Originally posted by philopolymath
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I have a degree in EE and it does take a while to go back to basics, which is classic field theory.
I have a collection of Eric Dollard's work at my website:
Bestandsoverzicht van /pdf/Eric_Dollard_Document_Collection/
I have theorized further on Turtur and Dollard's. Based on these, one can go a long way into explaining Stan Meyer / Andrea Puharich's car/motor cycles running on water as well as Edwin Gray's fuelless engine:
Article:Free Electric Energy in Theory and Practice - PESWiki
If the electric field indeed is an energy source, powered by ZPE trough charge carriers as electrons and atom nuclei, then you can use the energy source known as the electric field in various ways. It appears that Meyer, Puharich and Gray all three put some coil configuration into resonance, powered by the electric field without the application of an externally supplied current.
It appears that Kapagen used bifilar wound coils, one clockwise, one counter-clockwise wound, in order to supress the magentic component of the traveling electric waves. So, it appears one can generate pure electric waves, in contrast to the more familiar electro-magnetic waves. Based on this, I have I have posted some ideas about some new combinations of various ideas floating around on a.o. this forum. See:
Unfotunately, I have not been able to experiment lately, so until I or someone else find some time, these ideas remain untested that may or may not work.