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Lockridge Device - Peter Lindemann

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  • Turion
    I finally got the brushes in for my motor, so I can get to work on assembling it. It has been rewound for weeks and just sitting there waiting for brush holders to come in.
    I had an old "Iron Man" treadmill in my garage that came from Costco. They rebranded it, so not sure who the original manufacturer was. Anyway, it is complete with motor, cooling fan, nice flywheel, belt pulley and belt that goes around one end of the front roller. I'm thinking that front roller would look really good with some 7 or 8 inch disks glued onto it with neo magnets screwed around the outside of them, and about 30 coils around the outside of that. On another note. That front section of the treadmill (once the control console is removed) makes a great stand to hold a six foot wheel. It even has wheels on it so you could move it around. But THAT's for another project.

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  • N O G

    Hi everyone here are some pictures of one set up that im playing with at the moment (repel/attract).The rotor has two segments on the comm joined together as others have done(good work) this makes the rotor fire slightly longer and stops the brushes from over heating .I think if the comm fires to short (one segment ) the current dosen't have time to establish a proper contact and just backfeeds between the brushes heating them up. I have no recovery yet with lots of trials (only small )(recovery brushes adjusted from less than 1 segment to more than 1 segment) i think you have to saturate the rotor before you will see any good results for recovery (the magnets around rotor will also get in the way of the recovery ) At the moment im not after recovery im more interested in pulsing a rotor that dosent kill the brushes and has good torque which this setup seems to do(not perfect yet) but everything stays at room temp (brushes slightly warm )and only a very small comm burn as the comm leaves the brush (not pitting or damage)at 24v- 1 to 2 amps with good torque(have run for long periods ) i think the neo magnets are soaking up the recovery. more testing yet..
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    Last edited by N O G; 09-12-2011, 07:24 AM.

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  • n84dafun
    Originally posted by john_g View Post
    Hi All

    Found this link, that may be useful, that allows you to calculate flywheel data - quite a shock the energy at 5000rpm!

    Flywheel Energy Calculator



    Thanks for the link. It really makes a big difference when using a ring flywheel vs a disk. A ring FW (flywheel) output energy is twice as much as a disk FW. I was able to attach the #25-13 teeth sprocket to the kid's 12 inch bike wheel (ring-type FW) and it makes a big difference compared to the grinding wheel (disk-type FW). The kid bike FW seems to smooth out as it spins faster. I haven't figured out how fast it's spinning, but it's pretty scary when I apply 72V to the input of the pulse motor. I feel like I need to wear some kind of protective mask and suit on.

    I've also applied 24V to the generator/unmodified motor and it spins the system very fast, just as fast as if I had 72V on the pulse motor side, only it probably uses more amps and definitely more torque, since the power usage is continuous when applied to the unmodified motor. I haven't checked the amp usage yet.

    Last edited by n84dafun; 02-25-2011, 04:08 PM.

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  • Matthew Jones
    Originally posted by n84dafun View Post
    I checked the scope probe setting this morning and it was set to X10 at 1V/div, so roughly it was kicking out about 10V. That's with an input to the pulse motor of 36V. I didn't check the input Amps at that time.
    If there's a linear relationship between volts in and volts out, then the generator should put out about 20V at 72V input. If there's an exponential relationship, as might have been suggested, then we should get more output voltage.
    I haven't factored in the recovery output from the pulse motor yet, so we'll have to see what I get once I hook up the caps, diodes, FWBR, and a resistive load.
    The output can give you your relative horsepower. But you have to get the whole thing with a load.


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  • john_g

    Hi All

    Found this link, that may be useful, that allows you to calculate flywheel data - quite a shock the energy at 5000rpm!

    Flywheel Energy Calculator



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  • FRC

    I have had trouble understanding some of your other videos. But this last video
    was a very good, clear, simple, description of this concept. I have noticed that a lot of the other threads have taken up this coil shorting idea also. Your video has been the best explanatory demonstration of it that I have seen so far. Thanks for the effort.


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  • dragon
    Most excellent Woopy ! Thanks for posting your experiment.

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  • woopy
    Good work Brian

    and as we are now preparing to going on the next step that is to say "the generator",

    i permit me to post this video , which can perhaps help on the way to get much energy by shorting the generative coil at the right moment

    just to think for the next step

    and good luck at all


    YouTube - shorting coil test 3.wmv

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  • n84dafun
    Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
    So Brian, whats the generator kicking out? Thats the big number.

    Good work
    I checked the scope probe setting this morning and it was set to X10 at 1V/div, so roughly it was kicking out about 10V. That's with an input to the pulse motor of 36V. I didn't check the input Amps at that time.

    If there's a linear relationship between volts in and volts out, then the generator should put out about 20V at 72V input. If there's an exponential relationship, as might have been suggested, then we should get more output voltage.

    I haven't factored in the recovery output from the pulse motor yet, so we'll have to see what I get once I hook up the caps, diodes, FWBR, and a resistive load.


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  • citfta
    Flywheel idea

    I see several of you struggling to come up with a well balanced flywheel. Here is an idea for you. If you have a small engine repair shop nearby see if they will let you have some flywheels off some junk engines. Be sure and get one of off a tiller engine or other engine that does not use the blade for mass. Push mowers have an aluminum flywheel that would be too light for what we want. For bigger projects a flywheel off a riding mower would be great. For small projects one off a weed-eater engine would probably work. You'll need to make an adapter to get the flywheel to fit your shaft but that should be much easier than trying to make a well balanced flywheel. You could even use the magneto magnets and an extra coil to generate some extra current if you use a flywheel from a Briggs engine as they have the magnets on the outside of the flywheel. Just some food for thought.


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  • Matthew Jones
    Originally posted by n84dafun View Post
    @Laurent, Very interesting results. I think that will be my next project. Looks promising.
    @Jason, Nice build! I like how you can adjust the brushes on the fly and able to see the inside while it's running.
    Here's my latest video. All hooked up. Wish it wasn't so off-balanced. I'm thinking of shortening the chain and get everything a little closer together. I left all that room so I could put a bigger flywheel. Need to find a bigger well balanced flywheel since the other 1 foot diam. wooden flywheel I have is too unbalanced.
    YouTube - Lockridge Replication Attempt - Motor-Generator-Flywheel 1st test
    So Brian, whats the generator kicking out? Thats the big number.

    Good work

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  • N O G
    forum talk

    Thanks there Brian seems your into experiments to nice work . Ive done some tests a while ago and found that chains give lots of drag so efficiently will go down but you might have a reason though. (good videos on utube)

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  • n84dafun
    Motor-Flywheel-Generator hooked up

    @Laurent, Very interesting results. I think that will be my next project. Looks promising.

    @Jason, Nice build! I like how you can adjust the brushes on the fly and able to see the inside while it's running.

    Here's my latest video. All hooked up. Wish it wasn't so off-balanced. I'm thinking of shortening the chain and get everything a little closer together. I left all that room so I could put a bigger flywheel. Need to find a bigger well balanced flywheel since the other 1 foot diam. wooden flywheel I have is too unbalanced.

    YouTube - Lockridge Replication Attempt - Motor-Generator-Flywheel 1st test


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  • N O G
    New build for testing

    Hi there to all , this is the motor ive built for some testing in this thread(will build some more aswell for testing).This one ive made here has adjustable brushes hence the two white notched discs so i can adjust on the fly. As you can see it has electro-magnets but ive put two magnets on two of them for now to test without the electro-magnet hooked up like a normal motor.The first little test i ran the motor from 20 to 60 volts in repulsion mode and it spun from 2500 to 15000 rpms depending on the voltage ,using one amp no matter the voltage with some good torque.When i get some more tests done so i can head in the right direction for what i want to achieve ill post some results if im wecome here to do so. anyway back to thinking and testing Jason Schmidt
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    Last edited by N O G; 03-28-2011, 01:17 AM.

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  • woopy
    2 other cents for the eventually interested one

    good luck at all

    YouTube - shorting coil test 2 .wmv


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