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Captret - Perpetual Light with Dead Batteries

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  • Skepticals!

    I say for all of the skeptical people out there saying that this topic is all bollocks, this captret thing is bollocks! Forget all of this stuff, DC current has the same effect as AC with this AV plug. This is based on oscillators, drastic calls need drastic evidence to stop these non-believers. A cap is a cap and cannot oscillate. I think that most people on this forum do not even know how to make a darlington transistor or even know what one is. How about the collection of triads? Learn the basics and then you can go onto this stuff. Now people like Dr. Stiffler knows quite a bit about electronics, according to his work. Petty replications and claims mean nothing, in school thats a level 2. Creations and other circuits, circuit modding and bending is all more great. Once you have actually done something, make a hypothoses or an accurate explination. Thats all I ave got to say.


    • Hi JB, Dragon ad Dude,

      I think this tapping reminds me of the youtube where, the guy is charges a
      cap to a higher voltage through the use of a coil in series. He then proceeds
      to show this has more energy than the battery, because he can discharge
      across a spark gap with this, but not with the battery alone.



      • not really...

        Originally posted by penno64 View Post
        Hi JB, Dragon ad Dude,

        I think this tapping reminds me of the youtube where, the guy is charges a
        cap to a higher voltage through the use of a coil in series. He then proceeds
        to show this has more energy than the battery, because he can discharge
        across a spark gap with this, but not with the battery alone.

        cells feed out constant current and the capacity is measured in mAh. Capacitors are made to store this current according to the capacity. The battery always has more power than donated, one rule. Current is always equal anywhere in DC circuits, so you are a fool saying that a cap charged by a cell has more energy than the doner, you need to do your homework....


        • What has Eric Dollard said about Electricity?

          Ok everyone, my actions may have been a little bit over done but it is the disruption that creates energy. I was hoping to aggravate those PTB and be quoted from the higher authorities but guess they are too busy with their indoctrination of the devotees.

          Forget the Inductance story, I was playing games just like how they do. You all bought it,

          So, What is Electricity.?.

          To keep it simple, we shall say that is the flow of electrons not through but over the surface of the conductor. This is half of the potential energy. The other half flows over the dielectric.

          It is that simple. You are all only tapping 50% of your produced energy. Tap the die electric and there comes the rest of your energy.

          For you Tesla Coil builders, a True Tesla Coil is flat pancake, tapped exactly at 90 degrees on both conductor and dielectric, and your coil needs to be immersed in fluid to avoid loss.

          That is exactly what is happening with the captret. Efficiency is achieved with induction, not conduction.

          The fluid has lesser value in impedance and resistance.

          This circuit works, do replicate it. You need 200v 1000 uf at least to see fast charging. Rig up the 4 caps I mentioned and you'll be blown away.


          • Congrats on a very interesting Thread & subject.

            Most folks here do like the thread and discussion i believe... and that's about as good as you can ask for at a public place like this, lol

            It would seem clear to me that one obvious possibility for this Effect is that the exposed conductive shell of the electrolytic cap is acting as an "antenna"... and this is somehow causing an inductive effect within the cap. One sure way to test if the 50/60 Hz Mains radiated EMI is what's acting on it; is to simply pull the breakers on the house's mains... And see if the effect persists. Unless you happen to be living under High Voltage transmissions lines, that should tell you one way or the other.

            Even should this "antenna" thingie prove to be the case, it is still highly interesting and could have some great possibilities in the future.

            And Moray's work, that was NEVER debunked (and the US government even tacitly agreed it was valid by sending him an assistant).... showed beyond doubt that there are useful energy sources in the Cosmos that can be tapped with an "antenna" besides AC mains.


            • The double cap captret is now up to 17.23 volts, LED is as bright as yesterday's.

              Find it weird that it does what it does.

              Electricity i will try to replicate it, but i don't have any caps like that. I have super caps at 10 farad at 2.3 volts. Maybe i could rob pieces off of a power supply or something.

              People can believe what they want to believe, i'm seeing what i'm seeing and it is as simple as the batteries are charging them selves. I'm not making this stuff up, i have no gain to get from this. If i was making this stuff up then i would have never given the circuits out to everyone. You can build what i'm seeing and when you do then you'll understand. if not then believe what you want to and leave me alone.

              as for everyone else, thank you for your time.
              All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


              • FREE ENERGY Self Charging Captret

                This is a Fast Self Charger, Tried, Proven!. Free Energy.

                Materials Needed.

                4 electrolytic capacitors 250v 2200 uf
                1 dead 9 volt battery. Deplete to 5v or less as ibpointless2 had said.

                Strip off film covers on capacitors, bundle together and secure tightly. Wire in series.

                Attach Positive of battery to positive terminal of capacitor bank.

                Attach Negative of battery to right in the center of the four caps, ensure good connection.

                Connect negative terminal of capacitors to anywhere on the casing, bare aluminum exterior, clamp tight.

                Thats it.

                This circuit shows single captret.
                Attached Files
                Last edited by electricity; 11-13-2010, 09:54 PM.


                • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                  The double cap captret is now up to 17.23 volts, LED is as bright as yesterday's.

                  Find it weird that it does what it does.

                  Electricity i will try to replicate it, but i don't have any caps like that. I have super caps at 10 farad at 2.3 volts. Maybe i could rob pieces off of a power supply or something.

                  People can believe what they want to believe, i'm seeing what i'm seeing and it is as simple as the batteries are charging them selves. I'm not making this stuff up, i have no gain to get from this. If i was making this stuff up then i would have never given the circuits out to everyone. You can build what i'm seeing and when you do then you'll understand. if not then believe what you want to and leave me alone.

                  as for everyone else, thank you for your time.
                  I get most of my stuff from Taobao, China mega auction house. Price is 10% of US, shipping is $25 US per 2 kilo gram.

                  Look for those old large flat projection TV, they use these. Call the Electronic Recycling center a call, Rent A Center were throwing them away last year. I stripped of the board of 6 TVs, but I also bought some from bigger caps from China dirt cheap. You must try Copper Foil Captret. Buy foil from Cheap, Huge Toroid etc.


                  • Originally posted by electricity View Post
                    This is a Fast Self Charger, Tried, Proven!. Free Energy.

                    Materials Needed.

                    4 electrolytic capacitors 250v 2200 uf
                    1 dead 9 volt battery. Deplete to 5v or less as ibpointless2 had said.

                    Strip off film covers on capacitors, bundle together and secure tightly. Wire in series.

                    Attach Positive of battery to positive terminal of capacitor bank.

                    Attach Negative of battery to right in the center of the four caps, ensure good connection.

                    Connect negative terminal of capacitors to anywhere on the casing, bare aluminum exterior, clamp tight.

                    Thats it.

                    This circuit shows single captret.

                    good job so far.

                    Where do you get those 250v 2200 uf caps at? the cheapest ones i can find at are $17 just for one.
                    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                    • Lets think this out.

                      Capacitors do not pass current if they did it would be considered leakage. What they do store is pure voltage. The potential from one side when compared to the other is what determines it's charge. This is a surface charge on the plates and when it gathers in density the "charge" goes up on the plates. This is the effect we are seeing here. pure potential and the ability to shift the potential from plate to plate through this effect. One plate loosing some potential affects the other. The hull of the cap allows us to keep the potential at one constant. When compared to either plate this constant will never change so the hull = a certain amount of potential based on voltage(variable) of the circuit and mass, surface area of the hull being a constant when compared to the two plates inside of the hull.

                      This is induction and induction only. With the condition of these batteries they would discharge very very easily if there was a real current being used.

                      I have measured voltage only between the plate + which is at battery positive and held by the virtual diode effect between hull and positive plate. I have measured the plate - which is induced from the positive and held in another virtual diode from the neg plate to the hull. Since the caps that we are using are polarized this is partly where we get the virtual diodes from.

                      If we now hook a led between the two plates we have a potential difference like we have seen in the Tesla switch. As with the Tesla switch we know we can use a device with two like polarities but having a difference in potential.

                      When we hook the led up it causes a real flow between the diode halves. This is where we are getting the light from for free. If indeed the battery was putting out a current flow it would never recover as this flow is moving, for which the battery would go down in voltage. So have we used anything from the battery I would say not. The only thing we did use was the potential difference between the real plates of the cap. This is evident by the led putting out more light when you add more caps in parallel strengthening the potential difference of the plates.

                      I have not figured out how to get this thing to back wash into the battery yet. I doubt I will be able to do that at all but we could always add a cheap-o solar cell so that the battery can maintain it's potential better during the day. I also have not figured out how to add the voltage from the difference back to the battery which would be in fact a charging effect when added to the batteries potential (a+b=c). a being the starting voltage from the battery positive, b being the 3-6v of the induced voltage onto plate -, with c being the total of a+b... Somehow I don't think we will be able to do that.

                      I have tried to replicate the second circuit that IBpointless has presented but I can not get it to work. The original circuit works fine and to boot it does not affect the voltage of the battery in a long term effect. Long term being 2-3 days, which should have drained the batteries that are in such poor charge state.

                      Deny it all you want but the original circuit works as stated and you get free light out of it.

                      I like how all the nay sayers have not even tried to replicate this effect yet they say this is what is happening..


                      • Classical Myth

                        @ Jbignes5,
                        That's what you're taught.

                        But capacitor also taps dielectric. It's pretty much a single wire coil.

                        Wound one up and tap both conductor and dielectric. Immerse in fluid.

                        Let me know of your finding. I learn only from old Journals prior to 1900, so my terms will be considered mambo jumbo, however I understand perfectly well what is happening. I did get a start on Basic Electronic learning the Basics, but as Eric had said, keep your thoughts pure and avoid the Mind Virus.

                        I have learned a lot from him, his writings is every where, some of the better ones are hard to find, I wonder why they are buried so deep.

                        I have nothing against your installed authorities but what they say do not make sense to me. I find their Energy from the Vacuum series giberrish.

                        Heck, Tesla only learned from those same materials, yet no one has yet exceeded or even come close to his abilities. That is why I care not for the speculations.
                        Last edited by electricity; 11-13-2010, 10:31 PM.


                        • Large Caps

                          Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                          good job so far.

                          Where do you get those 250v 2200 uf caps at? the cheapest ones i can find at are $17 just for one.
                          Find a free old flat screen projection tv, 60" ones has 3000 microfarad caps.

                          Why not order a case from Alibaba China and resell cheap to others?.

                          You probably could land them for under $5.

                          Or better make them, that's what I do most time. Tinkering is making real electrical components, not buying close looped electronic junks. It's fun too. Glass blowing is fun, make all kinds of Tesla tubes and lights.

                          Everyone is over specialized and needs to learn the nature of tinkering. That's what Moray, Bedini and everone else did right?. Make their own stuff.
                          Last edited by electricity; 11-13-2010, 10:48 PM.


                          • Hi,

                            i got a variety of caps ranging from 470uF to 1,000uF, all rated to 200V from old PC power supplys from the recycling yard

                            i also have twelve 15,000uF caps @ 35V...wondering what i can do with those

                            @ electricity, can you tell us what your starting voltage on your battery was...and what its at now?



                            • Not what is taught...

                              Originally posted by electricity View Post
                              @ Jbignes5,
                              That's what you're taught.

                              But capacitor also taps dielectric. It's pretty much a single wire coil.

                              Wound one up and tap both conductor and dielectric. Immerse in fluid.

                              Let me know of your finding. I learn only from old Journals prior to 1900, so my terms will be considered mambo jumbo, however I understand perfectly well what is happening. I did get a start on Basic Electronic learning the Basics, but as Eric had said, keep your thoughts pure and avoid the Mind Virus.

                              I have learned a lot from him, his writings is every where, some of the better ones are hard to find, I wonder why they are buried so deep.

                              I have nothing against your installed authorities but what they say do not make sense to me. I find their Energy from the Vacuum series giberrish.

                              Heck, Tesla only learned from those same materials, yet no one has yet exceeded or even come close to his abilities. That is why I care not for the speculations.
                              Ever heard of static laws? I think this is dealing with those laws for which we have very limited knowledge of. We never took the time to investigate this part of nature. It is this part that can move mountains with just a charge of potential and not current. It is what I suspect actually governs all bodies in our space and hence why we can never figure out anything because we look at books about electricity.

                              Electricity is an invention it is not what governs all of nature yet we think we may apply all the rules of electricity to all of nature and expect it to turn out right... Most of which does not even come close.

                              By the way your version does not produce a charge higher then what my weak batteries started with. It is not even charging.


                              • Aether is what it is

                                All is not static, disruption manifest so called electron.

                                Aether is balanced, when you rub cotton, you disrupt the Aether field and manifest electrons as they say.

                                Aether is the origin of our energy.

                                Too vast and complicated for me to dissect into layman's term @ this time.

