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Battery conditioning

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  • Battery conditioning

    I posted a query about what I thought was strange - battery voltage rising steadily only to collapse back (

    The reply was that this was normal during 'conditioning'.

    I am slight concerned as I can't see any reference to this effect anywhere else. In addition, having modified my SSG to have two coils (one bifilar, one trifilar), so 3 beefy coils feeding the battery, much higher rotaion and correct single pulses per magnet per coil, large voltage spikes over 200V and a current draw of 0.23A (2.5-3W) nothing is changing. I have fully charged the 44AH source, drained it fully, fully charged it, drained it, and its now on charge again...

    I feel I am making progress in this field, some interesting effects and I have some notes on various factors to experiment... but surely there should be some discernable effect on the charge battery.

    One thought I had on the way to work - I saw a video clip (I seem to recall) of a battery under charge having a bulb of some kind touch any of it and the radiant charge light it. As my charge battery is sitting on top of another 90AH dead battery ... I don't suppose they are coupling are they ?


  • #2
    battery voltage dropping


    When you see voltage rising like that, it is because if your battery is
    sulphated, there is higher resistance and that causes the voltage to rise.
    It is like restricting the flow of a gas pressure of a certain volume, the
    pressure will rise.

    When the sulphation clears a bit, the resistance drops and so does the

    It is what is supposed to happen during some conditioning/rejuvenation

    When you see that happen, you are making progress.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #3
      So Simple ..I had not thought of it in terms of battery resistance - obvious when put like you did.

      Thanks Aaaron


      • #4
        Hi faramog, I'm reviving a few large batteries myself at the moment using a few different devices, and I agree with what Aaron says, he is spot on, I see it happen every time with a sufated battery. If the voltage fails to rise over 11.8 over a reasonable time (probably a few weeks for a real badly sufated battery) then there is a good chance the battery has a damaged or shorted cell. It's happened to me a few times but i've also had some good success. Out of the lat 6 batteries i've got for free, I have 3 very good large batteries that seem to be nearly as good as a new one.

        My bike wheel is used all the time almost, it dosn't get much rest since I built it 6 months ago, the higher frequency solid state devices that I also use are very good too but I think the low frequency pulses from the wheel are very good for the batteries. The bike wheel also has some old fan blades to circulate the air in the shed so thats a bonus.

        One thought I had on the way to work - I saw a video clip (I seem to recall) of a battery under charge having a bulb of some kind touch any of it and the radiant charge light it. As my charge battery is sitting on top of another 90AH dead battery ... I don't suppose they are coupling are they ?
        Have you tried to measure to see if there is a voltage reading on top of the charging battery ? If you put one probe of your Meter on one battery terminal an the other on the top of th battery in different places you may get a voltage reading. If so, in my opinion some of the radiant spike is conducting outside the battery (Reucing the effectiveness of the treatment), there could be several reasons for it, electrolyte spilled on the top of the battery (cleaning the battery might help) or degradation of the plastic case. Sometimes it keeps happening a bit no matter what I do, I think in that case it is anomolous reading. As the battery gets better it should go away.

        Best advice I can give is to use a good battery for a charging battery until you get your SSG machine working how you like it to. Sounds like your doing very well, good job.



        • #5
          I now feel so much better ...

          Started up again and the coil went into self oscillation. I stopped the wheel moved the coil from the magnets and still firing off at 142.8Khz... battery voltage indicated 13.6V.

          Eventually switched off ... hit it with a hammer (not really) and fired up again. Back chuntering at 150rpm and a voltage of 12.8V ...... just waiting for it to plummet again as more sulphate is wiped.


          • #6
            base resistance

            Originally posted by faramog View Post
            I now feel so much better ...

            Started up again and the coil went into self oscillation. I stopped the wheel moved the coil from the magnets and still firing off at 142.8Khz... battery voltage indicated 13.6V.

            Eventually switched off ... hit it with a hammer (not really) and fired up again. Back chuntering at 150rpm and a voltage of 12.8V ...... just waiting for it to plummet again as more sulphate is wiped.
            Is the self oscillation what you want?

            If not, just reduce the resistance at the base of the transistor from the
            trigger wire to have it trigger by the magnet on the wheel.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • #7
              If I have a variable resistor I would. But it burned out being a bit on the light side. I need to get a .5 -1 w pot. Got it hard wired with circa 60ish ohms with some power resistors I have . I know its a bit on the low side. But I wanted it flying. Not bothered about the power input - just breaking down the battery so I can do some meaningful testing

