Dear All,
I would like to take the time to fill you all in on a little 'inside' information.
My conclusion and opinions on this topic are based on my own observations and research over a period of 35 years. You see, I knew Julian Assange when he lived on Magnetic Island in his (and mine) youth. I have followed this guy for many years and I am proud to say, I even admire him. Whats there not to like about Australia's 'ethical hacker'? As he was called back in 1991.
He was what we call a top bloke, or a person with a good heart. His whole ideology from a young age was to help the world, or at least, leave this planet better then he found it. He has found a way to do it using his computer knowledge, I say good on him!
For anyone who believes that he is CIA, or evil, or should be assassinated. Please read about his life before Wikileaks, this man has been advocating for a 'REAL' Free Press for two decades, not to mention a programmer of Open Source free software. If you use Linux or USENET, it's partly thanks to him.
But, his belief that, 'True Free Speech' will free humanity and create real democracies is not a recent belief. He held this belief in his youth when our two paths crossed. If you grew up in that part of the world, you would believe the same thing too. If you spend your youth on a small island like we did, the world immediately around you is not only spectacularly beautiful but extremely friendly. You grow to learn that the 'mainland' were the community ceases and the government begins, is far less civilized and the government is not helping it's citizens like our community did to us.
Most people who live in Queensland, Australia are also very different to most human beings, most grew up in places where the government didn't provide much and we relied on community instead. Also, why watch TV when, we could play outside in nature? Their propaganda was never even heard by most rural Queenslanders, let alone accepted. So we are naturally disjointed from government and very skeptical of there motives.
Just look at the politician Pauline Hanson, she ran a small fish n chip shop in Queensland. One day she started her own political party and nearly took over the country! Everyone believed that politicians were that rotten and corrupt - that even Pauline was a better choice!
What I am trying to say is don't trust any of the smear campaign against him, this man has just given up his life for the sake of every human on the planet. He is a hero, not a villain.
It saddens me when people claim he has sinister motives. Wikileaks needed a fall guy, and Julian volunteered to be the guy in the cross hairs. He knew he would probably spend his remaining days in jail, but once wikileaks was started he knew nothing could take it down.
You see, Julian is a very intelligent man, and thrives on intellectual debate. He therefore did not enter into this intellectual battle without a sound plan.
Using torrents, he has made sure that no one server can ever be taken down and the information can never 'disappear' because it is stored on thousands of computers. Also by encrypting all his leaks using the standard military encryption and then distributing that via torrents, he has done two things:
1. Made sure that unreleased leaks will still be released even if he is killed.
2. Let the USA (and a few other hackers) know exactly what they would be releasing, so they had time to object to certain paragraphs.
He also has a brilliant lawyer, and crack team of volunteers.
USA labels wikileaks a 'terrorist organization', while the citizens of the world, label them 'non-profit organization'.
Wikileaks will live far longer then the man who started it, and any attack on Wikileaks is an attack on the worlds right to know the truth about our world governments.
Wikileaks is vital to our world right now, it is clear to the average person that we live in a corrupt system, mistrust of world leaders is at an all time high. Gone are the days when a whistle-blower could send an anonymous package to the newspaper, the editor just throws it out today. Everything they print is subject to 'National Security', so unless the government approves they can't print anything. The system is broken! No free press...
But, if Wikileaks releases the information, the reporters are only repeating information already in the public domain - so they don't go to jail, we once again see Free Press emerging from a long long slumber. Some mainstream media WANTS to report on this stuff but they are all gagged by government, they have to wait for Wikileaks to publish first. Not one reporter worldwide EVER scoops Wikileaks, even through they all have the information weeks ahead of release. They are all using Julian Assange as the fall guy, they get to report juicy inside stuff, he goes to jail, in essence, Jullian is a suicide journalist...
We are finally seeing the emergence of Free Press again, and as long as the world supports Wikileaks and Julian Assange - we may even get to have true free press forever. I don't think the world realizes how close we are to major change, if Wikileaks remains online, the secretive greedy people in the world no longer have anywhere to hide. It may take decades to fully come to fruition, but Free Press = Accountability. We might finally see that world court getting some more use.
Support Wikileaks in anyway you can, and remove your support for any company that does not have the balls to support Wikileaks and internet freedom. These USA internet companies (Paypal, Amazon, Ebay) have all removed their support for Wikileaks because of government pressure.
I suggest a Christmas Presents Boycott of Paypal, Ebay & Amazon. If we all just bought our Christmas presents elsewhere, we would send a huge $$$ message that we don't like it when our rights to free press & internet are trampled on.
I hope this helped some of you understand the situation better and move past the mainstream soundbite version of Wikileaks.
If you have any questions or comments or even dispute my conclusion - please I would love to hear your opinions.
Look forward to your posts.
I would like to take the time to fill you all in on a little 'inside' information.
My conclusion and opinions on this topic are based on my own observations and research over a period of 35 years. You see, I knew Julian Assange when he lived on Magnetic Island in his (and mine) youth. I have followed this guy for many years and I am proud to say, I even admire him. Whats there not to like about Australia's 'ethical hacker'? As he was called back in 1991.
He was what we call a top bloke, or a person with a good heart. His whole ideology from a young age was to help the world, or at least, leave this planet better then he found it. He has found a way to do it using his computer knowledge, I say good on him!
For anyone who believes that he is CIA, or evil, or should be assassinated. Please read about his life before Wikileaks, this man has been advocating for a 'REAL' Free Press for two decades, not to mention a programmer of Open Source free software. If you use Linux or USENET, it's partly thanks to him.
But, his belief that, 'True Free Speech' will free humanity and create real democracies is not a recent belief. He held this belief in his youth when our two paths crossed. If you grew up in that part of the world, you would believe the same thing too. If you spend your youth on a small island like we did, the world immediately around you is not only spectacularly beautiful but extremely friendly. You grow to learn that the 'mainland' were the community ceases and the government begins, is far less civilized and the government is not helping it's citizens like our community did to us.
Most people who live in Queensland, Australia are also very different to most human beings, most grew up in places where the government didn't provide much and we relied on community instead. Also, why watch TV when, we could play outside in nature? Their propaganda was never even heard by most rural Queenslanders, let alone accepted. So we are naturally disjointed from government and very skeptical of there motives.
Just look at the politician Pauline Hanson, she ran a small fish n chip shop in Queensland. One day she started her own political party and nearly took over the country! Everyone believed that politicians were that rotten and corrupt - that even Pauline was a better choice!
What I am trying to say is don't trust any of the smear campaign against him, this man has just given up his life for the sake of every human on the planet. He is a hero, not a villain.
It saddens me when people claim he has sinister motives. Wikileaks needed a fall guy, and Julian volunteered to be the guy in the cross hairs. He knew he would probably spend his remaining days in jail, but once wikileaks was started he knew nothing could take it down.
You see, Julian is a very intelligent man, and thrives on intellectual debate. He therefore did not enter into this intellectual battle without a sound plan.
Using torrents, he has made sure that no one server can ever be taken down and the information can never 'disappear' because it is stored on thousands of computers. Also by encrypting all his leaks using the standard military encryption and then distributing that via torrents, he has done two things:
1. Made sure that unreleased leaks will still be released even if he is killed.
2. Let the USA (and a few other hackers) know exactly what they would be releasing, so they had time to object to certain paragraphs.
He also has a brilliant lawyer, and crack team of volunteers.
USA labels wikileaks a 'terrorist organization', while the citizens of the world, label them 'non-profit organization'.
Wikileaks will live far longer then the man who started it, and any attack on Wikileaks is an attack on the worlds right to know the truth about our world governments.
Wikileaks is vital to our world right now, it is clear to the average person that we live in a corrupt system, mistrust of world leaders is at an all time high. Gone are the days when a whistle-blower could send an anonymous package to the newspaper, the editor just throws it out today. Everything they print is subject to 'National Security', so unless the government approves they can't print anything. The system is broken! No free press...
But, if Wikileaks releases the information, the reporters are only repeating information already in the public domain - so they don't go to jail, we once again see Free Press emerging from a long long slumber. Some mainstream media WANTS to report on this stuff but they are all gagged by government, they have to wait for Wikileaks to publish first. Not one reporter worldwide EVER scoops Wikileaks, even through they all have the information weeks ahead of release. They are all using Julian Assange as the fall guy, they get to report juicy inside stuff, he goes to jail, in essence, Jullian is a suicide journalist...
We are finally seeing the emergence of Free Press again, and as long as the world supports Wikileaks and Julian Assange - we may even get to have true free press forever. I don't think the world realizes how close we are to major change, if Wikileaks remains online, the secretive greedy people in the world no longer have anywhere to hide. It may take decades to fully come to fruition, but Free Press = Accountability. We might finally see that world court getting some more use.
Support Wikileaks in anyway you can, and remove your support for any company that does not have the balls to support Wikileaks and internet freedom. These USA internet companies (Paypal, Amazon, Ebay) have all removed their support for Wikileaks because of government pressure.
I suggest a Christmas Presents Boycott of Paypal, Ebay & Amazon. If we all just bought our Christmas presents elsewhere, we would send a huge $$$ message that we don't like it when our rights to free press & internet are trampled on.
I hope this helped some of you understand the situation better and move past the mainstream soundbite version of Wikileaks.
If you have any questions or comments or even dispute my conclusion - please I would love to hear your opinions.
Look forward to your posts.
