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Electricity's Watson Machine

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  • Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
    Good morning
    Can anyone provide a circuit I can build to convert some of this voltage to amperage?
    As I see it, you can't think quite like this.

    Your device produces a voltage, the pressure at which the electrons
    are coming, and according to the resistance in the load, this will
    result in a current, measured in amps which tells of the amount
    of electrons flowing per second. From from Ohms Law,

    - = I

    and the power = I x V.

    So, if you have a certain voltage or pressure coming from your
    invention, and wish to alter the current, i.e. the amount of
    electrons per second, then you need to alter the resistance
    of what you attach, your load.

    p.s. where did you read that Bedini uses magnet motors?
    An encouraging aspect of the Watson motor is that it is
    mentioned in Patrick's "what to try" chapter, pages 6,10.



    • Originally posted by wrtner View Post
      As I see it, you can't think quite like this.

      Your device produces a voltage, the pressure at which the electrons
      are coming, and according to the resistance in the load, this will
      result in a current, measured in amps which tells of the amount
      of electrons flowing per second. From from Ohms Law,

      - = I

      and the power = I x V.

      So, if you have a certain voltage or pressure coming from your
      invention, and wish to alter the current, i.e. the amount of
      electrons per second, then you need to alter the resistance
      of what you attach, your load.

      p.s. where did you read that Bedini uses magnet motors?
      An encouraging aspect of the Watson motor is that it is
      mentioned in Patrick's "what to try" chapter, pages 6,10.

      Hi Paul
      yes I knew of reducing the reisitance, but I was hoping the voltage could some how be "compressed" or "converted" to amperage. I was hoping of a some way I havent thought of or tried

      As you probably can see my knowledge of elcetricty is limited to what I taught myself in addition to what I learned when I helped my uncle Perry wire my dad's sawmill many years ago.

      As far as the motor, it was on page 16 of the ebook your refered me to.
      Thanks again
      Last edited by Bizzy; 08-30-2011, 04:54 PM.
      Smile it doesn't hurt!

      Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


      • Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
        Hi Paul
        yes I knew of reducing the resistance, but I was hoping the voltage could some how be "compressed" or "converted" to amperage.
        No, not really. The latter results from by the former.

        Have you tried Chapter 12? I find it of immense help, and it gets
        updated so one needs to keep in touch with it.


        • Originally posted by wrtner View Post
          No, not really. The latter results from by the former.

          Have you tried Chapter 12? I find it of immense help, and it gets
          updated so one needs to keep in touch with it.
          Hi Paul
          Yes I have read and re-read Patrick's work, you are correct he is extremely imformative and usefull. Unfortunately chapter 12 doesnt help me in this case.
          I have a couple more experiments to try over th enext few days, so hopefully I can have more favorable results to report.

          I also have to say I agree with your responces completely on the other thread, where some one asked if anyone can make a generator power its own motor . I have always beileved it will take input from several "natural" sources to do what we all hope to do.
          More later
          merci vielmals
          Smile it doesn't hurt!

          Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


          • a not so stupid question

            Good morning,
            last evening I was tinkering in my work shop and my son asked me a question, I couldn't answer and think others may be wondering the same thing so here it is I hope someone out there knows and will help us....

            An AC alternator is made up of either 3 or 5 phases, but we have only two wires going into a typical AC appliance such as a lamp or mircowave etc, the question is how is the power converted from a 3 phase 3 wire circut to a 2 wire circuit we all use in ourhomes???
            I figure it is some kind of transformer but am uncertain what the design or sechmatic would look like.

            Smile it doesn't hurt!

            Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


            • Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
              Good morning,
              last evening I was tinkering in my work shop and my son asked me a question, I couldn't answer and think others may be wondering the same thing so here it is I hope someone out there knows and will help us....

              An AC alternator is made up of either 3 or 5 phases, but we have only two wires going into a typical AC appliance such as a lamp or mircowave etc, the question is how is the power converted from a 3 phase 3 wire circut to a 2 wire circuit we all use in ourhomes???
              I figure it is some kind of transformer but am uncertain what the design or sechmatic would look like.

              Good afternoon
              In case anyone is interested. I seems that an "open Delta Transformer" can be used to supply power to a single phase appliance using a three phase power source.
              Smile it doesn't hurt!

              Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


              • Transfer Switch

                Good morning

                Transfer Switch.AVI - YouTube

                This is part of my continued work in building a Watson Machine. In this video I show the results of a transfer switch that I devolped. The switch helps to bypass the effects of Lenz's law, by isolating the alternator from the motor via a transfer capacitor. When the switch is not triggered the primary capacitor is charged. When the switch is triggered the primary capacitor makes contact with the transfer capacitor and charges the transfer capacitor. When the switch is disengaged the two capacitors break contact while the primary capacitor continues to be charged. Meanwhile the transfer capacitor makes contact with the motor and closes the circuit and as a result runs the motor. The process repeats itself once per revolution.

                To recap the results in this test. When the motor was attached directly to the alternator the alternator slowed to 277 RPMs when the motor was hooked up to the alternator using the transfer switch the alternator only slowed to 507 RPMS.
                Naturally I am still fine tuning the switch to improve the efficiency of the switch so that there is little or no speed reduction as well as more amperage transfer to the motor.
                Let me know what you think
                Last edited by Bizzy; 01-30-2012, 11:11 AM.
                Smile it doesn't hurt!

                Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                • Great progress

                  You seem to be getting somewhere. Even in its current state, your transfer switch is providing quite an improvement. Could you give more info about it
                  like cap values and how many caps you are using. Thanks.



                  • Capacitors

                    Originally posted by FRC View Post
                    You seem to be getting somewhere. Even in its current state, your transfer switch is providing quite an improvement. Could you give more info about it
                    like cap values and how many caps you are using. Thanks.

                    Hi George
                    thanks for the compliment. I agree that this is going in the right direction.
                    Currently I am using three 35 volt polarized capacitors in parrallel for both the primary and transfer capacitors. I am using these just to test my theory because I had them handy in my work shop. Each Capacitor is only .47yf which is why I have three in parallel. Ideally I think a higher fard capacitor will work best for both the primary and the transfer capacitors. Again I simply used these becuase they were available. Also there should be a non polarized capacitor as a primary capacitor, however the alternator is producing 10 volts more than my biggest non polarized capacitor can handle and i have ordered bigger ones.
                    Currently I am working on snubbers to reduce some of the minor arcing at the switch. In so doing I hope to further decrease the rpm reduction at the alternator while still maintaining a high rpm at the test motor. Once I am finished working on the snubbers I hope to delve in further with capacitors and hopefully can show everyone more impressive results in the near future.
                    Last edited by Bizzy; 01-30-2012, 08:34 PM.
                    Smile it doesn't hurt!

                    Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                    • Thanks Bizzy

                      Thanks Bizzy, looking forward to more impressive results.



                      • transfer switch

                        Good afternoon everyone,
                        Attached you will find a very general schematic of the transfer switch. This will hopefully help you understand what is happeneing. But basically the switch arm moves between the top and bottom contacts of the switch to transfer electricity between the motor and alternator but does not allow contact between the motor and alternator themselves.
                        Attached Files
                        Smile it doesn't hurt!

                        Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                        • Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
                          to transfer electricity between the motor and alternator
                          Don't forget, Bizzy, that, to keep to the Bedini/Watson model,
                          if this is what you are doing, the alternator should be designed
                          around John Bedini's "energiser" design, rather than using a
                          commercial alternator.



                          • Hi Paul,
                            In that respect it wont be a true Bedini Machine since I am using the alternator designs I made while I was working with windmills a few years ago. Dont get me wrong I highly value the work John has done and greatly respect him. And I dont discount his research at all.

                            However this is more a copulation of idea I have had for a great many years as well as ideas gleened from other whom I greatly respect like John Bedini and Nikola Tesla to name just two.


                            Originally posted by wrtner View Post
                            Don't forget, Bizzy, that, to keep to the Bedini/Watson model,
                            if this is what you are doing, the alternator should be designed
                            around John Bedini's "energiser" design, rather than using a
                            commercial alternator.

                            Smile it doesn't hurt!

                            Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                            • a surprising result

                              Good morning
                              Yesterday Aaron asked if I knew how much power lose I was getting when I sent power from the primary to the transfer capacitor. Aaron suggested that if i was only getting a 50% reduction in voltage I was doing ok. I was going to wait until I started fine tuning the capaitors in my switch to study this. But his question kept nagging at me last night. So this morning before work I did a quick test to determine what voltage I was getting at the test motor.

                              When I started the alternator I was getting 27.2 volts at the alternator capacitor. When I engaged my switch I was only getting 2.3 to 3.4 volts at across the motor. I was disheartened by this and very surprised since I thought for sure with the high speed of the motor I would be getting a much higher result.
                              However this does give me a great deal of hope for this test since I know that my unit does require a great deal of tuning that I can look forward to better speed results when higher amperage and voltage is finally acheived.
                              Smile it doesn't hurt!

                              Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                              • cap transfer


                                Energy Loss in Charging a Capacitor

                                Cap to cap will lose half but going from cap to inductor to cap, you retain a whole lot more.
                                Aaron Murakami

                                Books & Videos
                                RPX & MWO

