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Free energy Let's go!

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  • Free energy Let's go!


    I woke up this morning, and got myself thinking that all here discussing free energy from nothing devices, or at least 99% of the people here still using all the establishment proposed energy and technology.

    I than decided to create a special thing.

    I'm wiling to create some videos and put on my youtube channel, for teaching you all how to easily and cheaply construct solar heating panels so you can start saving money and consequently making the establishment less powerful.

    I will teach you how to make a thing that will make your house keep warm in the winter and or to have your hot water for shower and or practical usage.

    I propose here 2 devices witch are the panels for water heating and radiant heating of your house.

    Lets keep simple.

    Ok the first step is that i need to find out whats the materials names so everyone can easily get the materials to start working.

    Here this material is called polionda POLIONDA
    The most important is that you find it also made of policarbonate witch is good cause it handle higher temperatures than normal plastics.

    This is the panel it self, the only work you need to do is to get a water reservoir heat resistant, put it on the roof, and glueing some tubes.

    I propose also something more elaborated like a water mixer and automatic complemental heater, using sensing for the temperature and a circuit that keep the water of the shower at the electronically defined temperature.

    I propose radiant panels on the floor of your house, that could perfectly be made of this same material. So if your house is in a cold place you can use for example the hot water for the shower than the same water heat or energy to heat up your house by circulating this water on the radiant panels.
    As the heat is distributed all over the house even if is not high temperature will keep your house warm at the perfect degree, and where is important, close to the floor not close to the roof.

    This systems already exist but costs 20 times or more than what i'm proposing.

    My point is that you can cut you bills off.

    I would propose to use this money you save to buy yourself a new car, have some fun, or to keep it under your bed, for times of trouble. Or you can donate to someone who would use it for freeing up people minds. Everybody is free, to feel good.

    I suggest everyone to after having this at home to suggest a friend to make the same and to help him or them to instal the system.

    When i have some time, i will start doing this video.

    Anyway if i was you reading i wouldn't wait, as i already gave detailed description of how the thing works.

    You can start saving today!

    I think you can build the whole system with 500$ at least here the materials needed to make a device scale for my house would cost this, including the tank.

    What no many people know is that every square meter of this planet receive +- 1000watts/hour of heat power. And many don't understand why solar panels are not efficient even if every one knows this fact. The reason relies in the fact that the electric solar panels generate electricity and heats up a lot so most of the energy is lost. If you have a solar electric panel having a efficiency of 15% and you put under it my proposed panel i'm saying that you will have an efficiency of maybe 80% but being part of the energy in heat. You just need to use the heat. I believe that if you make a combined cycle your electric panels duration would increase.

    I still have another way to convert this heat into electricity, you could use a sandwich of Peltier modules so as you heat the water you generate electricity. But this start getting too expensive.

    Please use the sun heat.

    Please save your money.

    Don't pay your bills anymore.

    Lets stop this bastards.

    You can kill a bacteria if you stop feeding it.

    I will than let those who constructed and use their own solar heat panels to know how to create a wind mill in a near future...

    I want to create something like the facebook of free energy, where you need to help friends to make free energy to be able to have more information otherwise no info.

    I think is a good way to instigate everyone to free themselves.

    If i just give all the info everyone will be lost and would not know where to start from.

    So again,


  • #2
    If you have enough money, I mean if you are rich, please buy electric solar panels, and everything that is renewable. And for sake of clearance, instigate your friends to do so too.

    I know is not very economically viable, but is worth buying those products cause it will certainly help this industry to develop faster.

    Of course my proposed tech is cheaper and as good as those, however i know that not everyone can build such prototypes because of time and or want reasons.

    Don't limit your self.


    • #3
      Good. I look forward to your videos.


      • #4
        Nice Bugler,

        My idea is that i have so many cool ideas and projects that could be so easily done to increase my life goodness that i can't make them all and or use them all at the same time alone, so i believe that all the world could and should benefit of them all the time, however is so hard to make people understand that life is not only shopping. So i want to spread this ideas. I want create a movement to bring consciousness to the people so they can improve their life's, being more happy and satisfied. All this envisioning a better future for all. Thats why i'm asking people to instigate their friends in this and so on.

        Think how is nice to have a long shower thinking that you are not wasting energy. I'm not apologizing long shower as it would use lot of water.

        However i believe that with enough energy and intelligence we could also clean up any amount of water that we want to. Evaporating is a good way.

        The thing is that i'm starting to believe that the only way to arrive at this level is to start changing people misconceptions created by this kind of society they've created by small but significant steps.

        An air conditioning system could also create hot water for your shower at the same time it creates the cold air for your house so as your refrigerator. This would lower your bills too.

        You just need to think the engineering steps needed to modify it to do what you want.

        In the end the heat is everywhere and we can use it also for directly creating electricity or melting metals is all about concentrating it, but this is another argument.


        I hope every one understood well i'm not here to sell solar panels or to advertise any product, only a new concept a new idea of how i think we should organize. We already have a big fusion reactor working day and night (the Sun), so lets start using this energy well, than we can start dealing with free energy from nothing.

        I believe that anyone that live in a common house can have its energy independence, Using less than the available roof area.

        Important is to understand that almost all the energy used in our world already come from the sun, from green plants witch feed the alimentary string, to hydroelectric plants that feed our computers.
        Last edited by sebosfato; 12-12-2010, 06:11 PM.

