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  • General Electric again GUILTY of Criminal Conspiracy, violation of Anti-Trust Laws, and fraud in the field of energy. They bought out a company making better wind turbine alternators, then shelve the technology... AFTER collecting the grant money for pursuing it, LOL.

    How do they constantly get away with this stuff? Government / corporate corruption... sadly, even worse under this present administration.

    GE Dumps Offshore Wind-Power Plans AFTER Collecting $125 Million In Stimulus From Taxpayers For Wind Projects - Home - The Daily Bail


    Here, we have the latest propaganda "coup" and attack on alternative energy by the scumbag energy monopolies. They cannot attack Solar PV on scientific or practical grounds... so they attempt to tie it into a scandal instead

    This is rather odd.... considering that this company was a COMPETITOR of BP in the solar PV field, and this collapse was caused by STOCK MANIPULATION that was essentially out of the control of the officers.

    LOL, when you compare this to the BP Gulf Disaster... Or the Fukushima Fission Nuclear Disaster, both STILL ONGOING YET RECEIVING NO MSM COVERAGE)....

    It is laughable. Note that this is the ONLY MENTION of solar PV in the national corporate-owned mainstream media in many months... despite Germany and other countries' great successes with it, and despite the wonderful advances that prestigious universities such as M.I.T. and Caltech have been making (... of course never mentioned in the MSM).

    ABC News: Solar Scandal Threatens to Engulf White House, Impact Election - Solyndra - Fox Nation


    • We see the deliberate shill attacks on Solar PV is growing, and is becoming a concerted effort (since they cannot directly attack the science and practicality, or how Germany and other countries are turning it into a huge success story). Today, it is reports of pollution from a solar PV plant in China killing fish.

      Well... it does not stand up to scrutiny; as none of these "news" reports do.

      1) Solar PV panel production is quite similar to circuit board / PC component manufacture. They have the same types of pollutants. No one is complaining about computer board manufacturing pollution lately in the MSM, are they?

      2) The technology to trap and filter out these pollutants, is very effective and decades old. It is simply a matter of GREED that they are not being used. When we offshore manufacturing to countries that have no effective pollution controls, the people there die. That is the Faustian bargain their governments make. The solution, is to REFUSE the import of goods made without the SAME pollution controls as we have here.

      3) China itself is a very "interesting" example... AND SOLID PROOF... of fossil fuel pollution being deadly to Humans. Since their mass industrialization over the last 4 decades, millions more per year die there of cancer than before... mainly from fossil fuel exhaust.

      Shills who want to attack solar PV through these means, are looking stupid and lame. It wont work, and will backfire as the truth comes out.


      Here is an interesting thing on coal ash pollution, a growing problem. Who knew here, that the electric power monopolies get billions in government subsidites (read corporate welfare), for their own mountains of poisonous waste...?

      Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility: Coal Combustion Waste - Home

      This is another example of how the TRUE costs of using fossil fuels to generate electricity are never factored in... making solar PV and Wind appear "more expensive"... when the fact is, they are CHEAPER per kW hour, and getting cheaper all the time.

      Lol, it is knda funny in a sick sort of way.. that the U.S. EPA want farmers to use coal ash in their fields... but they admit they have no idea what poisons are transferred to the produce.
      Last edited by jibbguy; 09-20-2011, 03:51 PM.


      • OK, some words about disinformation in our genre. Some of it can be accidental, and sometimes we can be "setup" with deliberately false info (... i stayed away from last week's announcement as nothing from the scientist himself had been said). The famed physicist Dr. Josephson has made a statement that he is NOT going to be taking part in verification testing of the "Rossi-Focardi ECat" method of Nickle-Hydrogen LENR.

        Where did the rumor originate, who made the initial claim? Why was it passed on as a fact without checking a source (last week i looked for a source and could not find any) ?

        To Sterling's credit, he quickly added the "Errata" at the beginning and end.

        We must all work to keep "mis-", "dis-", and "wish-" info out of our reporting.

        Honest mistakes are normal in journalism; newspapers and TV news make them daily. However, the mainstream media is not under the kind of scrutiny by skeptics that we are... unfortunately.

        When such things happen, they tend to help discredit the entire subject: For instance, most will only remember that this scientist was not really going to be a part of the latest announced Verification and was falsely reported to be for a time. They may then forget, that he has made some positive, or at the very least "even-handed", statements in its behalf calling for more attention and study (as Dennis Bushnell of NASA did as well).

        Scientists to Test Cold Fusion E-Cat


        • A university professor living near Kyoto Japan (500 km from Fukushima), has independently measured radiation levels there 10 times higher than those recently published by the Japanese government; whom he believes is deliberately lying about the amounts to keep the populace there from "being disturbed".

 Environment | Japan's 3/11 Radiation Refugees

          The Japanese government has already admitted to giving out false figures for the radiation levels near Fukushima in the first few weeks of this worst-ever fission nuclear disaster.

          Besides this bad news... even worse news. Significant levels of radioactive Iodine keep popping up. These are short-lived isotopes, so their existence proves that one or more of the reactors are still in constant melt-down (criticality) condition.

          We have a bizarre, and tragic, situation where the disaster is several times worse than Chernobyl, yet a "free" capitalist society has done far less than the old Soviets did regarding telling the truth or safeguarding their citizens.

          Because it would embarrass the international fission nuclear industry? That is our wake up call, folks. Wake up or die.

          “Recriticality may be happening continuously” — Iodine-131 detected in Nagasaki, Miyagi (CHARTS) « ENENEWS.COM

          BTW: "ENEnews" is the bong for news on this subject. If it interests you, mark it and check it often.


          • Thank you my friend Panacea is opening up a new raw/whole food /organic video channel, think we will make a Jib anti radiation diet menu and publish this.
            Thanks Bro for all your posts and help



            • Lol m8 i think you were kidding about the diet named after me (or i hope you were ) Dr. Helen Caldicott is the person to get credit there. Thanks for your comments, though.


              OCCUPY WALL STREET !! ... the 99% movement!

              This could be the social revolution of our age. JOIN IT. SUPPORT IT.

              And ignore those who attack it.. because they are either shills for the oligarchy, or simply jealous that they are not the focus of it

              I am working in a small way (with others), to get a platform plank for alternative energy added to the Demands. We will see. It is truly a democratic movement and nothing like we have ever seen. Check out the live stream.. it is often uplifting.

              Note: When you hear things constantly repeated by the crowd there at Liberty Park, understand this is because the cops have forbidden bull horns or any form of amplified voice.

              If you dont "like" this movement (as Alex Jones and others are attacking it)...fine.

              THEN GET OUT OF THE WAY.

              Because folks, the Revolution is Not Being Televised... but it is often Livestreamed

              globalrevolution - live streaming video powered by Livestream


              • I,LOVE BIG POSTS LIKE THAT:thumbsup:

                Corporate elite determine the food we eat? - YouTube


                • Here is an interesting message about Occupy Wall Street, read on air on an INDEPENDENT network by Keith Olbermann. Those who remember him, know he was fired by "MSNBC" : There were many possibly reasons for the firing, but personally i think it was because he was the ONLY person in the MSM to ever mention the ILLNESSES OF GULF COAST RESIDENTS . A few others reported on sick clean up workers, but that is a bit different than mentioning illnesses of residents who were not part of the clean up operation; and represented exponentially-greater Legal Liability for BP and the US federal government who went along and activly helped poison millions (as well as destroying much more wildlife than oil alone would have).

                  What is of some interest to us here on this forum is, that we now have a demand ("platform plank"), mentioning the suppression of alternative energy!

                  Just to be clear, since i mentioned i was working for it earlier, i was just a small voice among thousands mentioning "Energy", so it was an inevitable that it be added and i take no credit at all.. but am very happy to see it

                  Keith Olbermann Reads The Statement Released By The Wall Street Protesters - 2011-10-05 - YouTube

                  What we can see here, is PROOF that the MSM is LYING when it claims there are no demands. They exist... but the big problem for the media here is this:

                  These subjects mentioned by the Demands (specifically corporate / government corruption and the specific crimes of entities like Goldman Sachs and Bank of America, and the lack of DoJ investigation of them), are literally BLACKED-OUT in the media, they are forbidden topics.

                  So since the media is not allowed to list and discuss the demands openly (because any mention of them increases Public Awareness, the main thing that can END CORRUPTION); they have two choices:

                  1) Bombard the Occupy Wall St / 99% people with ad hominem personal attacks, so no one thinks about their purpose or Demands.

                  2) Ignore it as much as possible.

                  The third choice will come eventually: Open and honest discussion of the facts regarding the corruption and what happened in the crash/bailout. This will be a day of victory for the movement.... but don't hold your breath, a lot of work needs to be done to see this. First, we must CHANGE THE SUBJECT TO THE MEDIA ITSELF. They hate that


                  • Hi I think we are at a primitive stage and that we will need to learn from our mistakes. It is frustrating for people who are concious about the mistakes made repetitively by human kind. In the end when all fossil fuels will be depleted we will see that we burned millions of years stored sun energy resulting in global warming. Before 1900 100 % of global warming was the result of a natural process, now 2011 you can add 5 % due to human fossil energy consumption. In my opinion it is a common thing that civilizations need to experience, must learn and hopefully it will not be to late. Exo planets in other solar systems have the same type of energy storage underneath their soils so I presume we are not a single case. At this moment humanity is a primitive civilization that will undergo many changes, one of this changes will be the bridge between dirty energy and clean energy. Dirty energy involves money, ironically money is dirty. Clean energy is free, only money needed to set it up. I also think we are the generation that will make a change, signing petitions, demonstration, bringing the idea to the public and making other people aware of the changes ahead of us.

                    Are there more popular communities that are bringing free energy awareness to the mass?

                    Many thx.



                    • Mase / Renato

                      I was trying to quote your post
                      with the purpose of not just blindly repeating
                      that which is redundant like so many others do,
                      but almost all of what you say bears merit.

                      Thank you for your frank outlook on this.


                      • Originally posted by jibbguy View Post
                        Here is an interesting message about Occupy Wall Street, read on air on an INDEPENDENT network by Keith Olbermann. Those who remember him, know he was fired by "MSNBC" : There were many possibly reasons for the firing, but personally i think it was because he was the ONLY person in the MSM to ever mention the ILLNESSES OF GULF COAST RESIDENTS . A few others reported on sick clean up workers, but that is a bit different than mentioning illnesses of residents who were not part of the clean up operation; and represented exponentially-greater Legal Liability for BP and the US federal government who went along and activly helped poison millions (as well as destroying much more wildlife than oil alone would have).

                        What is of some interest to us here on this forum is, that we now have a demand ("platform plank"), mentioning the suppression of alternative energy!

                        Just to be clear, since i mentioned i was working for it earlier, i was just a small voice among thousands mentioning "Energy", so it was an inevitable that it be added and i take no credit at all.. but am very happy to see it

                        Keith Olbermann Reads The Statement Released By The Wall Street Protesters - 2011-10-05 - YouTube

                        What we can see here, is PROOF that the MSM is LYING when it claims there are no demands. They exist... but the big problem for the media here is this:

                        These subjects mentioned by the Demands (specifically corporate / government corruption and the specific crimes of entities like Goldman Sachs and Bank of America, and the lack of DoJ investigation of them), are literally BLACKED-OUT in the media, they are forbidden topics.

                        So since the media is not allowed to list and discuss the demands openly (because any mention of them increases Public Awareness, the main thing that can END CORRUPTION); they have two choices:

                        1) Bombard the Occupy Wall St / 99% people with ad hominem personal attacks, so no one thinks about their purpose or Demands.

                        2) Ignore it as much as possible.

                        The third choice will come eventually: Open and honest discussion of the facts regarding the corruption and what happened in the crash/bailout. This will be a day of victory for the movement.... but don't hold your breath, a lot of work needs to be done to see this. First, we must CHANGE THE SUBJECT TO THE MEDIA ITSELF. They hate that
                        Thanks Jib/ALL

                        Higher education is needed on alternative systems; there can be no true solution in the reform of the current system with tax cuts, or taxing the rich etc.

                        It is not that we don’t have sustainable development for houses, plastic, and much more paper in industrial hemp; it is not that an honest and fair banking system isn't possible; it’s not that we don’t have a decentralized energy grid capacity; it’s not that we don’t have raw and organic whole food to prevent disease, alternative medicine and cancer cures. It is only that we have NO EDUCATION ON THESE ALTERNATIVES KNOWN BUY THE MAJORITY yet, plus any policing of this. Panacea intends to change this.


                        • Here's a good article by Chris Hedges that talks about how the OCCUPY WALL STREET movement first got started, and how some of their very unique tactics evolved.

                          OpEdNews - Article: Why the Elites Are in Trouble

                          ITS GROWING folks. Last night an independent newscaster (Olbermann, who has been doing a good job of covering it so far), claimed that it is now in 250 cities and towns.

                          It reminds me of the "100th Monkey" syndrome, as it everyone working for these things suddenly and spontaneously realizes that working together using these methods can take the criminals down and free us of their corrupt control.

                          I find myself unaccountably smiling a lot lately


                          • Interesting: Forbes (online version anyway), has an article about Rossi-Focardi ECat.

                            Hello Cheap Energy, Hello Brave New World - Forbes

                            A little bit of fear mongering about "disruption" there, but not too bad


                            • Originally posted by jibbguy View Post
                              Interesting: Forbes (online version anyway), has an article about Rossi-Focardi ECat.

                              Hello Cheap Energy, Hello Brave New World - Forbes

                              A little bit of fear mongering about "disruption" there, but not too bad
                              Interesting that they seem to think that E-Cat will be so cheap. I had read that power produced will be a third to a quarter of current prices, not the huge - not worth metering claim.


                              • Yes it appears the author extrapolated for years into the future when the technology is better understood and engineered; increasing in efficiency.

                                But i will gladly settle for this "Wright Flyer" for now


                                Here's another art. on the ECat in "COMPUTERWORLD", there are several that were spawned by the Gibbs article in Forbes. Even one from "National Review" (a conservative publication), that is absolutely horrible (the author knows not a single thing that he is talking about, didn't bother to do any research, and is only crying about the end of energy monopolies as he knows them lol)... which i wont bother spreading.

                                This one has some interesting possible "down sides" mentioned, such as a claim of thermal pollution. That is not accurate. It would be a huge net loss in heat released into the ambient over fossil fuels and fission nuclear that it would replace.

                                Cheap power: An overnight revolution ( - Industry Verticals )

