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Electrostatic charges in v x B fields: The Faraday disk and the rotating sphere

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  • Electrostatic charges in v x B fields: The Faraday disk and the rotating sphere

    Electrostatic charges in v x B fields: The Faraday disk and the rotating sphere

    Below is a snippet in the above publication.

    1. Introduction

    Imagine a body that moves at velocity v in a region where there exist an electric field E and a magnetic field B. Then an electric charge Q inside the body feels a force Q(E + v x B). Thus, inside the moving body, the v x B field acts like the electric field of a distributed source. We are concerned here with conducting media that move in magnetic fields. We shall see that they carry electrostatic charges whose field is just as important as v x B. Indeed, there are many cases where the two fields cancel each other exactly at every point. The Faraday disk and a conducting sphere rotating in a magnetic field will serve as examples, but this little known effect plays a fundamental role in magnetohydrodynamics.

    2. Electrostatic charges in v x B fields

    It is well known that conductors do not support an electric space charge; any extra charge deposited inside moves out to the periphery almost instantaneously (Lorrain et al 1988, p 75). However, few physicists realise that conductors do carry an electric space charge when subjected to a v x B field whose divergence is not equal to zero. If the conductor is isolated, then it also carries a compensating surface charge.


  • #2
    ??? what you mean?


    • #3
      Originally posted by sebosfato View Post
      ??? what you mean?
      I'm sharing information which I think is important and could be beneficial. It's up to you and everyone else to decide how this information could be applied or made useful in our experiments and research. The purpose of this thread is to have a discussion in how to correctly apply this information. I have a feeling this thread will die a quick death, because most people here won't take the time to connect the dots.




      • #4
        A homopolar electret contains real charges of only one sign and charge of opposite sign is induced in available electrodes. The value of these charges depends on the capacitance between the electret charge and corresponding electrode that works as an electrostatic “mirror”.

        If electret layer is deposited on the metalized substrate, the embedded capacitance between the charge and metallization is constant but capacitance between the charge and the movable electrode over the electret can be varied by number of ways: vibration, rotation or linear displacement.

        The electrostatic swing energy harvester uses a homopolar electret. The electrostatic swing energy harvester is an example of utilizing and applying the information contained in the first post of this thread.



        • #5
          The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition states;

          "If you take one electret and one magnet you will get a surprise. When not in motion, these two differing objects will have no effect on one another. It is only when you move them that anything happens ... and ... it is not the familiar attraction-repulsion. When a pole of the magnet is in relative motion to a "pole" of the electret they push each other at 90 degrees to the direction of motion. The effect is entirely odd and immediately unfamiliar (unless you are a physics student)."



          • #6
            I'm wiling to.

            I read all the document, and researched about Alfven ‘theorem, interesting.

            I cleared some of my thoughts about MHD..

            What are your thoughts of it? how would you describe what you understood of this document?

            I read it thinking in my theory about using the electric field and magnetic field in phase for letting the energy to be really amplified, if i'm right we are going to make a big bang in the energy engineering.

            I'm thinking in using the amplification of energy by the electric field force in a combined capacitor, this will have the middle plate being subjected to two resonant circuits combined and magnetically coupled. So i want to create a high amp tank and a high voltage tank, so i input low voltage high amp and will extract the energy from the high voltage side from a step down transformer than this will feed rectifiers and capacitors to make a stable dc witch can than feed and inverter to power common devices readily. Electric potential is not consumed in an electronic circuit it does perform work accelerating electrons if it interact with another circuit of electrons. Big concentration of charge repels electrons, and the holes attracts electrons consequently. The movement of the electrons induced by electromagnetic interaction between the coils, disturbing the electrons by actually common transformer action. However as the electric field is already there by the action of the other capacitor in sync, than the electric field maybe double each cycle because of the capacitance interaction in the combined capacitor.

            I found something strange on the equation of the energy in capacitors, and was thinking if a coil would behave like that in that when you create an induction for example with a coil but than extract this with bigger inductance coil the joule energy available would be greater too...

            I was thinking about making a coil made of foil rolled copper for the primary tank and than the other with nice 3mm wire for the secondary resonance. I would need some insulation between the turns foils.

            Power supply of gods ;-)


            • #7
              Originally posted by gravityblock View Post
              The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition states;

              "If you take one electret and one magnet you will get a surprise. When not in motion, these two differing objects will have no effect on one another. It is only when you move them that anything happens ... and ... it is not the familiar attraction-repulsion. When a pole of the magnet is in relative motion to a "pole" of the electret they push each other at 90 degrees to the direction of motion. The effect is entirely odd and immediately unfamiliar (unless you are a physics student)."

              Wow, what kind of electret, do you know where to find it?

              This is very interesting.



              • #8
                Originally posted by sebosfato View Post
                Wow, what kind of electret, do you know where to find it?

                This is very interesting.

                An electret generates internal and external electric fields, and is the electrostatic equivalent of a permanent magnet. An electret microphone is a type of condenser microphone that eliminates the need for a power supply by using a permanently-charged material. This community focuses on permanent magnets, but the electrostatic equivalent or electret is often pushed under the carpet. IMO, an electret is just as important as a permanent magnet in our research.

                There are two types of electrets:

                1) Real-charge electrets which contain excess charge of one or both polarities, either on the dielectric's surfaces (a surface charge) or within the dielectric's volume (a space charge). Please take note how the surface charge and space charge is mentioned also in the first post of this thread and in the Faraday disk/rotating sphere publication. It's important to understand these terms.

                2) Oriented-dipole electrets contain oriented (aligned) dipoles. Ferroelectric materials are one variant of these.

                Some dielectric materials are capable of acting both ways.

                @sebosfato: I don't have all the answers and I don't have all of the dots connected either. I'm still digesting and processing this information just like you. However, I do feel this is a very promising area of research for this community. I think you feel the same, because I can sense your excitement in your posts. Let's connect the dots together and hopefully we can make a "big bang in the energy engineering". From what I read, you have some good ideas. Thanks for jump-starting this discussion.

                Last edited by gravityblock; 11-27-2010, 03:59 AM.


                • #9
                  That's all very nice but have you ever tried to make an electret?
                  Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                    That's all very nice but have you ever tried to make an electret?
                    No, but I haven't tried to make a permanent magnet either. The method used for manufacturing a homopolar electret from a foil doesn't look too difficult or impossible. There are other methods for making electrets also. It may take a little time and effort to get it right, but let's not be so easily defeated.

                    We need to first know what we're building, before we make our customized electret. It would be interesting to get Seth's e-motor to operate with an electret. Could we somehow use an electret or an electric field for a brushless homopolar motor/generater, similar to Broli's homotenna (homopolar motor + antenna) concept.

                    Last edited by gravityblock; 11-27-2010, 07:14 AM.


                    • #11
                      A simple propulsion system used by UFO's within a planet's atmosphere is a vacuum system. They create a vacuum in the direction of travel. If there is low pressure on one side, the other side is subject to the full atmospheric pressure. With an atmospheric pressure of 1.033 kg. per sq. cm. we can calculate that the force operating on a saucer of 20 m. diameter is equal to 3,278,272.8 kg. This is one of the greatest forces available to us here on our planet, and we don't utilize it for our benefit, lol. It is a force provided by nature herself.

                      Cathode rays have the strange property of decomposing the atmosphere through which they pass. Under the action of these rays, the elements of the atmosphere revert to their etheric state. In addition to this, the cathode rays intersect the anode rays at an angle of 45 degrees. This is achieved by using high voltage and current. If they wish to go very fast, they use an absolute vacuum, and move through space in a flash. At other times, they use a semi-vacuum, and they will move more slowly. The intensity of the vacuum is proportional to the current used and is controlled by a rheostat. If they want to follow an undulating course, then they use a pulsing current. Outside the planet's atmosphere, they use a different method.



                      • #12

                        Gassiot, in the middle of the nineteenth century, made the first unsuccessful attempts to pass electricity through rarefied gases. After him, Plucker invented the tube which was later used by Geissler for his experiments, from which the name "Geissler tubes" is derived. Other scientists of world fame, like Crookes, also carried out experiments with considerable success, which resulted in considerable progress in the field of physics.

                        In a Geissler tube the atmospheric pressure is reduced to between 1 and 3 mm. of mercury. If the tube contains air and the anode and cathode ends of it are put into contact with the positive and negative poles of a high tension electric current, the whole tube lights up with a violet light, with the exception of a space at the cathode end where the light is blue and separated from the remaining violet light by a dark band.

                        Various effects are brought about by changing the gas pressure inside the tube, such as the appearance of dark bands which are known as Faraday bands; the disintegration of gas molecules, liberating hydrogen; changes in the colour of the light to green, yellow, red, etc. Crookes succeeded in proving the mechanical action of cathode rays by bombarding rotary blades with them and setting them in motion. Similar experiments with spheres painted black produced the same result.

                        There was, however, one great difficulty which dogged the steps of science: cathode rays could not leave the tube of rarefied air since they were incapable of passing through any substance. The scientists asked themselves what effect cathode rays had on the ordinary atmosphere.

                        It was then that Lenard, Nobel prize winner in physics in 1905, working on Hertz' previous experiments, made an aluminium "window" on the opposite side to the cathode which projected the rays outside the tube where they could be studied with ease. He proved that these "Lenard rays" could be propagated in the atmosphere as easily as in the rarefied air of the tube, causing atmospheric phenomena of a similar nature. He proved that the passage of electrons through the dense air of the atmosphere appeared to open up a tunnel giving rise to strong ionization of the particles with considerable air turbulence and luminous effects which varied according to the voltage used.

                        However, he could not completely comprehend the nature of the phenomena as he did not know that they were the result of a disturbance in the atmosphere and ether. The most important thing as far as we are concerned, is to know whether or not ionization causes a drop in atmospheric pressure. It is now well known from meteorology that heavy ions cause low pressure, they often bring about devastating cyclones.

                        It is known that the emission of a single particle of medium velocity can produce in the first centimeter of its trajectory through the atmosphere as many as 24,400 ions. The number gradually increases as the particle proceeds along its trajectory. Even using a low voltage, the electrons moved through space at a speed of between 25,000 and 50,000 miles per second.

                        Later it was observed that by using 250,000 volts, the electrons moved at 150,000 miles per second. In one experiment 900,000 volts was used, but the speed of the electron was not noted. It is also well known that the higher the voltage used, the greater is the number of ions produced, sometimes as many as 2 million ions appearing in the first centimeter of the electron's trajectory.

                        Subsequent experiments showed that the electrons emanating from cathode ray tubes could break down the atmosphere and set free hydrogen which then also became ionized. It may well be that these rays break the atmosphere down completely, and set free the nuclei, which they subsequently join up with, thus producing the amount of hydrogen that has been observed.

                        Madame Curie was able to calculate the speed of ions as 1.3 cm. per electron volt in dense atmosphere, and 6.7 cm. per electron volt when the ionic movement took place in pure hydrogen. This shows that a high voltage would result in a higher electron speed and that in the upper atmosphere the speed would be greater. The vacuum creating effect is, however, not strictly due to the intrinsic speed of the ion, but to the atmosphere's ability to absorb ionized particles.

                        While negative ions are absorbed by the atmosphere, the positive ones move towards the negatively charged surface of the saucer, at which point the electrons pass into the vacuum. In an ordinary cathode ray tube the electric current reaches a saturation point which shows that all the atmospheric particles contained within the tube have been ionized. This is due to the limited amount of electrolyte within the confines of the tube. In the case of the flying saucer the electrolyte is made up of the whole atmospheric envelope of the Earth which never reaches saturation point. The ionized "bubble" surrounding the saucer is attracted and absorbed by the surrounding atmosphere with tremendous force and in its place only a vacuum is left, into which the saucer moves, impelled by the atmospheric pressure of 1.033 kg. per cm2

                        The lenard/cathode rays will escape through the outer aluminum layer of the cathode ray tube and will ionize the air. The cathode rays do not directly produce the vacuum. It is the ability of the surrounding medium to absorb the disassociated molecules after they are deformed or ionized by the cathode/lenard rays. The quicker the deformed molecules or ions are absorbed into the surrounding atmosphere, the greater the intensity of the vacuum; the greater the thrust available to the craft. The positive ions are attracted near the surface of the craft, and the negative ions are repelled away from the craft. The surrounding atmosphere then absorbs these displaced ions at an extremely fast rate which leaves behind a vacuum. Please note, this is not an ion propulsion system as most are led to believe for some strange reason. The ions themselves do not move the craft. They use what nature has freely given to them, which is the atmospheric pressure to create a potential to move their craft.

                        Last edited by gravityblock; 11-27-2010, 03:55 PM.


                        • #13
                          Schappeller's device is an attempt to form a sun inside an evacuated sphere according to how nature forms a sun. He uses an electret to create an inequality inside the core to bring it to the glowing state. Here's a video on creating a Star in a Jar by using a different method with sound, known as Sonoluminescence. The methods may be different, but the principals are the same.

                          Below is a quote from an article titled, "Sonoluminescence: A Star in a Jar", saying fusion is possible with deuterium on page 40.

                          Originally posted by Sonoluminescence: A Star in a Jar
                          If the bubble contained deuterium, it would become hot enough to generate fusion if the radius became as small as 10nm.
                          Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. Let's do something different, if we haven't been getting the results we are after. Anything less than this is insanity.

                          Last edited by gravityblock; 11-27-2010, 04:57 PM.


                          • #14
                            All of these devices is using the static, in one form or another, to generate the dynamic.



                            • #15
                              The only thing missing with the Star in a Jar in order to reach cold fusion is slowing the speed of light in the electronic structure to match the speed of sound/mechanical waves in the nucleur structure. The speed of sound in the nucleur structure is 1,094,000 m/s, which is the quantum transitional speed. I would also use deuterium.

                              Frank Znidarsic explains anti-gravity and cold fusion in detail. You'll find some good information on the electric field also.

                              Trying to connect the dots......


