Originally posted by wantomake
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Lockridge Device - Peter Lindemann
which post
Originally posted by mbrownn View PostIf you build it like I say the motor will not run unless the generator coils have a very low resistance load. No its not dead, its just i cant get to the internet very much
Sorry don't remember which post that was. Will need to back up and try to refresh my memory.
I used an armature from another geny and there's too much space between it and the coils. So will order or visit local rebuilder shop to find one.
Hope your internet situation improves.
Thanks for your help,
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Originally posted by Hiwater View PostNo---We Havent given up. Just no time to devote to the projec right now.
For the motor coils, i used starter coils out of a 353 detroit engine and unwrapped them untill there were a bout five coils left otherwise there wont be any room to fit the generator coils. Then the slots in the case will fit just about right between the motor and gen coils. The feild poles on all four coils will only take about 3 armature slots each which will give just enough room to adjust the feild poles when loading the gen coils so the BEMF will aid in rotation. Hope this helps.
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Originally posted by wantomake View PostJust a quick update.
After winding and installing coils in casing, I tried the motor side first with no startup at all. After trying the different wiring connections(series and parallel) I found that one coil was shorted. Back to winding coils again.
But still trying to make this work.
Also noticed this thread has died like so many others. Is this not a worthy project? Have so many given up that surely have more knowledge, resources, and skills than I do?
So I will just keep going no matter what.
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Good to know
Thanks for replying,
Good to see that this is indeed a worthy project.
I believe there will be so many energy uses for this device.
Electric transportation, home energy, and so much that we need.
I made that statement to see if you were still there. I got my answer and renewed hope that this will get finished.
Thanks to all,
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No---We Havent given up. Just no time to devote to the projec right now.
For the motor coils, i used starter coils out of a 353 detroit engine and unwrapped them untill there were a bout five coils left otherwise there wont be any room to fit the generator coils. Then the slots in the case will fit just about right between the motor and gen coils. The feild poles on all four coils will only take about 3 armature slots each which will give just enough room to adjust the feild poles when loading the gen coils so the BEMF will aid in rotation. Hope this helps.
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I have not given up either with the scooter motor, I just have no materials budget as of late. I believe that the commutator unless very polished produces some spiky behavior, but hopefully it is not enough to be worrying about the batteries. I've run the motor on 48v and last I checked the current does increase when loaded a lot, but as the voltage is raised the speed and hopefully the torque is also raised. I think this is good sign and possibly supports Electric Motor Secrets 2 claims? My next step is to run the motor on 72V and measure the torque. I also need to measure what the current shown by the analogue meter (300 mA or so) is over time, I think it's supposed to be higher current for brief periods, but the average works out to about 300 mA. I wonder if it is okay to exceed the battery's C20 rating for very brief periods? I would guess not...
MikeAttached FilesLast edited by Blargus; 11-01-2013, 06:51 AM.
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dying threads
Hi wanto, I never give up, as I'm sure many others'
I just don't have the time.
I just keep trying.
It has to do with interrupting the flow, at just the right time.
Interruption creates a spike ,...collect it and you can use it.
Add a transformer coil to be pulsed by the on , off , and you can use that also....
But How do you join them together??
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Thread life
Just a quick update.
After winding and installing coils in casing, I tried the motor side first with no startup at all. After trying the different wiring connections(series and parallel) I found that one coil was shorted. Back to winding coils again.
But still trying to make this work.
Also noticed this thread has died like so many others. Is this not a worthy project? Have so many given up that surely have more knowledge, resources, and skills than I do?
So I will just keep going no matter what.
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Testing to learn
Hey guys,
I really don't have much conventional training but I have learned so much from hands on experimenting.
There isn't much room inside the casing for coils, wiring, brushes, and the rods to hold the two end plates on. After wiring the armature and getting the unit completed, then the fun will begin.
Please post your results as you experiment. This would be most helpful to me to avoid wasting time and resources.
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Originally posted by tachyoncatcher View PostMy 2 cents. What we have been told: Lockridge was a man of little resource. Therefore the field cores had to be original. Anything else would of required considerable resources to get made and did not fit the man's circumstance. The positioning of the field cores were moved from original. This makes sense to change the timing of gen coils from the original motor coils. The replication shown in the Bedini video #14 was NOT built on the original, but rather people's remembrance of the machine, decades later. And "slow" people at that. I think it is safe to say there can be some mistakes in the build.
And now my heresy:
I believe this to be a radiant device. Conventional motor theory is out the door. This is NOT a BEMF recovery system. I believe the gen coils to be high impedance coils of smaller gauge wire than the original wire. The capacitance of these coils ( field collapse )was used to affect the trifilar windings, not the BEMF. Timing is critical here.
Why trifilar, litzed windings? This is the AC side of the machine. We know litzing increases the conductivity of AC for high frequency current. I believe this coil to be the harmonic side of the system. This is where a high frequency environment is setup to induce the aether for transfer ( What??? I thought we gave up on aether theory 100 years ago. Uh, no. ) This coil is activated by the collapsing field of the gen coil.
The capacitor. This is the collector. If I'm right in all this, the capacitor is where the load is connected to. This is not part of a tank ( big guess ). It must be wound around the outside of trifilar coil as the original and not a separate component.
What we will never know, without an original device, is the off-the-shelf components that were used to tune the device. This is some presumption along with some of my experimental results with harmonics and spinners. I could be completely wrong about this Lockridge device, so before you get your panties in a bunch, this is my best guess. I'm currently laid up, so I can't test this proposed assembly, but it may inspire someone. As always;
Good Luck,
The basis of this device is a motor, a generator and a transformer all on the same core thus there is only one set of iron and bearing losses yet three devices functioning simultaneously. OK its not really a motor because all the power coils and armature coils are set up in magnetic lock so lets call it an energizer. It is because the flux is forced through the generator coils that we get a turning action, this happens because of the slots in the case. This also results in a transformer action in the generator coils as well as generation.
Referring to the Squires and Babcock video's, because there is little movement of flux in the powered field coils there is also little BEMF generated here hence reduced BEMF and a high current draw from the supply. Both these points have been tested and proven.
It may be that the trifilar coil is also acting as the supply as shown in the video, this I have not yet tested
Now lets think about this as far as efficiency goes, a universal motor is very inefficient but reducing the BEMF will improve this. if we count all the iron losses and bearing losses in the motoring function, we cannot count them in the generator or the transformer functions because they are on the same core, so these actions will be very efficient. As the two outputs occur from the same input we have a doubling of the output with the generator being close to the motoring power of 35% plus the transformer action being around 60% which will give us 95%. Ok we have the AC and DC outputs to consider and in conventional ways they partially oppose each other but i am working on that. Now we consider any pulse motor inductive kickback or radiant that we can collect and we may be above the 100%. Typically I have collected 17% in my tests.
If it is true that with a heavily saturated core that the transformer output is not AC but a sign wave DC then the generator output and transformer output could be cumulative (I believe Eric Dollard did some work in this area)If not a bifilar coil on the output with diodes could be a method of rectification. I haven't tested either of these yet.
So although it is a very unconventional way of wiring a motor and generator all the aspects of this are conventional, as is the transformer action. Now when we wind this trifillar coil on the outside of the motor case do we get a second transformer action? and do we get the rectification? I dont know but i will find out.
Hope you understand my explanations and please give me feedback even if it is negative because it may be something I havent thought about.
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Originally posted by wantomake View Postmbrownn,
Did you build your generator and motor field coil same size ? I noticed on the John B. video that one coil is larger than the other for both gen and motor. What's your thought on this.
Still on it,
The generator coil could be Bifilar with each winding being the same number of turns as the powered field coils. There is a good reason to believe this but i dont have any experiments yet to establish anything so I wont go into it here yet.
The generator may be double the number of turns of the powered field coils
Both these designs are to help with the problem of having an AC and DC output in the generator coil. Having said that there is a possibility that by saturating the core of the device so that the metal is working on the curved part of the graph near full saturation may also have a beneficial effect in this area, if so this will be one of the functions of the trifilar coil ie to cause core saturation. I cant remember if it was the Squires or Babcock video that discusses this a little with the key information coming from Eric Dollards work.
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Good post
Hey Randy,
Hope you get back on your feet so if possible you can help finish this device.
Have you read my notes or something, cause we are eye to eye on this. There's no other way to finish this but to build and experiment with different coils, gauges of wire, etc, and only parts from that era.
I am winding the copper capacitor around the conductor(lenz wound) and have the same case arrangements.
Take care,
wantomakeLast edited by wantomake; 10-04-2013, 03:47 PM.
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A Proposal
Originally posted by wantomake View Postmbrownn,
Did you build your generator and motor field coil same size ? I noticed on the John B. video that one coil is larger than the other for both gen and motor. What's your thought on this.
Still on it,
And now my heresy:
I believe this to be a radiant device. Conventional motor theory is out the door. This is NOT a BEMF recovery system. I believe the gen coils to be high impedance coils of smaller gauge wire than the original wire. The capacitance of these coils ( field collapse )was used to affect the trifilar windings, not the BEMF. Timing is critical here.
Why trifilar, litzed windings? This is the AC side of the machine. We know litzing increases the conductivity of AC for high frequency current. I believe this coil to be the harmonic side of the system. This is where a high frequency environment is setup to induce the aether for transfer ( What??? I thought we gave up on aether theory 100 years ago. Uh, no. ) This coil is activated by the collapsing field of the gen coil.
The capacitor. This is the collector. If I'm right in all this, the capacitor is where the load is connected to. This is not part of a tank ( big guess ). It must be wound around the outside of trifilar coil as the original and not a separate component.
What we will never know, without an original device, is the off-the-shelf components that were used to tune the device. This is some presumption along with some of my experimental results with harmonics and spinners. I could be completely wrong about this Lockridge device, so before you get your panties in a bunch, this is my best guess. I'm currently laid up, so I can't test this proposed assembly, but it may inspire someone. As always;
Good Luck,
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Field coils
Did you build your generator and motor field coil same size ? I noticed on the John B. video that one coil is larger than the other for both gen and motor. What's your thought on this.
Still on it,
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