Originally posted by ibpointless2
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As you mentioned before, there are plenty of opportunities for experimentation. Some ideas come to mind:
1) Run time constant tests of supercap via captret using higher voltage battery configuration - (i.e. next time, hook up a 24V battery to your 10F supercap setup (dropping the connection from the supercap "o" to the battery "+" terminal))
2) Pulse a bifilar coil using an Esaki triggered captret, using the BEMF recharge the battery.
3) Increase the affect by running the several captrets (and loads) in parallel. This would be interesting as it appears the working battery recharges during operation
I think you may be on to something as this affect appears to exploit a "charge-by-induction/polarisation" component of the capacitor. Efficiently creating work by this affect seems to have been overlooked, but may be the missing link (esp. in the HV research). The fact that the terminal configuration of these capacitors are radial in construction is probably helping (look up Aspen notes on Asymmetrical Capacitors), and therefore shouldn't be dismissed.
