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Steorn Effect Successfully Reversed Engineered!

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  • Steorn Effect Successfully Reversed Engineered!

    In short, the orbo effect is a convergence or Impedance Match of the L/R Time Constant between the current and the voltage.

    The inductance of the coil is 961mH at the beginning of the pulse in the Steorn demo talks. At the end of the pulse, the inductance of the coil is 984mH. The difference in inductance between the start and end of the pulse is 23mH. This difference of 23mH divided by 0.63 is 36.5. Let's round 36.5 up to 37. Watch the first minute of this Steorn video to see what I'm talking about.

    Let me explain the significance of 23mH, 0.63 and 37. The L/R TIME CONSTANT determines the time required for current in an inductor to reach a specific value. One L/R time constant is the time required for the current in an inductor to increase to 63 percent (actually 63.2 percent or 0.632) of the maximum current (Voltage source divided by Resistance), thus the reason for dividing 23mH by 0.63. Each time constant is equal to the time required for the current to increase by 63.2 percent of the difference in value between the current flowing in the inductor and the maximum current. Maximum current flows in the inductor after five L/R time constants are completed.

    What do you think happens to the voltage in the inductor? The voltage in the inductor will fall approximately 37% of the initial voltage in a time equal to the TIME CONSTANT, thus the reason why 23mH divided by 0.63 equals 37. The voltage will fall another 37% for the next time constant, and so on.

    What is the importance in the 23mH? It's the number which relates both the L/R time constant of the voltage and current for an impedance match between them, and may also be the pulse width in degrees. This means when the current rises 100% of its maximum current in the first time constant, the voltage will not drop in a time equal to the time constant. The current will reach 100% of its maximum current in the first time constant, because there is a 100% transfer of energy in the first pass (the complete transfer of energy doesn't occur in 5 L/R time constants, but happens in 1 L/R time constant when there is an impedance match) There is no BEMF or CEMF in this system, not even when building the magnetic field in the coil. When there is an impedance match, then there is a 100% energy transfer in 1 L/R time constant.

    I'm not a member of the SKDB or associated with Steorn in any way. I found a correlation between the L/R TIME CONSTANT and A CONVERGENCE OF THE MOTION CONSTANTS in the publication on the "Quantization of Energy" by Frank Znidarsic on page 9 of 12. All credits go to Frank Znidarsic for his research on the quantum transitional speed, so I could make this connection!

    Last edited by gravityblock; 11-30-2010, 10:51 AM.

  • #2
    Sounds solid.

    It is now on my "To do" list to test within the month.

    Looking forward to chatting about results,


    • #3
      63 - 37 = 26. It should be obvious where the 63 and 37 came from.

      26 / 23mH = 1.130

      1.130 - 1.094 = 0.036

      1.094 megahertz-meters is the quantum transitional speed. When the speed of light in the electronic structure matches the speed of the mechanical waves in the nucleur structure, then there is an impedance match which allows for a 100% transfer in energy (this is the reason for no BEMF when building the magnetic field in the coil). The speed of the mechanical waves in the nucleur structure is 1.094 megahertz-meters. The 0.036 difference is negligible and is more than likely due to the inductance varying slightly at the end of the pulse and because the 63 and 37 are the approximate values.

      Last edited by gravityblock; 11-30-2010, 09:55 AM.


      • #4
        This is a great day for the Open Source Community and for society as a whole. If the Steorn effect is real (which it is according to the math), then so is anti-gravity, cold fusion, and many other things. Please study and discuss Frank Znidarsic's work on this thread, you won't be dissappointed.

        Last edited by gravityblock; 11-30-2010, 09:22 AM.


        • #5
          I can't access the previous pdf


          • #6
            Originally posted by gravityblock View Post
            In short, the orbo effect is a convergence or Impedance Match of the L/R Time Constant between the current and the voltage.

            Very interesting. I have started this year studying electronics (fnishing this year mechanical engineering) and I hope I can fully understand all this in a couple of years.


            • #7
              Originally posted by renaud67 View Post
              I can't access the previous pdf
              Try this link, Frank Z



              • #8
                I am following you...

                I have been following Frank and his friend as they present this new connection bridging the old with the new theories.

                My question is how can we utilize this to make the real experiment to prove this. Yes Steorn is a quasi proof but I want something more then a mere toy. We need to sit down and get all of the free thinkers here to pool our ideas and stop this crazy BS that has been going on lately here. It seems to me that this forum was put here not to find the truth but is some sort of sales pitch. Look at all the adds and selling on here. It disgusts me.

                I thought this was an open source community where we do not feed off of one another and are trying to understand this world better. In my experience so far I have seen the ones who discover a new way, quickly package it up and offer it for sale no matter if they truely understand it or not. This is not what I though this community was about.

                Now other then that I have great hope that this direction is not done in the same way. This realization and connection of the dots looks very promising and I look forward to sitting down with other open source researchers and get to the bottom of this discovery.

                What kind of machines were you talking about? You mentioned Tesla in there, do you have any specific patents or lectures that I might make a correlation to?

                I think one avenue would be the magnetic quenched spark gap that Tesla refers to as a way to naturally put the system into impedance matching or this 1.094 megahertz/meters might be a way to tune the device to this natural resonant frequency enabling the 100% energy transfer on a quantum scale in a mass of a conductor. What do you think?


                • #9
                  Hello, Thanks for the info is very interesting. I wish you could explain little better the relation of the time constant and the absence of BEMF. And if you could try designing a practical schematic with practical values and the calculation, explained, would be a great thing. You have a great understanding, from what i'm seeing, better than mine, so please try maker it clear like water.

                  Thanks again
                  Your ideas are great, and makes me think.
                  unfortunately i'm bit tired and busy lately cause of the exams for getting into university...



                  • #10
                    That sounds very interesting and it is not too different from what they implied themselves, from what i have heard.

                    But i would suspect "Anti-grav" may be a bridge too far here yet

                    Others will probably see the same implication as i did, i think:

                    That if this is ALL that's going on with Orbo; it could be rather self-limiting. There is yet to prove that a LARGE coil will react the same... and that would be pretty much required for this to really go forward and be widely embraced.

                    I really am NOT an expert on coils, but these come to mind, simply because every Variable in the equation affects the solution to that equation, and because i am long acquainted with "Murphy", who has screwed the plans of engineers for centuries

                    There is the R in ratio to Henry's to consider (which could indeed differ greatly with a coil that is many times larger), there is the correlation of Time Constants in relation to that R, there is the question of the reaction effects with a much larger mass of core material... would simply making "everything 20 times larger" change the "3-D Geometry" of the mag field, even if they "look" the same? And there is the timing issues of high RPM vs. relatively low. I suspect it only works in a fairly narrow "window" of RPM that relates directly to the reactions of the core material.

                    And i do know from hard experience, that when everything is "balanced on the head of a pin" to make it work at all, you need to be damned good at "needle work"

                    Just sayin' it


                    • #11
                      Isn't resistance not related.

                      Resistance in my mind would be cancelled out if you hit the resonance of the material. This is that impedance that they are talking about. A perfect resonance with the material itself, like copper. The one reason that we have such a hard time with tuning our systems in replications is that we are using vastly different compositions of the materials used. Copper from one location has a distinctly different composition as to another area. Refining also changes that composition as well and this is what brings the difficulty to the tuning aspect. That and the replicators are not paying attention to the exact mass weights of the materials as well.

                      Tesla did a great many studies on mass weights having to be balanced to get a perfect transfer of energy. He also found out that you can vary the gain by simply changing the surface area of those same mass materials. This I suspect is the transformer action. A variance of surface area without varying the mass between the two materials. This is also variating on the environment as well when we work on such small components. Change the environment and you change the scale at which you can work with that same material. Lets reference vacuum and submersion into a dielectric like oil. When compared to air it drastically changes the outcome of the combination of materials you choose and the capability of the materials to handle much higher power.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by sebosfato View Post
                        Hello, Thanks for the info is very interesting. I wish you could explain little better the relation of the time constant and the absence of BEMF. And if you could try designing a practical schematic with practical values and the calculation, explained, would be a great thing. You have a great understanding, from what i'm seeing, better than mine, so please try maker it clear like water.

                        Thanks again
                        Your ideas are great, and makes me think.
                        unfortunately i'm bit tired and busy lately cause of the exams for getting into university...

                        The absence of the BEMF is due to the total energy being transferred in 1 L/R time constant because of the impedance match (there is no energy reflected back to work against the applied voltage, in this case). When the energy is being transferred in 5 L/R time constants as in the traditional way, then 37% of the energy is reflected or bounced back during each time constant, thus the reason for needing 5 L/R time constants to transfer the total energy. This energy that is reflected back works against the applied voltage, which is known as BEMF.

                        The BEMF is the reason for needing 5 L/R time constants when used in the traditional way due to the impedance not being matched between the voltage/current L-R time constants. Think about this, if 63% of the energy can only be transferred in the first L/R time constant, then this means 37% of the energy is reflected back to work against the applied voltage. When 100% of the total energy is transferred in the first L/R time constant, then there is 0% of energy to be reflected back to work against the applied voltage, thus no BEMF.

                        My best guess, is this impedance match causes the speed of light in the electronic structure of the atoms comprising the core material to slow down and match the speed of the mechanical waves in the nucleur structure allowing for a 100% transfer of energy in the first L/R time constant. The speed of light being slowed down to 1.094 megahertz meters in the electronic structure is probably due to the manipulations of the "time frames" of the L/R time constant of the voltage and current. This "time frame" manipulation is also Sean McCarthy's theory. We now know why his theory is based on "time frame" manipulations.

                        As for the practical values and calculations, it's all there in the first post of this thread. It will become clear to you when you're fully able to wrap your mind around this.

                        Last edited by gravityblock; 11-30-2010, 06:03 PM.


                        • #13
                          Here's some interesting information from Void109 at

                          Originally posted by Void109
                          Quick note to others on 'e' from what I've read.

                          e = Euler's number
                          1/e = 0.367879441
                          1 - 1/e = 0.632120559
                          63.2120559 - 36.7879441 = 26.4241118

                          26.4241118 / 1.094 = 24.153667093235831809872029250457 mH is the exact value we're looking for in regards to the difference in inductance at the beginning of the pulse and at the end of the pulse, in order to have a perfect impedance match between the time constant of the current and the time constant of the voltage, which relates also to the impedance match of the speed of light in the electronic structure to the speed of mechanical waves in the nucleur structure, which is the quantum transitional speed of 1.094 megahertz m/s.

                          Last edited by gravityblock; 11-30-2010, 09:32 PM.


                          • #14
                            ok what is?

                            5 L/R TC required for the current rise


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by sebosfato View Post
                              ok what is?

                              5 L/R TC required for the current rise
                              This site on the L/R time constant explains it in details. TC in seconds = L / R

                              Remeber, there are 5 L/R TC in order for the current to reach it's maximum value when there is no impedance match with the voltage TC, which the information on the voltage TC can be found here. The voltage TC is not based on the L / R, but is based on another formula (this may be where the confusion is, because I used the term L/C TC for both the current and voltage). When there is an impedance match between the current TC and the voltage TC, then the total energy is transferred in 1 TC, instead of the traditional 5 TC when there is no impedance match. Please study and research every link in the first post of this thread. You won't be able to fully wrap your mind around it if you don't. Please continue to ask questions, for it's the only way for things to be clarified.

                              Last edited by gravityblock; 11-30-2010, 07:43 PM.

