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About the three commercially available free energy devices offered to the public

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  • #16

    Yes there is free energy coming from the sun every day since some billion years. And our Planet is a very big solar panel, the air and any other materials absorb and keep this heat or energy stored. Plants and animals use this heat to transform materials and keep life happening. So whats the big deal?

    I like to think that the sun is our galactic proportion fusion reactor for sustaining our life on earth.

    Actually even the petroleum is nothing more than sun energy stored.

    So whats your point?

    As farmhand also asked you, what is free energy for you?

    I may be a freaking terrorist than cause i want to change the conceptions of the people, saying to them that we are paying for what we already have and has always belong to us, is everywhere and almost free to take.

    The problem with the terrorists and jesus at his time is that anyone want to hear, no one accepts differences... So if someone wants to change or to resist a change, or he is forced to change or he wont change.

    Poor terrorists that still try to resist for their true cause against what is really destructing our world, our intelligence, our peace, our contact with other human beings. The evil capitalism. I completely agree with them.

    Why so many wars? To sell playstations in iraq? They don't want it, and they are completely right. They want their children to play in the street, to be happy, they want their womans to keep the respect. Their society worked for hundreds of years like this very well. Is to much a arrogance to go there and say look here we have the new society where there are a lot of crimes and video games, drink it.

    I'm not saying that sadam was a saint. But For anyone that at least know the history, is very clear what bin and sadam represented to the usa and uss during the stupid or cold war.

    They were mere toys. And now got destructed. Why? Energy.

    Sun energy.


    I would if i was to become the president of whatever country in the world, declare war against this bankers morons and explorers of poverty. I would make they be hanged in public. For everyone to learn to not be so selfish.
    More than 1000 individuals should die for their inglorious actions.
    The world would change.

    I'm not religious in any way... just to make clear.

    If you parents work on the mines you will hardly become a good administrator, despite the exceptions i would say that you wold never become an engineer. Is a sociology question.

    Now back to the free energy.

    If the those certain could not make you pay for you shower and your light they prefer to kill you. Thats the big deal.

    Mere welfarism like those, bil gates and others do are bulll ****tt

    Efficiency is for those who don't see 1 feet ahead the nose.

    Whats the difference if your car improve 1% in efficiency if you through up all the energy you paid for?

    A different solution must come out. It exists definitely. Only this can change the things.

    Other thing would help would be if every single human start to plant a tree every day till the end of their lives.

    Sorry if sound negative. But the true is the true. Until you see the true, you don't know anything. Your actions have less weight and meaning.

    The energetic forum is not mine so i won't tell you what to do with it or what it is here for. I use it to spread my ideas, hoping that i find someone who share my point of view or that at least dispose it self to work together for a better world.

    Best Regards
    Happy New Year!


    • #17
      From wiki, maybe not the best source, but it will do for me. See the part in bold below.

      Free - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      FreeFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search
      Look up free in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

      Free may refer to:

      Free will
      Political freedom
      Economic freedom
      Something given or supplied without payment (gratis)
      Gratis versus Libre, the distinction between the two meanings above
      Free may also refer to:

      Contents [hide]
      1 Arts and philosophy
      2 Computing
      3 Mathematics
      4 Music
      4.1 Performers
      4.2 Albums
      4.3 Songs
      5 Organizations
      6 Public services
      7 See also

      [edit] Arts and philosophyFreedom (disambiguation)
      Free (book), by Chris Anderson
      "Free" (Desperate Housewives), a television episode
      Free, to emancipate, to obtain political rights (usually for a disenfranchised group)
      Free, a pseudonym for the activist and writer Abbie Hoffman
      Free content, content without significant legal usability restrictions
      Free will, control exercised by rational agents over their actions and decisions
      [edit] Computingfree (programming), a function that releases dynamically allocated memory for reuse
      Freefont, an open font project
      Free format, a file format which can be used without restrictions
      Free software, software usable and distributable with few restrictions and no payment
      Freeware, a broader class of software available at no cost
      Full Reactive Eyes Entertainment, a video game genre as implemented in the game Shenmue
      [edit] MathematicsFree object
      Free abelian group
      Free algebra
      Free group
      Free module
      Free semigroup
      Free variable
      Group action
      These are only some of the ways the word "free" can be used. Can you find some proof to show me who pays for the sunshine (which is just one form of free energy) how much it costs and who makes it and what are the costs involved to produce sunlight ?

      Of course you are free to believe whatever you choose, I for one won't try to coercively persuade you one way or the other. We are all free to believe whatever we so choose. If I want to believe in free energy, I will fight you to defend my right to do that, if I must.

      Of course I will listen to any supporting evidence you may have, but if it doesn't convince me i will continue to believe energy is originally free. If you want to believe someone has to pay for energy to exsist, I might try convince you that the sun will keep shining, even without someone inventing money to pay for it. But if you don't believe it then thats your problem.

      My only motivation to convince you would be a desire to help my fellow man realise the truth, so yes it is alright to say nobody pays for the world to exist or for the sun to shine. It is also alright to say that no person should be able to charge another for harvesting thier own energy.

      It seems you are very passionate about the concept that there is no such thing as free energy.

      Could you at least present some evidence supporting your view that there is no such thing as "free energy".

      I think what you mean is there is no energy created from nothing, that is true. It is impossible to make something from nothing and it always will be.

      Not being able to create energy from nothing has absolutely not one thing to do with the price you pay for energy or how much I harvest for free.



      • #18
        Hi Bugler, Back on subject it seems the EBM machine could be entirely valid and legit however they have no plans to release these as small household units, maybe i'm wrong, but if they just make large Mwatt units for commercial energy sale it won't really change the bottom line for consumers. The energy companies will just make larger profits. It could be scaled down, but it probably won't.

        The blacklight I think i'm not skeptical of the actual process being workable just that I don't think it is going to be home generator tech either.

        The vertical hydro setup has the most practical use for most people to be able to build in small scale, but is quite area costly. Also lots of moving parts.

        I really think myself that all three are valid technologies. But even if they were implemented would have no greater effect than some more wind generators or solar farms. Which is not to say it won't be a good thing if it does happen. If we want individual energy independance, it will take home based systems to do it. With open tech. that can be learned by everyone and implemented at home. This was one of Nikola's hopes I believe, after they blew up his energy broadcasting tower that is. That he could develop simple energy inducting setups in a similar vane to earth batteries, only reletively low power but usefull and free.



        • #19
          Guys all three do not do home power units only in the MW range's, your government could purchase it,but you need a public validation for your country to make public pressure,we plan to visit Hidro next year,hang on its this year now lol

          Lutec , are the only other one we know of who recently said they are 2 years off (we have heard that one before)who plan to sell A HOME POWER FREE ENERGY DEVICE. Other then that, we are stuck with developing Steorn in the "commercial" department, open source is any ones guess .



          • #20
            Hi Ash, Yeah you're right, 2 years off, ahh fooey. Haven't they demonstrated a working device ? Seems like they have enough investment money that they don't need to make it commercial, if you know what I mean. It's sus in my opinion. If it is going to take so many years development after already demonstrating a working device, then I don't have any hope for it being made availiable. I don't think it is going to happen. How could it possibly take so long ? Anyone have any explaination except that they don't need the money any more or that the major investors don't want it released ? Or that they have already sold the concept to the power companies and they are already using it without letting on while still increasing the cost of power.

            I formed my opinion on LUTEC a long time ago.



            • #21
              It really looks like we won't have free energy until someone publish all the information to replicate a free energy device. It seems that nothing will come from companies selling things.

              We are on our own.

