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The energy of fear! Learn how to let it go.

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  • The energy of fear! Learn how to let it go.

    I do believe that i had become addicted to fear.
    I have decided that i will no longer indulge in spreading fearful information here or any where in my personal life. I apologize for focusing on negative theories. It is much better to focus on happy and positive things. To all my friends, I am deeply sorry. Love and light! Its the only way.

    Here is a great video to help provide a start for others who might be struggling with fear in their daily lives.

    Love you all
    Thedude - Where technology goes Live! - Your Portal Here on Earth

  • #2
    Glad you see it that way,

    Actually spreading fear and conspiracy is one way of helping, but like they say "do everything in moderation".


    • #3

      False Evidence Appearing Real
      There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


      • #4
        Originally posted by quantumuppercut View Post
        Glad you see it that way,

        Actually spreading fear and conspiracy is one way of helping, but like they say "do everything in moderation".
        Friends would claim that i was going to stress myself into a heart attack while trying so hard to uncover all the hidden agendas in play in the world today. To which i would generally say, "So you believe that knowing is a form of suffering? I see it quite the opposite way." Then carry on about my business of spreading news of all the evil in the world.

        But your right quantumuppercut, moderation is key in all things. I now see that it is paramount to couple understanding of the world with a measure of restraint. Some things are so unimaginably bad. They can suck you in to their evil and darkness like a vortex if you allow it to affect your spirit. Be separate from these things. Do not become intimate with them. Maintain a healthy distance from these issues. Do not dwell on them as i had been doing. Haphazardly distributing this kind of information through out the internet to others CAN be causing those in a fragile state to perpetuate their fear and lower their vibrational energy, causing sickness and poor health, while initiating a domino effect that can literally spread like a virus. I thought that i was aware of my energetic state and in tune with my spiritual energy. That i could be immune to it as i immersed my self further and further into it. I was wrong.
        Practice moderation in the search for truth. Use love in your daily lives to dissipate the negative effects it may have. - Where technology goes Live! - Your Portal Here on Earth


        • #5
          Well Dude,
          you may did it the wrong way around.
          Dont do it for others, but do it for yourself,
          and for every Stone you can solve from the Puzzle,
          feel as if you have freed a part of yourself.
          Mostly you can serve the Dinner/Truth,
          but everyone wanna decide for hisself,
          if he wanna eat it or eat somewhere else.
          And sometimes some dont even want to listen at the moment,
          because they are overloaded with other Things.
          But its way more Fun this way.
          Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


          • #6
            Hi Dude, that was a very good video, i really enjoyed it. It is quite easy for the controllers to manipulate us with complex disinfo and missinfo. Which would appear at first to be one thing but it is really another. Then with confusion and uncertainty comes the fear. I think there is one thing we can count on as true, and that is we will prevail if we try hard enough for peace freedom and equality.

            Which is why we should keep an open mind and enough time (while suppressing our ego) to actually listen to others idea's and consider them rationally.

            There is OU in that video. I think a lot more will come out of it than what went in.

            Thanks and Stay true Friend


            • #7
              There is OU in that video.
              Err? Delete all your Bookmarks about Conspiracy Sites?
              Thanks to BBC ? Hum, oh well. No thanks here
              Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


              • #8
                Err? Delete all your Bookmarks about Conspiracy Sites?
                Thanks to BBC ? Hum, oh well. No thanks here
                I think message TheDude was trying to convey was that it is good to know of the problems so as to recognise them but to deal with them in a positive way.

                You can find a conspiricy site without a bookmark.



                • #9
                  Hi folks, Hi thedude, nice video. I can relate to that, i went a little too in depth researching the false reality myself, though it served a purpose for me in learning what i do not want in life. Though every individuated expression has a unique path. I haven't watched tv for a few years now and i haven't felt better and I have shed a lot of my worry about these agendas, since worrying or fear, in the end, does not serve us. I can tell you folks though, I have experienced what happens when one fears and worries too much and separates themselves from who they are, pure love. Things seem to be manifesting at warp speed these days, stay vigilant in where you focus your thought energy, i would recommend to focus on unconditional love, similar to what the video suggests. I say this with first hand experience from the past to the present now.
                  peace love light


                  • #10
                    Thank you everyone !

                    Such kind and considerate words from everyone! Makes me very proud to be a member of this forum.

                    In fact, this energy of love does display an over-unity effect. We may not see the results first hand but, i've felt the loving smile of a stranger and carried it forward to others while recognizing the empowering effect it had on me. Then knowing that it might propagate through to others whom i have affected. I know its not a very scientific analogy, but i believe that we can spread love and have it grow beyond our physical reach when we allow it to flourish. I wish i had a device that worked with the same principles. :P

                    As far as deleting conspiracy bookmarks. A conspiracy will not be solved by dwelling and revisiting it repeatedly. In my case, I was monitoring every disaster taking place in the world in real time. I would check the page every hour or other hour. This is unnecessary and it provides absolutely no beneficial effect whatsoever. I am not someone who would allow himself to be blindsided by a nefarious agenda. However I was becoming a literal spectator of the insanity, contributing nothing to solving any of the issues i was watching take place. Then with out regard for my friends and neighbours, I would spread the bad news and helplessness around. On some i could actually watch the concern and worry i was causing. Not everyone is able to manage this kind of information. Be very careful how we give it out. Before long the fear we spread can actually be working in the favour of those who designed agenda to begin with. It is that idea that, once realized, that upset me the most.

                    So don't delete your bookmarks if they suit you to have them of course! But i caution everyone to watch your habits of visiting these kinds or sites.

                    (PS--The video wasn't made by the BBC, but some footage was borrowed from them in the making of it. -- I don't trust the networks one bit either)
           - Where technology goes Live!
           - Your Portal Here on Earth


                    • #11
                      "Fear" is a very difficult emotion to fully
                      understand. It is necessary for our sense
                      of well being and "survival" in a very difficult

                      However, it can be dangerous to our survival
                      too - particularly when it begins to manifest
                      as resentment and hatred towards others.

                      Fear is capable to taking many forms as it
                      is "internalized" and shapes our reaction to
                      it. It can grow far out of proportion to the
                      "stimulus" which initiated the fear to begin

                      Love is indeed the answer. A love which
                      holds no grudges and is very quick to "forgive"
                      all and not remember unpleasantness.

                      Unfortunately, we are bombarded with bad
                      examples in media, television and movies.
                      We are "programmed" to be afraid and to
                      hate and to react with violence.

                      We are taught that being "bad" is fun and
                      brings a great sense of pleasure.

                      Our life on this planet is not an easy one.


                      • #12
                        Hi all,

                        I have also been on a quest for truth and found many things that made me fear the future, like the Illluminati, NWO, etc. At some point I couldn't even do my work anymore and needed a half year to recover.

                        After that, I found spiritual stuff on the net, like about the Galactic Federation, UFO's, etc. Now I know I have nothing to fear and that all the dark forces will be overcome by the light and love of all. I now believe we have an immortal soul, so I really don't fear anyone nor anything anymore.

                        I like to listen to the channelings posted by Komurosan at youtube:
                        YouTube - Komurosan's Channel


                        • #13
                          ITs lunatic society of things to fear out there. You wanna watch, hoping to some how overt the end result.
                          But usually the things you watch are the snake charmer waving the left hand to keep your attention, all the while he is poised to strike with the right hand.

                          And now these thing have become media to sell.

                          Nope, don't subscribe, and watch, while your not in fear, and soon you'll see it all clearly.
                          Its all just a form of drug addiction for a steady consuming market. A little taste of the grave.



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by lamare View Post
                            Hi all,

                            I have also been on a quest for truth and found many things that made me fear the future, like the Illluminati, NWO, etc. At some point I couldn't even do my work anymore and needed a half year to recover.

                            After that, I found spiritual stuff on the net, like about the Galactic Federation, UFO's, etc. Now I know I have nothing to fear and that all the dark forces will be overcome by the light and love of all. I now believe we have an immortal soul, so I really don't fear anyone nor anything anymore.

                            I like to listen to the channelings posted by Komurosan at youtube:
                            YouTube - Komurosan's Channel
                            My experience is quite similar Lamare. I'm not one to be too easily affected and i had nearly shut down my active life obsessing on the darkness. Was consuming it.

                            I have to admit here to these forums that i do believe there really IS a Galactic Federation of Light. I had a sighting of their light ships more than 30 years ago with 4 other members of my family. I was very young we were in the country and it was extraordinary to say the least. Most of my life i didn't think very much about it. In recent years i have become very involved in researching ufology, trying to sort out the truth as best as i could. Not a whole lot of my research made very much sense until i allowed myself to really look closely at the message of the Light-bringers.

                            I know many here might be sceptical, but if you allow yourself a chance to take the message in, you will see that there can be no harm in what it is saying to us. Only good, and that is a rare thing today.

                            Here is a link to a channel from a actual Pleiadian light-bringer named Alaje. He has made 13 sequential videos subbed in 18 languages so every race on this planet may receive his message.

                            Please keep an open mind.
                            Love and Light!
                            Last edited by thedude; 11-09-2010, 08:12 PM.
                   - Where technology goes Live!
                   - Your Portal Here on Earth

