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Lockridge Device - Peter Lindemann

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  • Thanks Mike,

    I have several signal generators.

    Let me know what I need to get to begin a build.

    Thanks, Garry


    • I spotted an error in the first circuit so I have reposed it here Circuit Simulator Applet

      Remember you will have to close the aplet between links to see the new circuit.

      The Imhotep Radiant Oscillator version Circuit Simulator Applet

      The Bedini version Circuit Simulator Applet

      As the recovery goes to the charging battery we get no overunity in the motor/supply in these last two circuits


      • Originally posted by garrypm View Post
        Thanks Mike,

        I have several signal generators.

        Let me know what I need to get to begin a build.

        Thanks, Garry
        Do you have Skype?

        whats the voltage current and frequency range of your signal generators?


        • Skype, yes.

          Voltage - adjustable 0 - 9v peak to peak. Square & sine.

          PM me you're skype.



          • Thanks Garry that was an interesting chat, I see we have lots in common.

            Ive been thinking about your question on what to do first. I would set up your Pulse width modulator so that we can do the bipolar switching, at some stage we may have to change the fets to ones that can handle over 300v but that can wait till later. You can run your motor on this comparing the standard setup with the diode across the motor with my setup with two diodes feeding a capacitor in the source.

            The standard setup will be more powerful but my setup should consume much less power. You do not need to go more than 50% duty cycle.

            Next we need to get more info from Armagdn03 on his coil setup so we can replicate it but making sure our coils can handle the power we will be putting through them.

            Stage three will be checking the primary coil in series with the motor for resonance so that we know what frequency to pulse.

            Then its run a test and see if our efficiency is going in the right direction. At this stage we may have to start increasing input voltage.


            • Originally posted by mbrownn View Post
              I had a brief conversation with Armagdn03 but only discussed the basic principals and not details. The coils he used showed no evidence of overunity as I expected but that is not needed for what I think it is doing. He is going to think about what I discussed with him and get back to me. We do need more information as to how to repeat his tests and I am sure he will let us know what we need to know in due time.

              1 what is the primary number of turns ?
              2 what is the size of the wire?
              3 what is the secondary number of turns?
              4 what is the size of the wire?
              5 Is the secondary coil open circuit, shorted or in an LC circuit?
              6 what is the number of turns on the third coil?
              7 what is the size of the wire?
              8 does placing a core in the coils have an effect?
              9 etc etc...
              The concept is this,

              The secondary is a kinetic storage device, it is a Tesla style bifilar which is heavier on the capacitive end than a standard solenoid.

              The number of turns will change with what you are doing.

              To figure this out you want to create the secondary first. find its half wave resonance (not quarter because there is no grounded end) Choose a primary inductance (which will determine turns) which has rise time (to do with time constants) which will not exceed the rise time of the frequency of the secondary. Generally a good rule of thumb is 1/5th the turns of the secondary. Same goes for pick up coil.

              This is an automatic impedance matching transformer. For example. If the impedance of your motor is great, the secondary resonance will grow larger, and will have a higher peak to peak voltage. This means that it will have a larger field, to affect the secondary, meaning the motor can draw more from it, until it reaches a place of equilibrium.

              If the impedance is low, it will draw more off the bat from the secondary, meaning the secondary will have a lower peak to peak resonance, and will again reach a place of equilibrium.

              You could view it like this....if the secondary has a large resistance (impedance) the primary will deliver its energy to the secondary, and will build and build until it reaches a place where it can efficiently deliver to the secondary.

              To make this a bit better, I would have looser coupling than what is shown on that video between secondary and primary and pickup.


              • Ok, I will have to do more studying to understand this, can you walk me through it?

                I think the first thing is to find out as much about the motor as possible so that we know what specs this transformer needs as far as current and that we operate the transformer at its optimal level.

                I'm not sure about what you said about the rise time of the secondary not exceeding the rise time of the secondary, is this a typo or have I misunderstood?

                "if the secondary has a large resistance (impedance) the primary will deliver its energy to the secondary, and will build and build until it reaches a place where it can efficiently deliver to the secondary." Hmm, does this mean that the voltage increase that I put on the source in my circuits may no longer be necessary? If so the coil is providing the voltage increase and also a possible gain or is it more like an amplification where the extra energy is drawn from the source to make up the power?

                Have you experienced that the transformer can run a higher voltage motor than the source?

                Can you post a schematic of the transformer and associated components?

                Sorry to be a pain but I consider you the expert here.

                I am sure with yours and garry's help we can establish if this is the trifila coil we seek for the Lockridge device.


                • Hi Mike,

                  Good results from you circuit.

                  After the initial draw getting up to speed, you would swear the system only
                  draws ma's.

                  It looked so good, I went and bought a couple of SS relays but these did not
                  perform as well as the mechanical type.

                  Trying to figure how we apply this to a small DC motor - like the one I showed you.

                  We will speak soon.



                  • Originally posted by garrypm View Post
                    Hi Mike,

                    Good results from you circuit.

                    After the initial draw getting up to speed, you would swear the system only
                    draws ma's.

                    It looked so good, I went and bought a couple of SS relays but these did not
                    perform as well as the mechanical type.

                    Trying to figure how we apply this to a small DC motor - like the one I showed you.

                    We will speak soon.

                    You will always get superior results from mechanical switching but we have to minimize arcing.

                    I ran a 12v 36w PM DC motor on 12v pulsed with a bipolar relay with my recovery setup and got a similar speed to the motor running on 6v. The interesting thing is the frequency was about 200Hz and the duty cycle about 12%. I didn't get to measure the input current as the relay melted hehe. With the bipolar switching and recovery circuit we loose power if we don't increase the voltage but the input is definitely less. The heat at the contact Was very excessive during pulsing with no recovery, when the recovery diodes were attached the arc reduces significantly and the speed increased but it was all too much for the relay so I am trying to find a better one now.

                    For the generator we can use a similar power motor that runs at half the speed. Obviously we need as high as efficiency as possible and standard PM motors can be improved with additional magnets as we discussed. Alternatively we build a more efficient design but that is more difficult and expensive.

                    I think if Armagdn03's coils work as I think they do we have identified all the parts, it will just be a case of working out the timing of the switching and getting the parts in the right order.

                    Remember that the Lockridge had four switches effectively, I haven't made much of this but I do think it is key. The first pulse will go through the trifilar coil and the motor in series. The inductive kickback is then powering the motor as stage two. Stage three is the power stored in the trifilar coil with its inductive kickback being stage four. This would be four shots of energy from one input. As the recovery from the first inductive kickback has been collected in the source we only need top up that energy from our supply to make the next pulse.

                    If all this takes up less than one full cycle, say 60% the BEMF generated then becomes forward EMF and we no longer need a generator. This would give us say 20% input 15% inductive kickback, 15% trifilar input and 10 inductive kickback and an output of 40% less efficiency. If our recovery is significant then this would easily put us into overunity.

                    Can you see how things could come together?


                    • Originally posted by mbrownn View Post
                      Ok, I will have to do more studying to understand this, can you walk me through it?

                      I think the first thing is to find out as much about the motor as possible so that we know what specs this transformer needs as far as current and that we operate the transformer at its optimal level.

                      I'm not sure about what you said about the rise time of the secondary not exceeding the rise time of the secondary, is this a typo or have I misunderstood?

                      "if the secondary has a large resistance (impedance) the primary will deliver its energy to the secondary, and will build and build until it reaches a place where it can efficiently deliver to the secondary." Hmm, does this mean that the voltage increase that I put on the source in my circuits may no longer be necessary? If so the coil is providing the voltage increase and also a possible gain or is it more like an amplification where the extra energy is drawn from the source to make up the power?

                      Have you experienced that the transformer can run a higher voltage motor than the source?

                      Can you post a schematic of the transformer and associated components?

                      Sorry to be a pain but I consider you the expert here.

                      I am sure with yours and garry's help we can establish if this is the trifila coil we seek for the Lockridge device.
                      I do not know if you are familiar with the maximum power transfer theorem?

                      If a load has the same impedance as the source, you will transfer the most power possible between the two. If the load and source has different impedance's this will not happen. My signal generator has a particular impedance, the various motors have different impedances, and they change also depending on their speed. The coil system acts to continually bridge the gap and match the impedances so that the condition of the theorem can be met.

                      This means that if the motor needs higher voltage, lower amperage, the coil system will provide that, if the motor needs higher amperage, lower voltage, the coil system will provide that. Obviously there are limits.

                      There is no need for a schematic it is very simple,

                      signal generator to primary, primary is coupled to secondary which is wound bifilar, pick up coil to rectifier and motor, and it is all run at the fundamental resonant point of the secondary.


                      • Originally posted by garrypm View Post
                        May we please have some detail on the coils - diameter, length, # of turns, wire size.

                        I would welcome the chance to replicate this experiment.

                        What, if any, connections are made to the Tesla-like secondary ?

                        I note the second primary is 3 layers and the power supply/controller is the
                        signal generator. What voltage is the light bulb?

                        Many Thanks, Garry
                        If the secondary is bifilar, where does it connect ?

                        I appreciate you say it is simple but, from you're description, I can not determine
                        where to connect the secondary.

                        Thanks, Garry


                        • Check this out

                          Check out this video and Bizzy's posts on Electricity's Watson Machine thread.

                          Transfer Switch.AVI - YouTube



                          • Originally posted by Armagdn03 View Post
                            I do not know if you are familiar with the maximum power transfer theorem?

                            If a load has the same impedance as the source, you will transfer the most power possible between the two. If the load and source has different impedance's this will not happen. My signal generator has a particular impedance, the various motors have different impedance's, and they change also depending on their speed. The coil system acts to continually bridge the gap and match the impedance's so that the condition of the theorem can be met.

                            This means that if the motor needs higher voltage, lower amperage, the coil system will provide that, if the motor needs higher amperage, lower voltage, the coil system will provide that. Obviously there are limits.

                            There is no need for a schematic it is very simple,

                            signal generator to primary, primary is coupled to secondary which is wound bifilar, pick up coil to rectifier and motor, and it is all run at the fundamental resonant point of the secondary.
                            No I am not , can you provide a link? The truth is I know nothing about inductors or how they are supposed to work, I just know that they can do very interesting things.

                            The next two paragraphs have big implications and it is what I have been looking for.

                            The reason I ask for a schematic is I want to clarify exactly the following.

                            Is there a capacitor on the input coil, if so how is it connected, series or parallel?

                            Is there a capacitor on the bifilar coil or is it shorted or open circuit?

                            Is the bifilar coil series or bucking?

                            Are the windings all in the same direction and does it matter if they are clockwise or anticlockwise?

                            If it is run at the resonant point of the secondary and the peak to peak resonance magnitude is provided by impedance, it makes sense how the impedance matching is done. I think you said that the output is AC and you rectify this with a diode, is the diode required to help maintain the gain in the secondary or can the output be fed directly to a universal motor which can run on AC or DC and can you use a bridge rectifier?

                            What if the motor had the same resonant frequency as the secondary?


                            • Hi

                              I was after some feedback for the attached circuit, which I have had floating in my mind for a while, that may be in the same vein as the above. The idea is to use a large capacitor as an energy store, fed by a generator coil. The field windings are in series with a small cap. The small cap is charged when the motor fires, the "filling" current powering the coils (filling the cap). The small cap is then discharged through an inductor / transformer to return the energy back to larger cap. Switching via cam operated switches.

                              Any comments either way welcome about this.

                              Attached Files


                              • Very Good John G

                                The circuit looks very good. It could also be used with an unmodified motor to
                                collect the off pulse generating action of the motor into the small cap. This
                                would work with mbrown's approach.


