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Suppression document and YouTube

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  • Thanks Aaron, interesting.


    Here is a good interview, with Dr. Edmund Storms found at the — A library of papers about cold fusion

    site that discusses many aspects of LENR and the current state of research.

    The Space Show hosted by: Dr. David Livingston

    In it is another tantalizing reference to NASA doing actual research into it now (the fourth reference by my count, from different sources), but that is still all we have, and no confirmation by NASA itself. I strongly suspect that such a replication / experiment / new angle is going on right now, probably at NASA Langley in Virginia.
    Last edited by jibbguy; 03-20-2012, 02:48 PM.


    • This one is JUST TOO FUNNY

      Donald Trump calls alternative energy "Horrible" and "Disgusting".

      Lol i kid you not.

      Donald Trump: Windmills Are 'Disgusting' | ThinkProgress


      • Here is an excellent article from EnivoReporter who have been independently testing radiation in the L.A area.

        Rises in radiation there, some of it in a novel form: "Buckyball" fullerines.

        The Endless Bummer »

        Also, here is an ad that is airing during the "Daily Show" for the fission nuclear industry. Please note that EVERYTHING stated there about "Safety" is simply a LIE.

        Nuclear Energy: Cleaner, Safer and Made in America - YouTube

        First, the NRC completely white-washed their Fukushima report, so the operators here didnt have to spend any money. The are revolving-door corporate toadies and tools of the industry.

        The facts are, that the same KNOWN FAULTY reactors that existed in Fukushima exist here by the dozen. Not only that, but the same backup systems that were built on the cheap, also exist... that ALL FAILED at Fukushima. And not by the "tsunami" as claimed, but because of poor engineering.

        Lastly, the same INSANELY DANGEROUS method for storing spent fuel rods exists here too. Most of the huge amount of radiation that is spewing from Fukushima is actually coming from these spent rods... that if stored off-site, would never have been a factor.

        HOW CAN THEY CLAIM "SAFETY" when then the same conditions exist here?

        They don't have to worry, because this debate will NOT be shown on mainstream TV.



          <script src='' type='text/javascript'></script><noscript></noscript>

          True. And should there ever be a solar PV "melt-down"... It would be a bit of a mess to clean up. Not a world-changing disaster that negatively affects the lives and futures of millions of people from radiation poisoning, such as is going on right now with the Fukushima Fission Nuclear Disaster.
          Last edited by jibbguy; 04-02-2012, 02:07 PM.


          • Please sign this petition and help spread it.

            We know that cleaner, cheaper, and infinitely safer alternatives exist for the U.S. We don't need to waste billions in corporate welfare to enrich the operators.. not only does the government pay for the damages they would cause, but us, electricity CONSUMERS, pay for their building through specific rate hikes. Many of these specific rate hikes were never lowered again after the 1970's and 80's when the first round were built, despite the plants being paid off for decades.

            Please Do this Sign-On Petition to Stop the New Nuke Loan Guarantees |


            Here we see a well done theory shown in a series of vid's, that the explosion at Fukushima #3 was in fact an atomic "criticality"... something the industry shills had told us for decades was "impossible". The official story was that it was caused by hydrogen generated by the spent fuel pool going "dry"; but atomic blast appears to be more accurate.

            That particular reactor building was massively damaged; and stored on site in it, just a few floors above the reactor, are plutonium and uranium spent fuels. The very same designs and practices exist in dozens of US fission nuclear reactors around the country, "Ferme" in Michigan being one of many... used as a "breeder" for nuclear weapons fuels.

            *NEW* Goddard’s Journal: Did Fukushima Unit 3 Fuel Pool Explode? (VIDEO)


            • Add Thorium Plasma Batteries To The List Gentlemen!

              This is the best damn thread on the forum and everyone here should Tweet it and give copies to everyone they know!

              Knowledge is the ultimate power. BTW ... you need to add "Thorium Plasma Batteries" to the list. If you didn't see the thread in this forum by EYECU, then check out these links some of which go back to 2010 and some very recent. This is not the same as the old RTG atomic batteries. Be sure to read the white papers by Harvard Professor Ramon Khanna and MIT professor Eugene Mallove and the interview with the first inventor Aries M. DeGeus (there were at least 3 different versions of the invention):

     &bull; View topic - Thorium Plasma Battery - Right Technology - Wrong Priority?

              New plasma battery is now restricted to only military applications as DoD robs inventor of fame and fortune. - National Science Foundation - NSF - Zimbio

              Thorium Plasma Battery Technology - Wrongly Top Secret? - Green Energy Reports - Open Salon


              The Thorium Plasma Battery – An End to Oil Company Slavery?

              New Nuclear, Atomic, & Plasma Battery Technologies

              Plasma Battery Inventors Disappearing Regularly *|* Peak Oil News and Message Boards

              Another Green Energy Technology suppressed by Government? *|* Peak Oil News and Message Boards

     &bull; Login

              U.S. classification of documents as secret is out of hand - Los Angeles Times

              The harder you work the luckier you get!


              • EXCELERATOR, did you realize, that there are much other Projects out as a Plasma Battery?
                No need to beat on a dead horse, because it seems, that most are not interested in a Nuclear Battery.
                If you read further through the Forum you can see, that there are more Topics with Batteries,
                what are way lesser expansive and easier to do with common Things.
                There are close countless Devices, what did not make it into the Market, but most have one thing in common, that they do not work with waste of any nuclear Material, only Wear out.
                Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                • The Cyclone Engine gets a Patent award in South Africa. Many of us have been following them for a long time now; it is a new design of thermal engine that can use either steam or waste heat (air) to operate.

                  Cyclone Power Adds A Modern Twist to the Steam Engine | CleanTechies Blog -

                  Their site

                  Cyclone Power Technologies - Cyclone Engine


                  • Here's an interesting report from a company called Natcore Technology, going back to "super-efficient solar PV" that we discussed earlier.

                    They claim 99.7% light capturing ability, but note that's not the same as electrical conversion efficiency. Apparently that is somewhere in the "40%" range; which is still quite amazing, and a big improvement over 17% which is this year's high end for sales.

                    The great increase in light absorption has other benefits though, such as utilizing diffused light better and not requiring expensive and short-lasting anti-reflective coatings (being able to collect energy for longer periods of the day and under cloudier conditions).

                    Natcore Scientists Create “Absolute Blackâ€

                    This "blacker black" technology also has potential for solar thermal as well... as the less light reflected back, the more heat is absorbed.


                    • This one is a bit strange. Not just the technology, but the fact that the players in it are; one an ex- director of US alphabet security agencies.

                      Terrawatt Research LLC

                      The Test Set-up

                      The "About Us" page with Judge William Webster listed.

                      About Us

                      It's about the 3rd magnetic coupled drive device we have seen, although this looks like one we saw 3 years ago under a different name (not sure about that though, maybe some1 out there remembers it).

                      I've often wondered if the magnetic flux between the coupled drive wheels has the ability to "take away" some of the drag from the prime mover when the generator is under load; verses a normal pulley or gear arrangement. If so, that would account for it.

                      They apparently have "UL" and "TUV" verifications there of up to COP 4. And their instrumentation looks very good.

                      One of the posters at our group thinks it's a fake (because of the names of people involved). I dunno, though.
                      Last edited by jibbguy; 04-13-2012, 06:12 PM.


                      • Not much news to report about LENR in the last few weeks. But this is significant in my opinion

                        Defkalion Green Technologies Communicates With Interested Parties | E-Cat World

                        Because in it, Defkalion, the Greek company working on a "Rossi E-Cat" -like Nickle-Hydrogen LENR hot water boiler, has recently made statements to potential investors that their device has passed several Verifications. This means they are either "true" statements, or that they are now very exposed to criminal Fraud charges. It is sort of "Crossing the Rubicon" there legally.


                        • Here's another of the those magnetic mechanical coupling wheel devices ("magnetic gearing" like the above "Terawatt" device), this one from a French inventor Léon Raoul Hatem

                          He is apparently claiming significant COP with it.

                          Léon Raoul Hatem 10/17 Magnétisme source d&#39;énergie - YouTube


                          • Allow me a moment to congratulate Gotoluc for his marvelous body of work, and for his latest endeavors (as can be seen here on this forum and others).

                            THANK YOU for it.

                            And to all the other fine Open Source researchers; we appreciate your work and what you are doing for us all.

                            Here is ANOTHER "break though" in solar PV . This time from Australia. Their method of eventually getting up to 40% efficiency apparently uses cheap materials, and could possibly be used in conjunction with other emerging PV technologies.

                            Australian scientists report breakthrough in solar cell efficiency
                            Last edited by jibbguy; 04-18-2012, 06:24 PM.


                            • Thanx Bruva



                              • Two presentations by Dr. Francesco Celani, Italian physicist. The first is a paper that verifies the "Gas Loading LENR" nickle-hydrogen method used with the Rossi ECat (at least the 4th independent verification by scientific labs that anamalous energy is produced using this method).


                                And the second is a presentation by Celani discussing the history of LENR that has a very interesting statement in it: That NASA verified LENR first in December 1989, then again in 2009 at NASA Glenn in Cleveland, Ohio... and that the second verification used regular H instead of deuterium (the gas loading method).... it means that NASA suppressed their LENR results for over 22 years now.... and allowed Pons and Fleishmann to "twist in the wind" when the media feeding frenzy of 1989 / 1990 tore them apart professionally.


