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  • Thanks

    I would like to take this time during Thanksgiving to begin it right, by expressing what I am Thankful for.

    I am thankful for my family, even though they might be a bit crazy some times, I can still trust them to love me.

    I am thankful for my friends, both new and old. I can always trust my friends to listen to me.

    I am thankful for this forum, which has been one of the most positive influences in my life and has shown me there are some really nice and knowledgeable people out there. This forum has done alot to expand my mind, and for that I am very thankful.

    I am thankful for my wife and her family, for they are generous to host me.

    I am thankful for all the love in the world.

    I am thankful that most of those nasty predictions I read on other forums have not happened yet...

    I am thankful for magnetic fields... they are amazing and both young and old are fascinated.

    I am thankful for the internet, which has opened its doors of knowledge to let me read the writings of some great people that were before me, for without that I would be very ignorant.

    I am thankful for the Earth, how it acts, what is inside of it, and everything else. The Earth is an amazing rock that is more complex then anything I have ever studied.

    I am thankful for the green trees, which are artwork...

    I am thankful for the different and varied people and cultures, for the differences add spice, and are not to be fear-hated just because they are unknown.

    I am thankful for the sun, for which all energy that we see and use comes from.

    I am thankful for music, which has the ability to cohere varied groups of people to a rhythm and lift their moods.

    I am thankful for ALL waves, be they in the ocean, the sky, in circuits or in space.

    I am thankful for the mountains and the rivers. Thankful for the hills and vallies, towns and rural areas.

    I am thankful for the LIGHTNING and THUNDER and RAIN and any other weather, any time. That is nature's music.

    I am thankful for the small sounds that plants make when they drink water, and I am thankful that my hearing is sensitive enough to hear that.

    I am thankful for the hexagon shape of water, and for my sharp eyes that can see the snowflakes.

    I am thankful for farmers, who grow food with their hands and the help of a little sunshine.

    And this bears repeating once more, I am THANKFUL for this forum! (That means YOU the person reading it too!)


    Thank you for being a constant, supportive and positive influence in my life.


    And Last But Not Least... I am thankful for my Creator which has allowed me to experience his Artwork, especially during this very unique and special time, and I am Thankful for His Son, who saved me and forgave me of my sins, and it is my Mission to be like Him, and forgive and love everybody, at all times.


  • #2
    Oops, I thanked a day early. Well, now its Thanksgiving. Anyway, I am still just as thankful as before.

    A well written thank you letter can go far...


    • #3
      I'm thankful you reached out to me and opened the flood gates of my mind that now bring me so much joy. I'm also thankful for so much more I just want you my friend to know how you changed my life.

      Happy Thanksgiving.


      • #4
        I am so thankful for this forum... It has been such a blessing in my life and has brought so much joy and contentment and wonder and excitement.

        I am thankful to the One source of all energy and it's mysterious ways and I pray that we may understand these ways of flows of energy so that we may harness them in a healthy, clean way for the benefit of all mankind, to increase happiness and joy and peace and decrease suffering where it is appropriate.

        I am thankful for thanksgiving!


        • #5
          Thank you All.

          Dear Everyone,

          My thoughts and feelings were so well expressed by Cosmic Farmer that I didn't have much to add, until this showed up in my email today.

          May you all be Blessed.

          flickspire - May You Be Blessed Movie

          Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

          Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
          Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
          Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


          • #6
            In the short time that have been a part of this forum, I have learned so much. I didnt really know how to read a basic schematic when I first got here.
            Thank you everyone that has helped me in the short time I have been here or will help me in the future. The generosity of the folks on this forum have really impressed me. MAy many great discoveries be made by you all. You deserve it. Happy thanksgiving EF!
            And a very big thank you to Jiffycoil. You might not think you did a big thing, but for me it was huge. You somehow knew I was getting down, and you got me out of a rut and into a wonderful experiment with huge possibilities. It made me think about what was happening. Thank you so very much.

