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Suppression document and YouTube

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  • #61
    Here's hoping "2011" will be better for us all than 2010 was.

    From last year, here are some important Alternative Energy stories in the "Mainstream" that were of note.

    > The thread title here, regarding how the U.S. government suppresses even fully conventional technologies, such as more Efficient solar panels that would greatly lower the "Return of Investment" period for Consumers and Small Business, and get the "Solar Initiative" ball moving. Also, the revelation that "Exxon Mobile" is now touting their own hydrogen-cracking system for automobiles.

    > Dr, Daniel Nocera of M.I.T. announcing highly efficient hydroxy production using a catalyst/electrolysis combination (using cheap and easily obtainable materials)... This is the "smoking gun" regarding creation of H and O from water energy-efficiently (even if the mainstream media consistently refuses to report on it).

    > This VERY INTERESTING alternative to "large prop" Wind power:

    Wind Turbine Concept Inspired by Jet Engines

    A very important concept! Of the literally HUNDREDS of posts and links at "The Free Energy Facebook Group"... my link on this was the only one that was EVER "removed"... Since i posted it, i supposedly am the only one who could have removed it, and of course i did not.. but i did post it again

    This concept works in both lower and higher winds... When manufactured in equal numbers, it would be much cheaper "per-Watt" than a large-prop installation... lowering that All-Important "ROI"... These can be "sown" in much more dense "farms" (more energy out per acre), birds and other wildlife can be easily "Excluded" from it... It can be flush-mounted on the walls of factories and large office buildings where there are persistent "trade winds" as well as "stand alone"... and it gets around many local laws and ordinances that forbid people to erect THEIR OWN wind turbines on their property (... laws pushed behind the scenes by the local power utilities). If we bother to notice, the big Prop ones in the U.S. are always OWNED BY A PRIVATE electric utility corporation... perpetuating the centralized energy monopoly... this "Jet Engine Turbine" concept has the ability to break that monopoly regarding "Wind"... and bust it wide open to REAL COMPETITION, not the phony crap and never-materializing promises we see now.

    So i am suggesting to you all, that this general concept and particular device is being suppressed as well.

    Also, please take a moment and think about this concept, with multiple IN-LINE stages to it... where the power from the previous' stages vortex can be used by the next stage (which also has by-pass vents to take in ambient wind).


    • #62
      Honeywell Wind Turbine

      Originally posted by jibbguy View Post
      Wind Turbine Concept Inspired by Jet Engines

      A very important concept! Of the literally HUNDREDS of posts and links at "The Free Energy Facebook Group"... my link on this was the only one that was EVER "removed"... Since i posted it, i supposedly am the only one who could have removed it, and of course i did not.. but i did post it again

      This concept works in both lower and higher winds... When manufactured in equal numbers, it would be much cheaper "per-Watt" than a large-prop installation... lowering that All-Important "ROI"... These can be "sown" in much more dense "farms" (more energy out per acre), birds and other wildlife can be easily "Excluded" from it... It can be flush-mounted on the walls of factories and large office buildings where there are persistent "trade winds" as well as "stand alone"... and it gets around many local laws and ordinances that forbid people to erect THEIR OWN wind turbines on their property (... laws pushed behind the scenes by the local power utilities). If we bother to notice, the big Prop ones in the U.S. are always OWNED BY A PRIVATE electric utility corporation... perpetuating the centralized energy monopoly... this "Jet Engine Turbine" concept has the ability to break that monopoly regarding "Wind"... and bust it wide open to REAL COMPETITION, not the phony crap and never-materializing promises we see now.
      Honeywell actually has a very efficient wind power generator - inside out.
      More for smaller scale generation. Generator coils are around the
      circumference where the blade actually has high speed compared to the
      axle. I was going to post about it a few months ago but forgot.

      Introducing the Honeywell Wind Turbine from WindTronics
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #63
        It looks rather interesting.
        What a pity every new idea has to be killed by the criminal elite.

        I have sent the video to my wind power teacher (I took the subject last year) but I doubt it will mean anything to him.


        • #65
          Apparently from this report, the above mentioned demo in Italy was a success.

          Google Translate

          Is this a variant of "LENR", or something else? An interesting question, i think.


          • #66
            I recently saw this newly-surfaced video of Stanley Meyer, a 30+ minute interview.

            YouTube - Stanley Meyer 1992 Interview


            • #67
              Lots of interesting news lately in our field of study, folks

              Which here is summary of what i've linked to lately at our Group

              The Free Energy Facebook Group | Facebook

              A very concise English document on the recent Italian successes with Nickel-Boron LENR/Cold Fusion. Alot of it is background and history, the more interesting stuff starts at page 171 .


              "Rust" can help efficiency in hydroxy ??

              Nanonets give rust a boost as agent in water splitting's hydrogen harvest

              And a quite interesting THEORETICAL model for a kilowatt-range ZPE motor from Dr. Claus Turtur... that uses permanent magnets along with both mechanical and electronic signal oscillation to access the ZPE.

              Turtur, C. (2011). DFEM-Simulation of a Zero-point-energy Converter with realisable Dimensions and a Power-output in the Kilowatt-range. PHILICA.COM Article number 219.


              • #68
                When the discussion is about "CO2"... The poisons and pollutions from burning fossil fuels are forgotten and ignored

                Dirty air triggers more heart attacks than cocaine | Reuters


                • #69
                  Thanks man


                  • #70
                    yer welcome, bub

                    Came across this (from BEFORE the 2008 election), which is rather amusing... except the joke is on us all.

                    Organizing for America | Register Your New Energy House Party


                    • #71
                      This one just about takes the cake...

                      The corruption is getting so blatant and obvious, it is absurd.

                      We saw a great deal of obvious corruption regarding the Gulf BP Disaster; where the US government lied for BP and is STILL doing everything in their power to help limit BP's legal liability....

                      Now, we see this:

                      Chevron in Ecuador: U.S. Court's Extraordinary Moves to Halt Enforcement of Verdict against Chevron in Ecuador: Why?

                      Many do not realize, that earlier Chevron went the SAME COURT, to stop Equador from suing in US courts... Lol, now that they have lost in Equador courts, they claim the reverse!! It is so absurd, and CORRUPT, that it would be funny, if the wider implications were not so obvious.

                      This STINKS as bad as the million of dead creatures in the Amazon Basin, that these sociopaths kill in the name of their selfish profit.


                      Here is Dr. Brian O'Leary's site, which has among other things, the trailer for the new Documentary on how the oil corporations are destroying the indigenous people there in a real-life "Avatar"

                      ... called "Yasuni: Two Seconds for Life".

                      Dr. Brian O'Leary

                      Dr. O'Leary is one of our best and most outspoken advocates for alternative energy. He is a former Astronaut, scientist at Princeton, and author.


                      • #72
                        YouTube - Fukushima Daiichi nuclear situation in Texas?

                        Greg Palast, one of our BEST independent investigative reporters who has walked the nuclear energy beat for years.. at about 3:15 in to the vid.. has some significant news you will NOT get on the mainstream media....

                        THIRTEEN of the backup pump/generators at the 4 reactors in Japan.. all failed. But not because they were damaged, but because of major design flaws. The Diesel gens were not big or powerful enough.

                        This, compounded by the rather obvious fault of Tokyo Power not simply being able to roll-up a 45' tractor-trailer generator, to power their main pumps! These large semi-trailers with Diesel generators are common in the power industry, often used during Summer peak times when everyone is using their air conditioners at once, as auxillary power sources.

                        It is CRIMINALLY STUPID that these people did not have this capability, it would have quickly solved the problem of powering their main pumps with the needed electricity, and adverted any danger.

                        These events, and others like the BP Gulf Disaster... are what comes from relying on "for profit" corporations to do the right thing: They never really do, they can really never be trusted to have "fail safe" operation. Profit is their motive; they will always convince themselves that the "second backup" isnt ever needed, and "too costly".

                        Their constant list of FAILURES are not just losses for wealthy stockholders... they affect millions of people and the entire planet.


                        • #73
                          Thanks Jib, you know whats gonna be more insulting, Japan will re build reactors WHEN THEY HAVE TIDAL POWER CAPACITY, does any one notice the ocean there in Japan? DUH? They need to lower their energy needs , they can start with Green roofing
                          green roofing - Google Search


                          • #74
                            I seriously doubt the people of Japan will allow another nuclear plant to ever be built there, m8... no matter what their nuclear shills in the media claim right now.

                            The "nuclear renaissance" they tried to push on us is OVER.

                            Something not being mentioned in our media: The work of a scientist there has gotten some mainstream coverage, his name escapes me but he is a major player in LENR/CANL/Cold Fusion, and has shown overunity energy production in his successful experiments. I think the Japanese are ready for it.

                            Even if they took 2 years of work to get to the point of being ready to build a large scale plant.... they could STILL build it at least a year faster than a new nuc plant started today, of the same mega-wattage... AND do it for about one third the cost.

                            Nice info on the roofs


                            This is... well... it is simply brilliant imo, folks. It is Dr. O'Leary's presentation to the United Nations. It represents the culmination and definition of what many of us here work for.

                            And it shows, "we here are not alone". And sometimes, although it may seem like half the forum members are actually shills working against change lol.... Its not that bad in the end, and there are really millions of us around the world, working in our own ways for this change we know is needed, and is coming. We are legion, and are winning. And we, Humankind, will prevail.

                            Video presented at the United Nations on Vimeo


                            • #75
                              Everyone should be responsible for their own power, it should be taught how to do it all through the schooling years instead of algebra and all the other useless garbage people are taught. The almost total reliance on a centralised grid power system is a recipe for disaster. There are people still in north Queensland with no power after the last cyclone, luckily for them they can get fuel, gas and most have fuel generators.

                              When it come's down to it people need a light a refridgerator and maybe some heating. The heating does not necessarily need to be electric.

                              I think people are too caught up in being the one to develop a system to power everybodies entire home with kilowatt hours of power everyday for free.

                              People need to learn how to look after themselves. We can all see how vunerable the grid systems are, the maintenance is lagging because of privatisation and greed. Take responsibility for our own selves.

                              Sooner or later the money will be worthless and it's not very fattening eating money, it will not sustain one long and not many people will have the cash to burn in their fireplace to keep warm.

                              I think it's plain to see the power grid is there for money making purposes.
                              If it should happen that money all of a sudden become's worthless how long will the power company workers keep going to work ?

                              This is self evident, nobody is responsible for our comfort but us. Being able to produce electrical power is the last of my survival priorites. I don't need it here in the mild climate. A refridgerator is no use without perishables to put in it. People in a very cold climate may not require refridgeration only heating.

                              I don't understand how people have allowed themselves to become conditioned to believe that somebody else should make availiable something for them to use or buy.

                              Does everyone have a spare solar panel a battery and an inverter stored in a strong box with their emergency medical supplies ?

                              Nowadays when somebody offers me money to do a welding job or something I tell them if they want my sevices they have to trade theirs, I don't want their money, if they want me to help them they need to help me. They usually go elsewhere, which is fine by me I have things to do for myself.


