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  • #91
    Great interview with Patrick Kelly, whose site

    Free-Energy Devices, zero-point energy, and water as fuel

    many of us have been using as an important resource for years now. First "audio" i've heard from him, very interesting. Besides dozens of techs, he also mentions some that he knows about but are not listed on his site; because of the possible HV shock danger to inexperienced replicators.

    PodOmatic | Best Free Podcasts

    And another interview from Carlita (who is doing some great work here for our genre and planet)... of that long-haired radical Aussie we often see hanging around here

    PodOmatic | Best Free Podcasts


    • #92
      Here are some hi-res photos of the destruction at Fukushima. Here, we can see the very extensive damage to the reactor buildings, that also stored highly radioactive spent fuel rods on the upper floors... that no longer exist.

      These were taken several days ago by aerial drone.

      Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Hi-Res Photos

      Man, when we add up the crimes here, it is staggering.

      > The G.E. -designed reactors being poorly designed. They have no way to retract the fuel rods to stop the thermal reaction, and G.E.'s claims of them being able to maintain water movement via convection when the pumps fail, were proved false.

      > The main pumps had no method for being powered, once they shut down their generator dynamos. They did not even have the ability to simply roll-up a tractor-trailer generator to power them; which would have solved it immediately.

      > All THIRTEEN of their back-up pumps failed, due to the Diesels that were to power them, being TOO SMALL AND WEAK to run the pumps. That is an "Engineering 101" problem, folks.

      > Spent rods and other fission nuclear waste were stored in the reactor buildings, where they could easy be compromised by an explosion, and that is what happened.

      > Tokyo Electric's dithering and refusing to face this disaster... In the hopes of salvaging the "reputation" of fission nuclear, and their own energy monopoly via suppression. And the Japanese government apparently being IN THRALL to this corporate entity, allowing TEPCO to control the response to this out-of control disaster made much worse by their negligence. This even goes to the point of large areas NOT BEING EVACUATED, despite the radiation there being well above the government's own stated levels that should have triggered a much wider evacuation.


      • #93
        Latest Article, this time on the benefits of a Solar Initiative for the country.

        but... as always, no expectations of it going anywhere; lol and it wont. I write them only because i don't see anyone else doing it; and someone should.

        I guess i should mention HAARP, the NWO, the Masons, Zionist Aliens, and the latest video from "Benjiman Fulfurd" to get it pushed all over the net.

        I dunno.... the west coast of the US is being irradiated (and that's fact no conspiracy).... the exact same time Congress is voting to give GE and PG&E and their cronies another 35 Billion to build a whole new series of fission nuc plants. The 1 year anniversary of the BP Gulf Disaster is coming up... and still NOTHING for solar energy.

        Lol you would think they are treating Solar PV exactly like free energy. Uh... wait a minute... they are

        There is room for only two "choices" in America for energy: To either be irradiated, or poisoned by Benzene.

        OpEdNews - Article: It's Time To Go To Work For The Solar Initiative.


        • #94
          Thanks Jib its impossible to keep up with out your hard work, i hope you know that. In regards to alternatives to solar, I think we should maybe do an article on Hidro as a solution what do you think?
          Last edited by ashtweth; 04-08-2011, 12:24 AM.


          • #95
            Thx m8, and i have been considering it (look at our Facebook Group, i linked your great stuff there a couple of times and about Queensland U of Technology).

            Right now i have been concentrating on solar PV because of this weird fact it is being treated like it doesn't exist in the US ... lol just like an exotic free energy technology... But it is conventional and non-controversial with Gigawatts being generated all over the planet, lol and it is originally from back in OUR PARENT'S DAY... over 30 years ago

            And because there is this weird surreal and Kafka-esque situation, where during the same exact time America and the world is being seriously irradiated from Fukushima... With the mainstream media barely mentioning it.... They are voting in the US Congress to give the richest corporations in history free money so they can build a whole new series of fission nuclear plants that they profit from, but we have to pay for.

            Lol folks, as a writer, i can tell you that if i pitched such a fictional story it would get Rejected as being "implausible". Yet it is happening.

            Art. got picked up by another site

            It’s Time To Go To Work For The Solar Initiative by Steve Windisch « Dandelion Salad
            Last edited by jibbguy; 04-09-2011, 03:44 PM.


            • #96
              Originally posted by jibbguy View Post
              ......Lol folks, as a writer, i can tell you that if i pitched such a fictional story it would get Rejected as being "implausible". Yet it is happening.....
              It sure does feel surreal sometimes. Turn the TV news on and go back in time. Look for the evidence of forward thinking in the leadership and just when you think you found a bit, well then they open their mouth again and convince you otherwise.
              I have no doubt we will in the rubble of our own demise soon enough. And we still won't understand why..



              • #97
                This one is for Mature Audiences because of the language. But it is pretty darn funny

                YouTube - I Didn't F*ck It Up - Katie Goodman of Broad Comedy


                • #98
                  Here's an interesting contest from Tek... They will give a brand new 200 Mhz scope as first prize (i see lots of folks salivating here, lol).

                  I suppose you could beg and borrow a Tektronix scope for just a day to get your submission videotaped, if you don't already have one or another brand.

                  Take the Scopes, Camera, Action Challenge -


                  I had previously posted a YouTube here earlier today that claimed 800% over limits of Iodine-131 and others rads in milk found in Hawaii, supposedly posted by the EPA itself. But when i went to verify that, the link to the EPA stats page was bad.... Now within the last hour of this edit it was "fixed" and is working, but with no data for Hawaii. So i withdrew the YouTube link until more is known, it could be a fake, it could have been legit and they removed the Hawaii data, we really don't know. And that is what is very bad about this whole situation: Important data about radiation is being kept from the American and Canadian peoples.
                  Last edited by jibbguy; 04-11-2011, 07:27 PM.


                  • #99
                    OK regarding the above, i did verify from another source there are extremely high numbers for Iodine's and Cesium's found in Hawaii milk, between 600% and 800% . The EPA had it up on their site then quickly took it down.

                    This one is pretty interesting, light photons generating magnetic fields.
                    Quoted from scientist at U of Michigan: "It’s a very odd interaction. That’s why it’s been overlooked for more than 100 years."

                    Solar power without solar cells: A hidden magnetic effect of light could make it possible

                    Hehehe i guess there ARE some things they didn't know about energy after all?


                    • The facts imo regarding Fukushima:

                      The Northern Hemisphere of this planet is being irradiated as we read this. Not just the "Iodine's" which is all we hear about, but much more deadly "Cesium's" that have much longer half-lives and that frankly, there is little we can do about. This has been already enough to lower the average life expectancy of every person living above the Equator... as our individual chances of getting cancer have been raised.. so far perhaps between 10% and 20% higher, who knows by the time they finally do cap it off (it is STILL spewing rads at the time of this writing, over 35 days now). That is what the U.S. and other governments such as Canada, are refusing to tell their citizens. In fact in the U.S., there is very likely a secret National Security Order in effect for this secrecy to keep the truth from being known widely. We saw evidence of this also in the BP Gulf Disaster: This government thinks nothing of declaring National Security-related orders for secrecy, to protect corporations. That is simply blatant corruption. But there it is.

                      In this particular case, it is about protecting General Electric and private electric utilities so they can get STILL get the 35 BILLION in loan approvals in the new Budget being debated in Congress right now... To build a whole new series of fission nuclear plants across the country... that WE the taxpayer and consumer actually pay for, not them.. although they keep all the profits from these disasters waiting to happen.

                      Although they are seriously discussing cutting healthcare for sick and poor old people... this corporate welfare scheme is completely "off the table" for discussion and has NEVER BEEN MENTIONED IN ANY MAINSTREAM MEDIA ARTICLE.

                      Here is Dr. Michio Kaku discussing Fukushima. You may remember he was the "fair haired boy" of mainstream science for several years; a perennial talking head whenever they needed an Expert, and he also had his own TV series.

                      Notice "Democracy Now" is NOT a mainstream media outlet, it is "Indi" . But, also notice he does not mention Cesium, nor radiation levels in North America and Europe at all.

                      I am claiming, that it is currently "illegal" to do so under secret US National Security Orders (but you have to be served with a Federal Gag Order or otherwise informed first i suppose).

                      YouTube - Dr. Michio Kaku, Theoretical Physicist: Fukishima Daiichi Nuclear Facility is a "Ticking Time Bomb"


                      • Yesterday was the 1 year anniversary of the BP Gulf Disaster. Greg Palast's recent article shows that a very similar deep water accident happened in the Caspian Sea in 2008 ... but this information was successfully suppressed. It proves that BP did not learn their lesson... if they had, the Deep Water Horizon disaster would have never happened.

                        Greg Palast


                        • We have started to see some articles on Plasma Spark come out in the last few months. Here's one in "Gizmag".

                          Laser igniters could spell the end for the humble spark plug


                          • Latest article on a Solar PV Initiative.

                            The Solar Initiative: 35 Years in the Non-Making By Steve Windisch « Dandelion Salad

                            There are lots of ways to skin an "e-Cat"


                            • There is "talk".... and there is the actual actions on the ground. In the last 3 years, they do less and less for alternative energy in the U.S. ; and only want to build more fission nuclear plants (that only billionaires who profit from them want), and support absurd lies that are blatant cover for corporate welfare, such as "clean coal".

                              When Bush tried that, there was outrage. When Obama does it, no one complains at all (including all the large mainstream environmental groups).

                              KW16 | Compromise budget cuts DOE EERE funding by 20% - SolarServer


                              • OK the Rossi-Focardi Energy Catalyzer is getting pretty darned interesting these days. Thanks to some good "tips" from a dedicated researcher that i am greatful for, we have a pretty good body of information on it now (although the "secret sauce" details are predictably "Proprietary" still and will probably remain that way).

                                Recently, there was an interview with Dr Dennis Bushnell, Chief Scientist at NASA's Langley Research Center, that discussed it, apparently Dr. Busnell is a "believer" and plans on doing a Replication soon (he must have gotten a hold of the "missing pieces" of the "mystery catalyst" or perhaps "mystery biasing waveform" or both), probably signing an NDA. The interview has interesting info on several different emerging technologies.

                                Part One

                                EV WORLD: The Future of Energy: Part 1

                                Part Two
                                EV WORLD: Future of Energy - Part 2

                                While i'm at it, here is an interview of two Swedish physicists who are pretty convinced it's "real" (lol one of them is the head of the Swedish Skeptics Society which was pretty funny i think, "Amazing Randi" must be spitting up blood by now hehehe). They do want to hear more about the "secret" parts, but at least they are not declaring it fraud and have good things to say about Rossi and Focardi:

                                Dr.'s Sven Kullander and Hanno Essén who have also taken the time, like Dr. Bushnell of NASA to study the Rossi-Focardi Energy Catalyzer and who communicated with the U. of Bologna physicist Focardi, and they state here that they believe it is legitimate or at least very worthy of further study.

                                YouTube - Cold Fusion: Physcists Sven Kullander and Hanno Essén interviewed about the Rossi-Focardi cell

                                And here is the CBS Sixty Minutes program segment "Cold Fusion is Hot Again" that aired nearly exactly 2 years ago now, that shows the U.S. Naval Research Lab's LENR project that verified the basic technology was "real" and operates at OU levels. It is interesting to note, i saw an interview of the Physicist Focardi of U. of Bologna, where he stated that Rossi (the main inventor), worked with the U.S. Naval Research Lab before coming out with this device.

                                Cold Fusion Is Hot Again - 60 Minutes - CBS News

                                So is this device really FOR REAL? Lol, looks like it more every day

                                We did know already, that both the "Energetics of Israel" and the US Naval Research Lab's systems (that use Deuterium in a Palladium lattice; and not Hydrogen and Nickle powder as the "ECat" does), use Lithium baths, and a "superwave" biasing waveform to get their reported "COP>25" effects. So i guess since there is a link between Rossi and US NRL, that this could be involved (highly speculative i admit lol).

                                Energetics Technologies and Other New Cold Fusion Research Will Be on CBS 60 Minutes April 19, 2009

                                And i do remember stating before, that it would make sense to try a "Superwave" waveform with Meyer-style hydroxy; to see if it helps output. In some ways, that could be similar to what Michael is doing here with his fine work i guess.

