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Suppression document and YouTube

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  • Here is a mainstream interesting find that could... maybe... shine some light on "abnormally" high energy efficiencies seen in heating with some solid state circuits.

    Unexpected clue to thermopower efficiency: Uneven temperature can lead to electronic whirlpools and sideways magnetic fields


    • On the ECat front, Defkalion in Greece is forming a team of world-class scientists to do the verification of the 1 Megawatt system.

      Defkalion Picks 1MW Testers | - Independent eCat News

      No word yet apparently, if Dr. Dennis Bushnell of NASA will also be on it; although he did publicly state his interest in a radio interview, and his wish to verify it for himself.


      The Fukushima fission nuclear disaster has actually gotten worse, not better... while the mainstream media has stopped reporting on it.

      Beyond Nuclear - Home - Fukushima radiation readings peg monitors offscale at 1000*REM/hr

      They also fail to report that Japan, by demand of its People, has pledged to END fission nuclear power there for good.


      Lastly for today, this Petition for internet freedom is worthy of your interest, and i hope u all will sign it. There are already dozens of Laws on the books for protecting intellectual property... these unconstitutional and draconian laws with NO OVERSIGHT OR RECOURSE, are not really about that, they are about censorship and limiting our choices.

      It Gets Even Crazier: Fight The AT&T/Comcast "Three Strikes" Censorship Deal | Demand Progress


      • Very sad to report this, Dr. Brian O'Leary has passed away.

        Free energy scientist and NASA astronaut Brian O'Leary passes away (1940 - 2011) - International Business Times


        • Regarding Dr. O'Leary's sad death from cancer...

          We have lost many such men of vision and COURAGE in academia over the years.

          Such as Dr. Stefan Marinov (a personal friend of Dr. O'Leary), Dr. Gerhard Beyer Professor at Virginia Tech's Department of Chemical Engineering (who worked with Howard Johnson in proving new magnetic "spintronics" concepts), and Dr. Eugene Mallove.... to name but a few.

          These names go into the annals of

          The Heroes of Free Energy;

          ... and some day, when this insane paradigm ends, will be known as such world wide.

          These men bucked the gatekeepers of science to tell truth when the truths were unwanted. They dared to risk their professional reputations, and perhaps even their lives in the cause of true Scientific Method.

          Now, some of these gatekeepers who, along with their "masters" are the ENEMY OF HUMANITY (in the medical realm, specifically several prestigious journals), have been caught committing clear crimes of Fraud.... in shilling for pharmaceutical corporations by publishing fake studies.

          Law experts speak out - academics who "guest author" medical journal articles guilty of fraud


          • A little off-topic, but important none the less.

            This video evidence reports that NATO has recently bombed a small refugee community in Libya, killing over 30 innocent civilians .... and then lied about it.

            Libya: NATO massacre of Zliten civilians unreported by media [Voltaire Network]

            When our nations take over countries for the oil corporations... it is a reflection on us as human beings as well.


            • The Cyclone Engine has gotten a huge boost: The U.S. Army has now awarded it a contract.

              Cyclone Power Technologies - How It Works


              • Wow... even thirteen year olds' can disprove the status quo's notional efficiency figures for photovoltaic energy production...

                ... kept artificially low all these years to deliberately discourage home solar installations.

                Kudo's to this brilliant young man!

                13-Year-Old Makes Solar Power Breakthrough by Harnessing the Fibonacci Sequence | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World


                • Thats amazing. And worth looking into.



                  • Saw just today, that the young man mentioned above made a mistake in his calculations. His data was reportedly based on voltage (and with no load), not watts. As we know here, that was a BIG mistake lol.


                    Here is something interesting, a village in Bavaria is generating over 400% of their power use, via personal photovoltaics on roofs (nearly 200 residents have them), also some wind, micro-hydro, and waste gas processing.

                    German Village Produces 321% More Energy Than It Needs! | Energy


                    • Independent Senator Bernie Sanders has found out 3 very important facts, that could send some criminals to prison:

                      1) GOLDMAN SACHS & J.P MORGAN were at the bottom of the "2008 Oil Price Bubble" swindle.

                      2) They still speculate far too much in oil futures, illegally driving up the price of energy to consumers in clear breach of Federal Law.

                      3) The Commodity Futures Trading Commission, where the secret data came from via a leak... IS IGNORING THESE CRIMES. Apparently a federal employee whistle-blower forwarded the secret data to Sen. Sanders after their bosses refused to act on it.

                      This is where the Anti-Trust and RICO Act Racketeering Laws could, if there is a miracle lol, break the current nightmare energy paradigm and allow the sun to shine. Here's how:

                      Clearly, the oil corporations who profit fabulously from these "price bubbles", work closely together with the speculators in illegal trusts so they both profit from their crimes. There really is no question of that; the only question is how to prove it.

                      WE NEED MEMOS, emails, and testimony of whistleblowers to link these entities... we can already see that some the chair members of their Boards of Directors are on the boards of BOTH energy corps, and financial institutions (or if not simultaneously, in "musical chair" arrangements)... but that by itself is not enough... although clearly it is evidence of conflict of interest.

                      MANY THANKS to the brave government employee(s) who leaked this data to Senator Sanders when their SEC bosses refused to act on it. Maybe more good people come forward soon


                      • Jib thats a good find. DO you have a link to that info so I can pass it along to non EF members?

                        On a side note I watch this guy Dylan Ratigan almost everyday on MSNBC. Besides the nonsense that has to be reported on 24/7 news, he has alot of good subject matter about the systematic pillaging of our nations wealth by the bank and cooperations.

                        He has drafted a lobbyist to write a constitutional amendment to take the money out of politics all together.
                        Our Constitutional Amendment: Get Money Out of Politics | Dylan Ratigan

                        If it turns out to be a for real thing I am going to support it with everything I can.

                        Just wanted to pass it along. Its worth looking into.



                        • Lol m8 i forgot the link (to an article that Sanders wrote himself)... sorry

                          OpEdNews - Article: Sanders Demands Regulators Obey Law on Oil Speculation

                          Here/s a different one with some added links to it

                          OpEdNews - Article: The Fed's Unprecedented Generosity

                          Back to topic lol.

                          Here is a new, and very good, radio interview with the famous Patrick Kelly of "Patrick's Free Energy"

                          The Irish Side Of The Moon: Irish Side of the Moon 51
                          Last edited by jibbguy; 08-24-2011, 04:07 PM.


                          • WIND LENSES

                            increase the efficiency of wind turbines SIGNIFICANTLY.

                            Japanese breakthrough will make wind power cheaper than nuclear | MNN - Mother Nature Network

                            Again, like with some other designs we have seen... it is about creating vortexes.

                            Wind power gets peed on by power industry shills because of "cost verses efficiency"... one way to keep it from being embraced broadly is to keep IT ARTIFICIALLY INEFFICIENT. Get it folks? Again, like with less efficient solar PV than is possible, it is carefully and consistantly "nerfed" deliberatly to keep it marginalized and too costly to favorably compete with coal and oil.

                            We don't have to go into the realm of exotic free energy devices, to see deliberate suppression. It also exists for conventional technologies that cannot be plausibly attacked and derided.

                            And i would point out, that this very same principal has been KNOWN FOR DECADES, and is widely used in underwater applications. So this is NO SURPRISE.

                            edit: Remember this one from several pages back? This article is over THREE YEARS OLD now.

                            Wind Turbine Concept Inspired by Jet Engines
                            Last edited by jibbguy; 08-31-2011, 04:18 PM.


                            • Interesting interview with a Canadian Patent Attorney.

                              David French interview on Ca$h Flow: “Unlikely a single company will control cold fusion.” « Cold Fusion Now


                              • Back to Rossi-Focardi "eCat" system of nickle-hydrogen LENR:

                                | Rossi’s Cold Fusion 2.0 - Independent eCat News

                                In their recent news section, the article "Bologna & Uppsala Testing eCat?" appears to answer that question, by re-posting an email from Rossi's blog stating that both Uppsala and Bologna Universities (in Sweden and Italy), have been provided eCat reactors for testing and verification purposes.

                                The recent buzz of a NASA verification of the eCat being underway now (apparently under the auspices of Dr. David Bushnell, Chief Scientist at NASA Langley in Virgina, who alluded to something like that in a radio interview from several months ago), appears to be only internet speculation so far.


                                2011 - Daniele Passerini Interview (Energy Catalyzer) - YouTube

                                Of mild interest, an interview of an Italian gentleman who has been a friend of Professor Levi for over 30 years. Levi is one of the University of Bologna scientists who verified the device back in January. And here it is revealed that they knew about it for several years in advance (not surprising as Focardi was also from U of Bologna).

                                It just struck me as a nice example to us all here, that we are not alone, there are millions of us all over the world, speaking all languages, who want this destructive energy paradigm to end
                                Last edited by jibbguy; 09-13-2011, 02:27 PM.

