YouTube - gravitator lo siento Amigos,soy español y no se ingles,confio en que podamos entendernos...un Abrazo estimados compañeros
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"the gravitator" pf Tomas Townsend Brown
Originally posted by seth View PostWho is the designated Spanish translator here?
This looks interesting. I'd love to hear the details.must first understand the nature .... and then imitate
Thanks for the info!
I have a few more questions about design though - do you have a link to a diagram?? If you do, im sure there are many on this forum who would love to replicate something that broke Newtons law of action/reactionI certainly would!
I assume you're using DC - have you tried AC??? No luck???
Originally posted by antigraviticsystems1 View PostYouTube - gravitator lo siento Amigos,soy español y no se ingles,confio en que podamos entendernos...un Abrazo estimados compañeros
YouTube - transductor electro-kinetico (empuje sin liberación de masas).MOV
@ Seth
Originally posted by seth View PostThanks for the info!
I have a few more questions about design though - do you have a link to a diagram?? If you do, im sure there are many on this forum who would love to replicate something that broke Newtons law of action/reactionI certainly would!
I assume you're using DC - have you tried AC??? No luck???
The Rotating Lafforgue's Field Propulsion Thrusters by Jean-Louis Naudin
NOTE: this does not use ionic thrust. I do not think his explanation is correct, but that does not matter since it works. He did seveal very intersting experiments that can not really be explained with current physics.
EDIT: I was wrong. These do work by ionizing air. It just is not so obvious.Last edited by xee2; 12-19-2010, 10:07 AM.
Originally posted by antigraviticsystems1 View PostYouTube - gravitator lo siento Amigos,soy español y no se ingles,confio en que podamos entendernos...un Abrazo estimados compañeros
Originally posted by xee2 View Post@ Seth
I think this is a better approach.
The Rotating Lafforgue's Field Propulsion Thrusters by Jean-Louis Naudin
NOTE: this does not use ionic thrust. I do not think his explanation is correct, but that does not matter since it works. He did seveal very intersting experiments that can not really be explained with current physics.
I remember reading the ''antigravity and plasma propulsion '' book by Lafayette and i remember he also calculated that the Lafforgue thrusters produce more power than any other antigrav patent. It seems to me the strength of the dielectric used between electrodes is paramount to added thrust - according to TT Brown the extra weight of the dielectric adds extra momentum and power. What do you think? Where can we get our hands on some barium titanate? Id like some heavy cylinders for sure
Do you have any antigrav plans or designs in the works? Would be nice to do something antigravitic on the sideIm still into the exciter but im feeling no inspiration at the mo and need some other projects to broaden my mind
Last edited by seth; 11-15-2010, 04:58 PM.
Originally posted by seth View PostWhere can we get our hands on some barium titanate?
To make a high K dielectric using batium titanate powder you pretty much have to sinter it under high pressure. From experience, inserting a binder will result in a much lower K. Even just hand tamping the powder into a cylinder didn't result in a high K, likely due to all the low-K trapped air. I haven't been able to do any sintering myself, but with epoxy binder the highest K I've been able to get is 27. But of course that means the electric field through it is stronger and for the geometry I was using, rod an surrounding cylinder, it broke somewhere between 10kV and 20kV. Here are my efforts with binder:
Alternatively you could use doorknob capacitors. Some of them use barium titanate. I've tried that before where I put a bunch of them in parallel, applied over 50kV and looked for weight loss. The results were negative.
EDIT: For anyone who's curious and in case it gives anyone some ideas, I just added photos and full details of this doorknob capacitor experiment to the following:
We could go to only 59kV before breakdown AROUND the capacitors so by improving the insulation around them someone might be able to go to higher voltage and get positive results.
@ Seth
If you look at the LFPT v3 experiment by JNL you will see he used a very low dielectric constant material (foam) and got excellent results. So I would think a high dielectric constant may help but is not needed.
I do not have a 30 KV supply and the needed space to do these experiments, so I can not do them myself. But if you want to do some scientifically significant antigravity experiments that really work, I would suggest that these experiments are a good place to start. Please let me know if you do.
This just came up in the jlnlabs yahoo group:
From: fisheye45us
Date: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 6:36:28 AM
Subject: [jlnlabs] barium titanate
I have aprox 150lbs of barium titanate piezo for sale on ebay right now for $10.00 for is soluble in sulfuric acid.You can make it any shape you want.ebay Item number:150509947565
You can go to ebay do an advanced search for the above item number, or the following long link might work:
The shape might be right for experiments.
I did try the Lafforgue thruster a long time ago. I got some movement but it was too hard to tell apart from what you'd get from normal air currents that I didn't pursue it further. Might be worth trying though.
Originally posted by stevend View PostThis just came up in the jlnlabs yahoo group:
From: fisheye45us
Date: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 6:36:28 AM
Subject: [jlnlabs] barium titanate
I have aprox 150lbs of barium titanate piezo for sale on ebay right now for $10.00 for is soluble in sulfuric acid.You can make it any shape you want.ebay Item number:150509947565
You can go to ebay do an advanced search for the above item number, or the following long link might work:
Piezo,Barium Titanate Ceramic Material,Silver Plated - eBay (item 150509947565 end time Nov-20-10 15:38:06 PST)
The shape might be right for experiments.
I did try the Lafforgue thruster a long time ago. I got some movement but it was too hard to tell apart from what you'd get from normal air currents that I didn't pursue it further. Might be worth trying though.
-Steve - Solar/wind, composting, non-conventional energy/propulsion Wave Structure of Matter (WSM)
Never ceases to amaze me some of the great advice and help available from kind folk here and on I want me some of that barium titanate, straight from NASA
Gonna have to wait for delivery, but yes, i think ill get some! Thanks Xee - i'd forgotten about the really simple Lafforgue build that Naudin did. Its a great idea, and i'll try and replicate with something...i threw away all my polystyrene when i moved. I'll keep you posted anyhow guys.
The more surface area the more force. Look here to see what makes super capacitors have their high capacitance:
Electric double-layer capacitor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think experimenting with activated carbon can also give a boost in force generated. Notice the equation is proportional with the square of voltage:
from: The Lafforgue's Action Force Thruster Solver by Jean-Louis Naudin
Since Voltage = E*distance (ignoring integral). Increase surface density of charge directly increases E and thus the force is increased in squared manner. 1000x more E = 1000 000x more force.
I also like this one due its simplicity: Electrostatic pressure on a charged body by Jean-Louis Naudin
Can you imagine using trillions upon trillions of closed capped nanotubes:
charge density would be insane. It would probably push earth out of orbit. Just dreaming.
Originally posted by broli View PostThe more surface area the more force. Look here to see what makes super capacitors have their high capacitance:
Since Voltage = E*distance (ignoring integral). Increase surface density of charge directly increases E and thus the force is increased in squared manner. 1000x more E = 1000 000x more force.
charge density would be insane. It would probably push earth out of orbit. Just dreaming.
Thermally energized electrical power source - Boyd B. Bushman - Lockheed Corporation
Thermally energized electrical power ... - Google Patent Search
Uploaded with (ESPAÑOL)Hola compañeros y compañeras de canal aun no he realizado las modificaciones oportunas en la balanza rotatoria las cuales van a consistir en llevar por un solo brazo los 2 cables de alimentación de alta tensión pegados y enmallados,despues de ese ajuste dudo mucho que la balanza oscile pues estoy convencido de que descartando al viento de ión todo ha sido fruto de atracciones y repulsiones generadas arbitrariamente por el potente campo electrico del condensador y de los cables paralelos de alimentació obstante voy a continuar experimentando pues me aburro mucho en mi negocio,siempre explicando las mismas cosas y viendo las mismas caras,sinceramente el dinero no me abre los ojos ni me ilusiona mucho que digamos en cambio esto si....aquí os dejo un boceto de mi proximo experimento con la balanza rotatoria (ENGLISH)Hello comrades channel I have not made the necessary changes in the rotational balance which will consist of a single arm carrying the 2 wires of high voltage power glued and entangled, after the adjustment I doubt that the balance swings for I am convinced that dismissing the entire ion wind is the result of attraction and repulsion generated arbitrarily by the strong electric field of the capacitor and the parallel power cables ....... however I will continue to experience because I'm bored much in my business, always giving the same things and seeing the same faces, the money is not truly opens my eyes and excites me a lot to say instead that if I leave .... here a sketch of my next experiment with the balance Rotatoriamust first understand the nature .... and then imitate