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  • Interesting development from Boston College and MIT: Direct electricity generation coupled with the usual water heating associated with solar thermal panels.

    Solar-thermal flat-panels that generate electric power


    • A group in Sweden called NYTechnik has done another verification of the Rossi-Focardi Energy Catalyzer in the last few days, utilizing some improved methodology in the testing (that they got from suggestions in their forum). This one was reported as successful too although the smaller version does not have the same COP as the larger one ("2.5kW" out in heat for "300W" electricity in).

      Ny Teknik tested the energy catalyzer - NyTeknik


      • Hi Jib/ALL

        Jib are you saying people in their forum OPEN SOURCE some suggestions that helped them? Thats another one for our movement making REAL progress where no others are if so.


        • Yes that is pretty cool. they even had a pod cast and live chat with Rossi a few weeks ago that the folks could join in on (too bad we heard about it after it was over).


          Here's something interesting: A new movie about Tesla and Wardenclyffe is coming out



          • Here is a new Petition about internet censorship.

            Worse Than China? U.S. Government Wants To Censor Search Engines And Browsers | Demand Progress


            On the Rossi-Focardi Energy Catalyzer front, there was the Italian TV news broadcast on Rossi recently:

            Canale Video - Rainews24

            And here is the Italian Patent that was recently Approved, although the major Applications, EU and US, are still not. Rossi has stated several times that he will reveal what is going on in the interior of the reactor when the Patents are Approved, but it is unclear if having the Italian one is "good enough" or not.

            UIBM - Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi


            • Firefox dissent


              Just saw this last night:

              Before It's News
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • Thanks Aaron


                Regarding the Rossi -Focardi Energy Catalyzer, here is the US Patent Application (still not Approved). We can glean a little out of it. One interesting claim made in the Description is this: 58 grams of Nickle will produce the same amount of energy as 30,000 tons of oil.

                espacenet - Original document


                • The Rossi-Focardi Energy Catalyzer now has a brand-new U.S. based company that will produce 1 megawatt-sized systems, apparently under License.

                  Energy catalyzer gets U.S. partner - NyTeknik

                  Interesting, some of the principal officers of this new entity, called "Ampenergo", appear to be former U.S. Department of Energy "insiders".


                  • Lol, i am not sure what this has to do with Free Energy & suppression of it... but it sure is cool to watch.

                    YouTube - Pendulum Waves


                    • I guess you get inspried from Keely. Lol.
                      Autorepeat ON
                      Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                      • Cool. Looks like the sphere's are affecting each others gravitational fields to me.

                        I think I will build one of those and study it, I'll use fishing sinkers made from lead. And very thin line. I wonder does there need to be a difference in weight, size or line length to make them become out of phase to each other and back in and so on.

                        Thanks for posting that Jib.



                        • From order to chaos to order, ect.... And its naturally occurring.



                          • When I watch this different one I can see the ball to the far right swings faster than the one on the far left, and a even scale of frequency drop arrears to me from right to left. Watch one ball with each eye and count them. Sounds silly maybe put the left and rightmost balls into your perifery vision by looking at the center but taking more notice of the ends.

                            YouTube - Wave pendulum

                            Hmm. Having thought about it, it seems they cannot travel next to each other close like that because they cause some kind of force on each other, which will force one to be slightly ahead of the other in trajectory, because the force is repelling I guess, could be from airflow only. But it's so freaky I must have one. I think it needs a trap to release the balls.



                            • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                              Hmm. Having thought about it, it seems they cannot travel next to each other close like that because they cause some kind of force on each other, which will force one to be slightly ahead of the other in trajectory, because the force is repelling I guess, could be from airflow only. But it's so freaky I must have one. I think it needs a trap to release the balls.

                              Its the inertia being effected by the length of the string. The shorter the string the less kinetic energy is stored, therefore changing the period of oscillation. Its neat but its not magic, or even hidden from understanding.
                              Longer string more energy stored for the next potential use.



                              • Originally posted by jibbguy View Post
                                The Rossi-Focardi Energy Catalyzer now has a brand-new U.S. based company that will produce 1 megawatt-sized systems, apparently under License.

                                Energy catalyzer gets U.S. partner - NyTeknik

                                Interesting, some of the principal officers of this new entity, called "Ampenergo", appear to be former U.S. Department of Energy "insiders".
                                What kind of problems do you expect, like for example amateur replication?

                                Cassarino: We’ve thought about that but we haven’t in depth come to a conclusion on how you manage all this. And I think you’re right, I think once the magic is out of the bag there will be lots of people trying variations on the theme and those are things that really are not controllable from anybody’s point of view.

                                I think one of the issues that we’ve thought about is “nuclear reaction”, how that gets permitted, but it’s non radioactive so it’s different – nobody has really had the opportunity to start to look at this.

