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3 Pole Kit from Rennaissance Meeting

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  • #61
    I hear you Kippered
    I think you're preaching to the choir on this forum.
    I patiently await LaserSaber's step by step vid on the JouleRinger as well as anyone else's on this subject here.
    we have had many instances of good luck w/ this tech, and we have one build that puts out more than it takes. however we can not replicate it, so it sits in a box, batteries and all - we dare not touch it until we can replicate and learn how and what we did.
    so the hope that someone will be able to teach this is high.



    • #62
      Came across this design while playing with cap-dump circuit ideas on the 3-pole kit, reminded me of the Bedini circuit but with a companion circuit through the looking glass:

      Electric Heart!
      Electric Fish!
      Electric Turtle!
      Electric Butterfly!
      Last edited by Shanjaq; 04-01-2011, 10:37 AM.


      • #63
        getting more out of the pulse

        Ok, something to report on the choke.
        The choke does not increase the MA coming out of the primary battery.
        The choke does increase the charging a bit and also allows the primary to maintain it’s voltage better.
        But it also damages the transistor, as can be seen by the neon lighting up. So - what to do?
        Rectify it! It’s basically a front end node right…
        Here’s the lame vid
        YouTube - follow up on adding choke
        If you increase the Henry’s on the choke, the 3rd charging battery will charge faster. If the choke is too large, eventually you will start robbing from the “main charging battery” so, like all of this, it’s a balance. The other thing that happens is the larger the choke is, the lower the amp draw on the primary, this is because the potential after the choke is reduced, the RPM will drop as well. We have much more testing to do down this path.
        Just wanted to throw it out there. It’s real.


        here is the previous vid for those who have not already seen it - regarding the choke:
        YouTube - paralleled transistors


        • #64
          Designed a PCB for this kit - you want one?

          This helped me a bunch. I got a bit frustrated trying to build the circuit on a piece of 1/4" plywood so I looked around and found Pad2Pad - which seems to have decent pricing and tools.
          Here is a picture of the PCB I designed for the monopole motor kits:

          I contacted RickF about this design and he says he has a design he is working on but it will be a few months before its available. I don't want to wait, and at the same time I don't want to spend a fortune ordering a single board (about $65!) but if I order even just 10 the price/board drops below $10 - so how about people replying to this if they would pay say up to $15 (with shipping) for one of these boards? Then I can have an idea of how many to order to get the cheapest prices and pass them on to you guys. (you would order from me via email later)
          The design is for both the old and new kits so you can use either the big transistors or the small ones.
          Also I am not an expert on PCB design. It could be that my hole sizes or pad spacings, especially for the potentiometer, are wrong - please review as able. I have also uploaded the .pcb file here which you can use pad2pad.exe to inspect the design. Any comments or suggestions would be great as well before I have this manufactured. (I'll give you about a month from this post date to let me know your interest.)
          My design goals were low cost, flexibility with kit components, and clearly labled for easy and unconfusing assembly. It also contains places to put your load LEDs if you like.

          Last edited by sanfords; 03-10-2011, 12:01 AM.


          • #65

            That's pretty cool! Wish I had the means to do etching, though I might be able to use Wire Wrap with the image as a template =][

            Do you have a way specify bigger traces and special placement/adjacency for components which will be most subject to transient effects and/or high currents?

            Also maybe a variant of the PCB layout for center-collector transistors?


            • #66
              That's a nice clean board
              it can get a little tricky but once you do a few of these, it gets easier.
              very easy if you are using only 3 jumbo MJL's. And, you do not have to worry about the impedance of the board.

              Last edited by minoly; 12-26-2011, 07:37 PM.

