know what is the lambda resonance frequency of a coil?

                          Everybody talks about this 1/4 and never answer.

                          If I may chime in: the Greek letter, lambda means wavelength.

                          Here is a quote from Tesla:
                          "The length of the wire coil in each transformer should be approximately one-quarter of the wave length of the electric disturbance in the circuit, this estimate being based on the velocity of propagation of the disturbance through the coil itself." [US Patent 645,576]

                          Here is a paper by the Corum brothers I quoted the above from:

                          Class Notes: Tesla Coils and the Failure of Lumped-Element Circuit Theory
                          and here is the same in pdf file:
                          Tesla Coils & Lumped Element

                          And they discuss this in a much more rigorous paper:

                          See Figure 3 in Page 7 in the above paper.

                          Hope this gives some help.
                          Last edited by gyula; 11-13-2010, 12:01 AM.


                          • #73
                            Thanks gyula, i will read them all.



                            • #74
                              Thanks gyula,

                              I've been thinking about the graph of voltage/current from foward to reverse bias all day and it makes my day when I see your graph.

                              Originally posted by sebosfato View Post
                              I would like to explain to you all what zero point energy really is.

                              It is nothing more than the very small but still existent vibration witch atoms will still have even under 0k absolute temperature.

                              Is too small indeed.

                              Just to let you know what it really is.

                              Many talk about this, in my opinion is a misconception to say you will extract energy from this.

                              Zero field also for me is a wrong lable.
                              Did you read my mind? lol

                              How to convert G to EM.... I have to use sebofatos lines and say it's a misconception to do this (for me anyway). lol but I would say mimic the process of nature just as lamare put it.


                              What you describing is driving the coil into sub-harmonic frequency? I think I understand you.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by gyula View Post
                                If I may chime in: the Greek letter, lambda means wavelength.

                                Here is a quote from Tesla:
                                "The length of the wire coil in each transformer should be approximately one-quarter of the wave length of the electric disturbance in the circuit, this estimate being based on the velocity of propagation of the disturbance through the coil itself." [US Patent 645,576]
                                Here's a tip, Wolfram Alpha will calculate the wavelength of a given frequency for you. For example:

                                42khz - Wolfram|Alpha

                                42kHz, lambda = 23418 feet.

                                110 mhz - Wolfram|Alpha

                                110 mhz, lambda = 8.9 feet.

                                So, for a given frequency, the coil should be one quarter the wavelength. For 110 mHz, the coil should be 2.225 feet long.

