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  • #16
    Originally posted by bugler View Post
    Wikileaks is just a propaganda machine. How can we know that without further proof? Cause it is in the media all the time. Easy rule.

    Alex Jones is a zionist agent. How can we know more about this? Read what Eric Hufschmid has to say about Alex Jones: Alex Jones is a liar

    Who is Eric Hufschmid? In a few words, all the 911 truth movement should be grateful to Eric cause he made the first video explaining that the 911 official version was a hoax.
    Why nobody knows who Eric Hufschdmid is and everybody knows who Alex Jones is? Apply the same rule applied to wikileaks? Easy when you know the rules and how to apply them.

    What is the most known 911 video? Loose Change right? Why? Cause it was done, by 3 jews, to blame it on Bush when many were beginning to doubt the official version.
    You Sir are one misguided pathetic individual !!


    • #17
      Originally posted by bugler View Post
      Wikileaks is just a propaganda machine. How can we know that without further proof? Cause it is in the media all the time. Easy rule.

      Alex Jones is a zionist agent. How can we know more about this? Read what Eric Hufschmid has to say about Alex Jones: Alex Jones is a liar

      Who is Eric Hufschmid? In a few words, all the 911 truth movement should be grateful to Eric cause he made the first video explaining that the 911 official version was a hoax.
      Why nobody knows who Eric Hufschdmid is and everybody knows who Alex Jones is? Apply the same rule applied to wikileaks? Easy when you know the rules and how to apply them.

      What is the most known 911 video? Loose Change right? Why? Cause it was done, by 3 jews, to blame it on Bush when many were beginning to doubt the official version.
      In the end, the trick is to mix the info with just as much truth to hide the lies.
      That goes for everyone, right?

      The Alex Jones is a liar page ends with a list of co-"liars".
      Webster Tarpley is on that list, and what he says about Wikileaks is more or less what You just wrote.

      Alex sure picked a proper name for his site: infowars
      Tricky business this infowars thing.

      Hob Nilre


      • #18
        Originally posted by eastcoastwilly View Post
        You Sir are one misguided pathetic individual !!
        I am highly informed.

        You probably know nothing about this topic and the fact that you attack me instead of the message completely disqualify you.

        Truth is ugly by itself but the hidden powers make it even uglier so most people can't face it.

        Alex Jones "predicted" that Osama Bin Laden would commit a terrorist attack. WOW!!!! But as we know that Bin Laden didn't do 911 this is proof that Alex Jones works with the jewish criminal network that did 911 and they told him about it so he could show people that his insight is worth it.

        This is the man that really predicted 911 and he was murdered a few months later. YouTube - William Cooper predicted 9/11
        Last edited by bugler; 12-06-2010, 04:50 PM.


        • #19
          Originally posted by bugler View Post
          I am highly informed.

          You probably know nothing about this topic and the fact that you attack me instead of the message completely disqualify you.

          I have had all of my retirement annuities in gold and silver for over 3 years. I followed the conventional path then 911 hit almost overnight I lost 35% of my retirement savings. After having put my money into gold I am up over 25 % in the last year and a half. There wasn't much left after the Royal Bank of Canada got through with me. They wouldn't even allow me to convert from their investment "strategy" to gold and silver. they said the precious metals market was "too volatile" and they would have no part in allowing me to do so. The bank manager appeared with a gold and silver chart for 5 years. Look he said it is up and down. Yes but I said the overall trend was up over 5 years and he said dumbfound tone "Oh Yeah"

          I would hate to think of how much I would have lost had just left my money with them.

          As for Bill cooper he's like Jeff Rense, Bill Deagle and all of the Jew haters Deagle goes around calling himself a Messiah claiming to have Directed Energy weapons he built from parts from the local hardware store. Maybe he could do the "Messianic Thing" and post a schematic here, I'm sure someone would be able to convert it to a Free Energy Generator that we all could build.



          • #20
            Originally posted by eastcoastwilly View Post

            As for Bill cooper he's like Jeff Rense, Bill Deagle and all of the Jew haters

            Jew haters?
            Do your homework. Rense is a jew so can he be a jew hater?

            This is what Eric has to say about Bill Deagle: Who are the Illuminati?

            All the staff of Alex Jones are jews and his wife is a jew also. Clearly he works for the jews so you know who he is loyal to now.

            I don't really think there is a jew hater but many jewish criminal network supporters and many usefull idiots who know nothing about what is going on.
            You have no idea what a movie about the holocaust every 10 days does to your brain. But how many movies have you seen about the 19 million christians that the jew Lenin murdered? None? Exactly. Why is it so? Please reason your answer.

            You say you were hit ecomically by 911 so learn who did 911 so you know who really hit you:
            Don't defend the criminals.

            Good for you that you bought gold.
            Last edited by bugler; 12-06-2010, 05:12 PM.


            • #21
              Please keep on topic

              The topic of this thread is the banks and buying silver so please
              keep the 9/11 and other related stuff elsewhere.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • #22

                Actually, I meant this thread to be about banks/silver and the guys pushing the (different) red-pills about it.
                I guess 9/11 in itself is off topic, but in the context of describing a red-pill-pushing person i think its on topic.
                But thanks anyway

                Hob Nilre

