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Suppression document and YouTube

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  • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
    Its the inertia being effected by the length of the string. The shorter the string the less kinetic energy is stored, therefore changing the period of oscillation. Its neat but its not magic, or even hidden from understanding.
    Longer string more energy stored for the next potential use.

    Yeah Matt, I realised that, I mentioned the string lengths a couple of posts before that.

    I didn't say what I meant to say, sorry, my mistake, that is, if the strings were all the same length would they all swing next to each other with no effect ?

    I suppose they would. I can't try it because it seems someone stole my lead. Grrr. My sinker molds are there but no lead.



    • Rossi explains the ECat

      YouTube - ‪2011 - Andrea Rossi Explains His Energy Catalyzer‬‏


      • Regarding Supression and intelectual Property Rights.

        I discovered/invented a Sea Wave Motor in 1996. It is extremely simple and it works. I chose to not patent it in any form and to post it as public domain knowledge so anyone can use it.

        There is nothing new and my thoughts are your thoughts. Greed and Fear are the only reason to withold info or to think I have the 'ownership' of ideas. Conceited am I if I think only I thought of it.

        This is similar to the imhotep philosophy used regarding the Bedini Circuits etc.

        It is not about money. It is not possible to suppress something if enough people know about it. We are striving for the 100th monkey. One Earth is all we have, where do we move to when all that is left is no food, no water, no oxygen, no fauna, no flora except for illusionary 'money' - numbers in a computer bank account?

        The Sea Wave Motor is pretty much reduntant or will be so very soon as more and more people are discovering and making Free Energy motors.

        If however anyone does wish to see more about the Wave Motor, simply ask and I will post the basic sketches and concept. ( I had it all in CAD form before but my hard drive crashed with no backup.... Oops)



        • Here is a White Paper from Defkalion, the manufacturing company in Greece reported to now be building ECats in mass production.


          • Apparently the above White Paper was pulled by them.

            Recently, there was a comprehensive documentary on ECat done:
            YouTube - ‪Low Energy Nuclear Revolution (English Version)‬‏

            And an interview with one of the Defkalion board members:
            Interviews with Rossi and Xanthoulis « Cold Fusion Now


            • Originally posted by BlueMental View Post
              Regarding Supression and intelectual Property Rights.

              I discovered/invented a Sea Wave Motor in 1996. It is extremely simple and it works. I chose to not patent it in any form and to post it as public domain knowledge so anyone can use it.

              There is nothing new and my thoughts are your thoughts. Greed and Fear are the only reason to withold info or to think I have the 'ownership' of ideas. Conceited am I if I think only I thought of it.

              This is similar to the imhotep philosophy used regarding the Bedini Circuits etc.

              It is not about money. It is not possible to suppress something if enough people know about it. We are striving for the 100th monkey. One Earth is all we have, where do we move to when all that is left is no food, no water, no oxygen, no fauna, no flora except for illusionary 'money' - numbers in a computer bank account?

              The Sea Wave Motor is pretty much reduntant or will be so very soon as more and more people are discovering and making Free Energy motors.

              If however anyone does wish to see more about the Wave Motor, simply ask and I will post the basic sketches and concept. ( I had it all in CAD form before but my hard drive crashed with no backup.... Oops)

              Hi BlueMental/Jib and ALL

              BlueMental i suggest you do and also to Contact Patrick Kelly, if there is some thing there, Patrick is the best we have to simplify things



              • Spread this folks; and help it go viral.



                • Hi ALL, a good reality check for any suppression of the internet , One for Wiki leaks

                  What Are We Capable Of?
                  ‪What Are We Capable Of?‬‏ - YouTube





                  • Dr. Helen Caldicott's weekly radio program. She is the fission nuclear radiation medical expert and a powerful advocate for getting rid of it.

                    She was fighting this battle when most of us were still in grade school, or not even born.

                    IF YOU LOVE THIS PLANET :: A Weekly Radio Program with Dr. Helen Caldicott


                    The US Congress, out to undo much of what the Environmental Movement, the largest and most successful Grass Roots movement in history... succeeded greatly in doing over 30 years ago.

                    Without any comment (or veto's from Obama), they will get away with it.

                    Most Anti-Environment House of Representatives in History Tries to Do More Damage | Frances Beinecke's Blog | Switchboard, from NRDC
                    Last edited by jibbguy; 07-19-2011, 05:17 PM.


                    • Interesting new site about the Rossi - Focardi ECat

                      Rossi’s Cold Fusion 2.0 | - Independent eCat News


                      • At the above previously posted site, a new article about how Italian Professor Piantelli, credited by many for first discovering the Nickle-Hydrogen LENR "angle", is now forming a competing company to Rossi's .

                        Soon Able to Invest in Piantelli | - Independent eCat News


                        • Hi Jib, wonder why they dont talk about the OU element in it much or did i miss some thing and they do?



                          • Well, they did mention a COP of 2 in the past; but imo, it is probably not a good thing to emphasize COP when discussing LENR in scientific circles. It should probably be best discussed simply as a new, clean, safe, and renewable energy generating technology that has much peer-reviewed data from all over the world to support it. No one really knows the COP's that are possible yet. We do know, that when the "dry steam, wet steam" arguments against the ECat are thrown out (by heating the water to LESS than 100 C so it does not generate steam), that there still are significant energy gains. That's what matters.

                            The easily shielded-against small amounts of gamma radiation are the only real "down side" to this tech. It only radiates these small amounts when operating (with no residual radiation), and it is ridiculously easy to "turn off" the reaction ... lol because the challenge is keeping it going


                            • Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                              Hi Jib, wonder why they dont talk about the OU element in it much or did i miss some thing and they do?

                              Were you referring to Jibb's link ?

                              Bullet Points:
                              "Old cells have excess energy of about 2-3 times input"
                              "New ones plan an excess of about 200 times the energy input"
                              Last edited by WeThePeople; 07-28-2011, 04:10 PM.


                              • Hi WeThePeople/Jib and ALL

                                Thanks for pointing those out, think the open system/OU descriptions will be most effective in a script to let the cat out of the bag after the product placement ...then denying Over unity or open systems or new discoveries in energy transformation is impossible , the genre is many years old, it only takes one placed for us to educate about others. Thanks guys useful


