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Suppression document and YouTube

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  • Recently I went back to Dr. Claus Turtur's website to see what was new, and saw this message from him there, stating he is being suppressed.

    "Although I verified the practical utilization of free energy in the laboratory, I had to stop my research work completely. This is not very nice, because 'Free and Clean Energy' would be important for mankind.

    For all who want to see my former results: Please scroll down."

    Conversion of the zero-point energy of the vacuum

    Dr. Turtur is famous (at least in Open Source Energy circles lol), for his work manifesting Zero Point Energy into physical force. He had gotten a small rotor to spin in either water, oil, and vacuum (eliminating possible electrostatic, electromagnetic, or ionic sources).


    • There is a scheduled streaming broadcast of a live demo of Hyperion's version of "Gas Loading LENR" reactor to be held on Monday July 22nd. It will be going on at the same time as the international scientific conference on LENR being held at University of Missouri ("ICCF-18"), chaired by Dr. Robert Duncan (he was seen on that "Cold Fusion Is Hot Again" segment of the "CBS 60 Minutes" program).

      Defkalion Hyperion demo to be broadcast online | COLD FUSION NOW!

      The below appears to be the actual URL for the live stream:

      Defkalion LENR - la presentazione on Livestream

      Also, here is a very informative article on the status of the Defkalion LENR device being reading for commercial manufacture, by author Jeane Manning (from Infinite Energy Magazine). Requires "PDF" reader.
      Last edited by jibbguy; 07-20-2013, 04:23 PM.


      • This is a good opportunity to thank Aaron for all his great work. We appreciate it, and this important forum

        Even if imperfect and mostly PUBLIC (meaning nearly anyone is welcome until they break rules, and certainly we all won't "like" some of the widely varied opinions seen here), the Energetic Forum is a great place to read and share our ideas and work.

        He-said-she-said controversy and interpersonal drama is often entertaining, but it is not important in the end; the subjects discussed here are. And we thank Aaron for providing the meeting place for sharing them.


        Some of you have been following the spin-out from the US Naval Research Lab called GEC, Global Energy Corporation. They recently got a US patent awarded for the transmutation function of LENR cold fusion. Their method differs from the original palladium-deuterium method, or the newer nickle-hydrogen "gas loading" method, in that it uses un-enriched uranium. Some of the names involved here are interesting: Norman Maneta, Frank Carlucci, and Tom Davis (former US congressmen, Cabinet members, and otherwise "big DC players").

        Using uranium may not be ideal (since they control the supply of it), but what the GEC verifications do is validate LENR in general.... and prove, beyond any plausible denyability, that the US government KNOWS it is valid and valuable. Here is a graphic they made about it:

        Uploaded with

        Story about it

        Mineta, Davis, Carlucci, Global Energy Corporation, LENR, Navy, Guam | COLD FUSION NOW!


        • @Jibbguy

          Originally posted by jibbguy View Post
          This is a good opportunity to thank Aaron for all his great work. We appreciate it, and this important forum

          Even if imperfect and mostly PUBLIC (meaning nearly anyone is welcome until they break rules, and certainly we all won't "like" some of the widely varied opinions seen here), the Energetic Forum is a great place to read and share our ideas and work.

          He-said-she-said controversy and interpersonal drama is often entertaining, but it is not important in the end; the subjects discussed here are. And we thank Aaron for providing the meeting place for sharing them.
          - been quite a journey - a very interesting one at that and I appreciate your contributions!
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • Mentioned earlier....

            Mark Gibbs, the person who wrote several stories on LENR/Cold Fusion in Forbes magazine over the last 2 years... was unfortunately fired from that job last month, right after posting another one there... this time about the Defkalion live stream during the ICCF conference.

            Defkalion Demonstrates LENR Live, Right Now - Forbes


            • Sort-of interesting attack piece on Tesla, looks like the mainstream might be pushing back. Cleverly done, and as usual completely ignoring the actual reasons he is popular... The discoveries and their implications for energy.

              Why The Internet Might Be Wrong About Nikola Tesla

              I've read hundreds of things about this man and none of them pointed at "eugenics". But i did read a tract by Henry Ford, who was close friends and soul-mate with Edison (they co-founded a "society" together that printed it), that was odious; rabidly racist and fascist.

              There is one point there worth examining, that making anyone into a cardboard superhero will eventually backfire. I wondered who was doing that to such an extent and "why", because they appeared to have no interest in changing the energy paradigm

              In there they show a brief clip from that movie "The Prestige" which had a very mixed message about Tesla who was a character in it. The portrayal of the Colorado Springs longitudinal power transmission experiments was accurate, showing the incandescent bulbs being lit from only a ground connection hundreds of yards away from the source.

              But it also had a completely fictional "matter copying" machine in it that had frightening implications. We see that alot with Tesla and free energy in general :

              "DANGER! Be Afraid! Stay Away!"

              was probably the intended message there


              VERY GOOD interview on Smartscarecrow with Robert Godes and Bob George of Brillouin Energy... One of the up-and-coming commercial LENR ventures.

              20130912 - Presentation by R. Godes & R. George of Brillouin Energy - YouTube

              In it we hear some stuff that wasn't clear before:

              > They have two separate systems now, the first a "wet" water boiler one that is intended for the water heating / boiler heating industries... and a second much larger "Gas" one that is intended as a steam generator (for electricity generation).

              > The smaller "wet" version does on board electrolysis to get the Hydrogen needed to react with the Nickel... and they are using small amounts of sodium hydroxide there for that.

              And from other tidbits Godes has let out in the last few weeks... The very specialized ELECTRICAL PULSE WAVEFORM that is used to do the hydroxy AND ALLOW THE LENR TO HAPPEN, is a key component to their controlling the reaction better than most of their competitors.

              > The large "Gas" system is now at S.R.I. International undergoing testing and apparently they are going to work together to engineer a practical industrial steam boiler to run a turbine / dynamo.

              From all i have heard to date (and because of their claim of the S.R.I. one being able to operate at "600 C" and high PSI), this puts them ahead in the commercialization race

              But it's a win-win, who ever gets there first gets our kudos and support!
              Last edited by jibbguy; 09-18-2013, 03:04 PM.


              • New article in the excellent Infinite Energy Magazine about Dr. Dennis Craven's "heated LENR sphere demo" that was shown at the National Instruments' Expo recently in Austin Texas. Many thanks to Infinite Energy and Dr. Cravens for sharing it with us. Requires PDF reader.


                Nice quote from there i think:

                "The demo was about as simple a demo as you can imagine. It wasn’t designed to be a science experiment. It wasn’t
                designed for exacting measurements. It was designed just to
                make people realize there must be some effect we don’t
                understand going on inside the simple brass balls. Many will
                say you it needs more wires and exotic sensors, but a 4
                degree signal above the bed the ball sits in and well above
                the room temperature means by simple thermodynamics
                that there must be some energy source inside. People can
                argue about what it is, but the bottom line is something
                strange is going on—something that cannot be easily
                explained but just might change the world."

                Indeed, it will!

                And i wonder if many folks who are not aware of National Instruments power and position in the electronics world... realize what a plum it was to be there demonstrating LENR, or a week earlier, that the CEO of N.I. gave a presentation at the international ICCF scientific conference on LENR held at University of Missouri.

                It means that LENR is starting to break out in to the mainstream, and that despite the continued corporate media blackout on it (THAT LOOKS MORE SUSPICIOUS EVERY DAY), folks are becoming aware anyway.


                • Nice article by Ruby Carat about the "New Fire Generation", the up and coming scientists and researchers working OPEN SOURCE on LENR, and specifically in the "Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project" (MFMP).

                  Once again in the new issue of Infinite Energy Magazine (the great publication started by the late Eugene Mallove, strong proponent of cold fusion).



                  Very nice design for tidal energy; works in as little as 2 knots, opening up tens of thousands more miles of coastline or rivers for use.

                  Submerged Sails Catch The Power Of Tides | EarthTechling

                  Be sure to check out the vid there on it, verycool.
                  Launch of Balder, Tidal Sails AS - YouTube

                  Yes, a bit of a mechanical monstrosity, but on the other hand it is SIMPLE mechanics that can be repaired and maintained locally with little cost and few complex parts in the "sails" moving section (the power generation alternators can be above water level saving a hell of a lot of reliability and maintenance trouble over "submerged" types).


                  Dr. Edmund Storms (one of the scientists to successfully replicate the Pons and Fleischmann experiments back in 1989 -1990 when working at a U.S. government lab), gives a nice overview of what LENR is about. Posted on the YouTube page of Nobel Prize Laureate Dr. Brian Josephson.

                  Edmund Storms on cold fusion - YouTube

                  At the end he lists sites to go to for more information, instead of "LENR.Org" i think he meant

         — A library of papers about cold fusion

                  So, scientists, working for the US government, DID successfully replicate the Pons and Fleischmann experiments back in 1989.

                  Hmm, wonder why the government remained silent during the circus of "fraud" and "junk science" attacks in the mainstream media and by M.I.T. and Caltech

                  Or allllll those years since.

                  But not to worry, we are told that suppression doesn't exist


                  • Great conference going on in Boulder Colorado, sponsored by the "Breakthrough Energy" folks.

                    There are many great and interesting presentations (and some perhaps more "esoteric" than "energy production related" for our personal tastes)... But here are some highlighted i thought that were of special note with new information:

                    Ruby Carat of Cold Fusion Now has an excellent summary and state of the art presentation on LENR ! Third video down the page, 20 minutes in.

                    October 10, 2013 on Livestream

                    In it (besides scads of other little gems), is something i hadn't been aware of before, that is of interest to this core thread-subject....

                    ... A memo from the U.S. Patent Office directing their people to suppress any Patent Applications that mentions LENR / Cold Fusion, which was apparently their ILLEGAL AND CORRUPT policy for many years.

                    And the follow on presentation after it on the same video by attorney David Neibauer is also very good (he represents Brillouin Energy and has some inside info on them and their connection to S.R.I. International and Stanford University).

                    In it, he speculates that a public demonstration of LENR might be done at the Google facility, or the Apple server farm...

                    ... Interesting, since we know that executives of Google were visiting the Brillouin facility in Berkeley CA recently ....

                    Here, is some very interesting info on 3-D Printing (from the "Tent 2" stream), a little off topic but maybe not, as fabricating our own precision parts for Open Source Energy mass-release demonstration devices might come in VERY handy!

                    GlobalBEM Tent 2 on Livestream

                    But i would urge folks to peruse all the presentations there related to energy.

                    During the Panel Discussions, i was struck by a great little story told by Tom Valone (paraphrased here by me):

                    In the 1990's, Dr. Martin Fleischmann (so-discoverer of the LENR effect), had once spoke at a conference on energy; then just as he returned to his hotel room, the phone rang. It was Dr. Edward Teller, "father of the H-bomb" and for decades, the most powerful and influential scientist in the U.S.because of his nuclear weapons work. Teller bluntly asked Dr. Fleischmann if LENR could be made into a bomb... to which he replied, "no".

                    Fleischmann then told Tom years later, that he often wondered if he should have lied about it, so it would get the billions in research money and attention it deserves
                    Last edited by jibbguy; 10-13-2013, 05:59 PM.

