thank you lamare, I'm going to study this further.
sorry to be off-topic
Just wanted to understand more about the subject.
I still think that in real medium electromagnetic waves travel slower than speed of light, and also under influence of magnetic permeable materials but i need this to be confirmed, by calculations and experimental results.
Getting back to the topic,
semiconductors are great because they can allow the flow of an electric field in one direction while blocking in the other, and also its abilities to open or close a switch at million times for second also makes possible to switch a small gain per cycle with a smaller energy than the gain is, this is OU.
Electric field forces don't get consumed in an electronic circuit as long as amps is blocked or restricted. think about this.
What amperage a diode in reverse configuration conduct? uamps
If you apply a field that move more electrons than this uamps you are in the ou range.
I repeat tesla capacitors in the drawings were some times representations of semiconductors.
A capacitor made of aluminum and water is a semiconductor. Water alone is a semiconductor too. Aluminum oxide allow current to go only in one direction.
sorry to be off-topic
Just wanted to understand more about the subject.
I still think that in real medium electromagnetic waves travel slower than speed of light, and also under influence of magnetic permeable materials but i need this to be confirmed, by calculations and experimental results.
Getting back to the topic,
semiconductors are great because they can allow the flow of an electric field in one direction while blocking in the other, and also its abilities to open or close a switch at million times for second also makes possible to switch a small gain per cycle with a smaller energy than the gain is, this is OU.
Electric field forces don't get consumed in an electronic circuit as long as amps is blocked or restricted. think about this.
What amperage a diode in reverse configuration conduct? uamps
If you apply a field that move more electrons than this uamps you are in the ou range.
I repeat tesla capacitors in the drawings were some times representations of semiconductors.
A capacitor made of aluminum and water is a semiconductor. Water alone is a semiconductor too. Aluminum oxide allow current to go only in one direction.