Hi guys
I was playing with HV and asymmetric capacitors, trying to do things like TTBrown did and Professor Turtur, and i stumbled across this - perhaps its been around for donkeys years as its ever such a simple setup. But i cant figure out WHY it spins - the precise mechanism i mean. I have a large sheet of aluminium foil under a wooden board charged to +20kV and more and over the board i have 2 nails which hang freely and spin like crazy when i switch the voltage on.
YouTube - e-motor
If its ion wind, how exactly? The nails are grounded and not charged at all (in the video i touch them during operation in order to prove this). Perhaps then the high voltage electrically induces a high voltage in the nails.....but then why would they spin?? wouldnt they just get attracted to the positive foil? I just dont get it
Reminds me of the following which i read on Lamares link
''....all one has to do is create a
"shaped" asymmetrical electric field and place any neutral object
within the field an look for an imposed acceleration''
I was playing with HV and asymmetric capacitors, trying to do things like TTBrown did and Professor Turtur, and i stumbled across this - perhaps its been around for donkeys years as its ever such a simple setup. But i cant figure out WHY it spins - the precise mechanism i mean. I have a large sheet of aluminium foil under a wooden board charged to +20kV and more and over the board i have 2 nails which hang freely and spin like crazy when i switch the voltage on.
YouTube - e-motor
If its ion wind, how exactly? The nails are grounded and not charged at all (in the video i touch them during operation in order to prove this). Perhaps then the high voltage electrically induces a high voltage in the nails.....but then why would they spin?? wouldnt they just get attracted to the positive foil? I just dont get it

Reminds me of the following which i read on Lamares link
''....all one has to do is create a
"shaped" asymmetrical electric field and place any neutral object
within the field an look for an imposed acceleration''