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Suppression document and YouTube

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  • Hehehe, no Verifications on this one yet, i am afraid

    Perpetual Motion Machine |


    • Steve check this out

      The reason Hidro is not working in Australia!

      Status of Current Projects
      Hidro+â„¢ Hydrodynamic Power Technology

      These project developments, along with the proposed co-generation project in Queensland, and many other proposed development sites in Australia, are pending the Australian Federal Government's concurrence for the technology's renewable energy certification. Approval is sought for HidroPlus Hydrodynamic Power Technology to be certified under the category of "Other Clean Energy Technologies", in the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000. This category was an integral part of the legislation as originally introduced with the Act in the year 2000 (Section 5, Division 3, Clause 17), but it has since been removed during changes to the legislation in recent years. The reinstatement of this category would benefit the renewable energy industry, by again covering all electricity generation from non-fossil fuel sources, that is renewable and sustainable, and meets criteria including but not limited to compliance with low-emission and zero-environmental impact legislation.


      • Can any of this stuff be proven?

        Are these all conspiracy theories or can this stuff be proven? If it can be proven why are there not hundreds of law suits out there by the inventors, their investors, or the end users? And if this censorship is all coordinated, wouldn't it become a criminal act according to the racketeering and anti-monopoly laws? I can't believe all this crap can be hidden so long from millions of people.
        Last edited by Black Sheep Bill; 04-29-2012, 04:04 PM.


        • Another tech suppression victim is found dead...

          I just thought I would share this news update with you guys - the missing Russian plasma battery inventor (Dimitri Petronov) was found without his hands or teeth in a river. I just got a PM from EYECU. Here's the link he sent me -

          [Global News] Plasma Energy Battery Inventor Dimitri Petronov Found in Moscow - Dead

          The interview with the guy's sister is a bit scary.

          Personal note to Black Sheep Bill...
          Don't be ignorant friend. If you want to comment here, at least take the time to read all the posts so you won't look so foolish next time.
          The harder you work the luckier you get!


          • If this is in fact true it is a perfect example of why good alternative energy Tech
            should be shared in great detail suddenly and widespread. If the inventor
            deems the invention to dangerous to do that with (ie. can be weaponized )
            then what? Giving it to the government will make it a weapon and trying to
            release it for monetary gain while keeping it a secret means death. What to
            do. Forget about it ? There are only so many options.

            Something to think about. On the other hand. These stories could serve
            another purpose for suppression, even if they were faked stories and the
            Tech was not even real the stories of killings would cause fear, and maybe
            prevent people from upsetting the status quo. ie. Fear mongering, intimidation
            and paranoia could be caused by these stories and so we can see how fear
            can be used to control and subdue even if the violent suppression is real or
            fake the same result is had.


            P.S. Just imagine what would happen if a very simple setup was discovered
            that could be built even by children, but it could also destroy a city block and or
            chemically poison many people, but only cost a few dollars or a bit of time to
            make. Once made public (common knowledge) it can't be made un-public.

            The result would be horrendous. Not that much of the world is not already
            horrendous, but it could be worse. What would be the best thing to do,
            release this simple but potentially dangerous Tech ?

            Last edited by Farmhand; 05-04-2012, 02:20 AM.


            • What are the odds? I have two questions for you all...

              I just read this link about the 5 nuclear battery inventors that were snuffed and looking at the strange and all-of-a-sudden accidents they all had, and I was wondering... What are the odds of 5 inventors of the similar device all having such weird accidents? I mean would a one legged homeless man have better odds of getting a date with Megan Fox or bowling a perfect 300 game, getting struck by lightning, winning the lottery, or Derek Jeter staying celibate for a year? Read this link and you will see what I am getting at...

              Should Technology Suppression Be A Felony Crime Requiring A Mandatory 5 Year Prison Sentence?

              Now factor in the the Zachary guy and what are the real odds that all this crap is just coincidental? Missing Or Murdered Scientists & Inventors

              And the other question is for all you guys that are familiar with Wikileaks... Was there anything in those leaked documents that mentioned these plasma batteries - maybe as a power source for long range torpedoes or stealth satellites?
              God Bless America but damn the profiteers at the helm!


              • You have a good point Gringo

                Originally posted by Gringo View Post
                I just read this link about the 5 nuclear battery inventors that were snuffed and looking at the strange and all-of-a-sudden accidents they all had, and I was wondering... What are the odds of 5 inventors of the similar device all having such weird accidents? I mean would a one legged homeless man have better odds of getting a date with Megan Fox or bowling a perfect 300 game, getting struck by lightning, winning the lottery, or Derek Jeter staying celibate for a year? Read this link and you will see what I am getting at...

                Should Technology Suppression Be A Felony Crime Requiring A Mandatory 5 Year Prison Sentence?

                Now factor in the the Zachary guy and what are the real odds that all this crap is just coincidental? Missing Or Murdered Scientists & Inventors

                And the other question is for all you guys that are familiar with Wikileaks... Was there anything in those leaked documents that mentioned these plasma batteries - maybe as a power source for long range torpedoes or stealth satellites?
                Yeah, thanks for showing us this link. It got me to rethink what I said before. This is just way too much coincidence and the odds are probably like 1 in 5 million or maybe even more?


                • nice post, good info.

                  it goes far deeper than this, when u consider their plans to depopulate 90% of the world... making our lives.. less efficient doesn't seem so bad.

                  the way to stop this is not through petitions or voting, although i encourage everyone here to vote ron paul, no matter what, so that we send them a message.

                  the way to stop this is to expose the vampires behind the system. this is something 99.9% of even the people here will not consider for uttering their name is too scary.

                  lets just keep sharing and whenever anyone makes progress do not horde it, share it and document it so newbies can recreate it. we need to spend a little more time on the PR and marketing angle.
                  Banned For Illegal Activities / Fraud


                  • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                    If this is in fact true it is a perfect example of why good alternative energy Tech
                    should be shared in great detail suddenly and widespread. If the inventor
                    deems the invention to dangerous to do that with (ie. can be weaponized )
                    then what? Giving it to the government will make it a weapon and trying to
                    release it for monetary gain while keeping it a secret means death. What to
                    do. Forget about it ? There are only so many options.

                    Something to think about. On the other hand. These stories could serve
                    another purpose for suppression, even if they were faked stories and the
                    Tech was not even real the stories of killings would cause fear, and maybe
                    prevent people from upsetting the status quo. ie. Fear mongering, intimidation
                    and paranoia could be caused by these stories and so we can see how fear
                    can be used to control and subdue even if the violent suppression is real or
                    fake the same result is had.


                    P.S. Just imagine what would happen if a very simple setup was discovered
                    that could be built even by children, but it could also destroy a city block and or
                    chemically poison many people, but only cost a few dollars or a bit of time to
                    make. Once made public (common knowledge) it can't be made un-public.

                    The result would be horrendous. Not that much of the world is not already
                    horrendous, but it could be worse. What would be the best thing to do,
                    release this simple but potentially dangerous Tech ?

                    Hi there farmhand

                    You've brought up an interesting point.

                    However, to my mind, the fact that ordinary people gain nothing from killing themselves, and that after a few accidents and the shockwave of fear inducing horror that enevitable follows, most would either stay well away from this hypothetically dangerous tech, or be far more careful with it. I mean, its not as if everyone would suddenly become indifferent to their own lives is it?


                    • Hi blochwall, Yes nobody should ever become indifferent to their own lives. All
                      through history many people have been ruled by psychological manipulation.
                      One good example is Vlad the impaler. He was so cruel it is said when he
                      decided his impaled victims were passing on too quickly he had blunted stakes
                      used rather than sharpened stakes, that way the stakes didn't pierce the
                      victims so quickly under their own weight.

                      He knew how to terrorize people into deep fear so as to have them do his
                      bidding and spread more terror on his behalf. Without his twisted cronies and
                      sick helpers he was nothing but a single man with a desire to manipulate others.

                      These are different times, the modes are different but the objective is still the
                      same. "FEAR" . When we cower in fear we enable Evil to build it's industry
                      without restraint. By avoiding the dangers ourselves we just breed more
                      dangers for our descendants.

                      Vlad Dracula/Tepes - The Impaler

                      In fact, Vlad was called Tepes (the Impaler) only after his death in 1476. Impalement was considered a particularly gruesome form of execution, the victim was stuck on a sharp stake usually the width of a big burly man's arm (ohhh that's gotta hurt!). Vlad was said to especially enjoyed mass executions, where several victims were impaled at once, and their stakes hoisted upright. As they hung suspended above the ground, the weight of their bodies would slowly drag them downwards, causing the sharpened end of the stake to pierce their internal organs causing a slow painful death. In order to better enjoy these mass spectacles, Vlad routinely ordered a banquet table set up in front of his victims, and would enjoy a leisurely supper amid the pitiful sights and sounds of the dying.
                      I don't see any other way to put it, "good" psyops operations often involve killings/torture/carnage.

                      'Psychological Operations Is My Specialty'

                      The list psyops is very long.



                      • As many of us have said in the past; there are obviously some legitimate reasons for suppressing DANGEROUS techs that can be easily weaponized.

                        Hydrogen from water is not one of them. Nor new highly efficient engines or better fueling methods like "vaporization" or "Fuel Reforming / GEET / M.I.T. Plasmatron". Nor is LENR cold fusion. Nor is super-efficient solar PV. Nor energy from water column vs. air pressure. The list goes on and on.

                        What these SAFE, clean, and renewable sources are "dangers" to, is the status quo... and the continued profits of corporations who are now the most profitable and powerful entities ever seen in History. In these cases, suppression is about corruption: And as with all forms of corruption, it mostly ends when enough light is shown on it.

                        As for what "proofs" exist: It depends on our own definition of "proof". M.I.T. and other university Peer-Reviewed studies work fairly well for me

                        As is also often said, no one is going to hand this stuff to you. All we do is point to a starting direction to research them yourself; and judge merit yourself. Its easier and more comforting psychologically to simply piss on them. If you are happy to remain a slave to oil and coal your whole life, then that is the route to go i guess. It sometimes takes some courage and self-examination to seriously and honestly consider that what was carefully taught you may be dead wrong.

                        Not every thing discussed in these forums is valid: There probably are deliberate, professionally done fakes designed to muddy the water and turn off casual researchers (... as well as charlatans or deluded inventors who are simply "wrong"). But some of them ARE valid, and can change the world for the better. That alone is worth the trouble of sorting them out.


                        This one is an interesting product. A 2/4-channel DSO with 800V p-p max input and 75 Mhz F response / max per channel sample rate (really 2 analog and 2 digital channels, and using a "x10" probe), for $200 .

                        A drawback is that its only got 8 bit vertical resolution, but that kind of voltage accuracy hit may not matter for most applications (divide the full scale range by 4048 to get your +/- accuracy figure). Of course what a DSO offers is data storage for later analysis, via software or even via "Excel" for graphing. Also, it doesn't say but it is almost certainly "Single Ended To Ground" and not Isolated (and not "Channel-To-Channel Isolated" either)... but the max voltage range and F response is better than many i've seen in this price category.

                        DSO Quad - 4 Channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope TES101D2P - Electronic Inventory Online

                        DSO Quad - 4 Channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope [TES101D2P] - $199.00 : Seeed Studio Bazaar, Boost ideas, extend the reach

                        Manual download here

                        Seeedstudio Forum • View topic - DSOQuadV2.6 RESOURCE(Update 2012/04/12)
                        Last edited by jibbguy; 06-29-2012, 02:19 PM.


                        • "COLD FUSION NOW" has had some very good articles recently, I am deeply impressed with one of the reporters there, Ruby Carat, and many us can applaud her work

                          This one puts forth an interesting possible explanation for the "breaking" of the Coulomb Barrier as seen by the large and undeniable amounts of excess heat caused by LENR

                          A Physicist’s Formula | COLD FUSION NOW!

                          And this one, with interview video's of Dr. Melvin Miles, shows how badly M.I.T.'s 1989 /1990 experiments that supposedly "debunked" Pons and Flieshmann were completely and hopelessly


                          Melvin Miles on Calorimetry | COLD FUSION NOW!


                          • Dr. Martin Fleischmann the co-discoverer of Cold Fusion / LENR, has died. His courage and brilliance will live on, and someday will be honored by a grateful world... despite the false attacks in 1989 and 1990, and subsequent blacked-out silence of the corporate media. And despite institutions such as M.I.T. who used "Junk Science" to discredit it in a corrupt attempt to help maintain the energy status quo.

                            Martin Fleischmann leaves brilliant legacy of courage in pursuit of truth | COLD FUSION NOW!

                            Ironically... Today, RIGHT NOW, is a working LENR device that has been producing more energy than it consumes, in the lab of Dr. Hagelstein at M.I.T... there since January. Yet M.I.T.'s corrupt administration still refuses to admit they were wrong, and has even recently

                            TURNED AWAY RESEARCH MONEYS FOR LENR.

                            Here is an amateur video taken by an interested concerned citizen who went into the lab to film it

                            Cold Fusion device at M.I.T. - YouTube

                            R.I.P. , Dr. Fleischmann. We thank you for your work and courage.


                            • how is energy extracted from CF is it hydrogen, heat or electricity
                              Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                              • Heat. All it does essentially, is heat water. So it is immediately most useful for boilers for steam turbine generators as a replacement for fission nuclear, coal, gas, or oil-fired power plants in centralized locations.

