Originally posted by gravityblock
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I don't have baking soda and want be going to the store for awhile, but i can tell you when you add salt to the water captret it looses voltage and will die very quickly. Salt is suppose to make the water more conductive but the water captret looses 90% of its voltage and by the morning the salt is attached to the plates and it produces 2% of its original voltage. I've heard of Alumium air batteries can also use salt as a electroylte (not the best thing to use) but salt in a water captret is bad. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aluminium_battery\
"About 1.2 volts potential difference is created by these reactions, and is achievable in practice when potassium hydroxide is used as the electrolyte. Saltwater electrolyte achieves approximately 0.7 volts per cell."
I see the baking soda doing the same thing unless you push power through and then it will act like a diode and not a battery anymore.
If i get the chance i buy some baking soda.
