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Local Area Networking For Renewable Energy Development

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  • Local Area Networking For Renewable Energy Development

    Hello all, I was thinking again today about the difficulties of constructing experimental arrangements and doing the experimenting alone. Paticularly working outdoors, when dealing with rather high voltages or trying to setup a somewhat large and reasonably complicated devices.

    And considering that two heads are usually better than one, I can't help but to think that we could try to setup some local area networks so as to have some local support or give it, help with difficult or tedious setups.

    I get the feeling that if enough like minded people could actually get together to work on common projects we could really get some things made and tested. It would also provide a small amount of protection from loss of information due to many different reasons. With actual face to face interactions a lot more info could be shared than what is probably wise for some people to share in public. If drawings and concepts are shared they would be harder to make dissapear if more than one person has them.

    Best of all workshopping of idea's and methods, sharing of tips and hint's during shared projects would be great.

    I am forced to think along these line because I don't know anyone in my local area that is interested enough to invest any time in experimenting the way we do. I don't understand it myself this field is very interesting.

    I was thinking of advertising for a volunteer assistant or associate, but the add could draw some wacko's.

    The add would read something like,

    " Wanted, persons interested in resarching and developing novel and new renewable energy sources for a cleaner environment, all persons would need to volunteer thier time freely.

    No previous electronic or other experience necessary, just a will to help or share in the development of workable and achievable clean energy systems.

    I am searching for genuine experimenters to help and learn from, people to help with some of my experiments and anyone who wishes to take part in or help with the search for and development of clean renewable energy sources/systems. I have a fair bit of usable land area for larger experiments.
    My intention is to work only for the benifit of a cleaner and heathier environment not for monetary gain.

    Apply Blah Blah"

    Well something like that. Then I came up with the idea that a Club or Co-operative orginisation would be a good idea if there was enough local interest, a club or orginisation would give some leverage to any proposed system put forward to the public.

    I would call it Local Area Networking for Renewable Energy Development or "LANRED" for short, well thats what it would be anyway.

    So thats my crazy idea, anyone think it has any merit ? Imagine if it happenned everywhere.

    If anyone has any similar idea's along these line's please share them with me.

    It would be kinda neat to be able to actually open my mouth and speak to a real human being about some of these things, without getting the open mouthed "are you crazy or what" " what the hell are you talking about" stare coming back at me.

    Cheers all

  • #2
    good idea

    I think that a good way to accomplish what your saying is to show off some of your projects and don't be afraid to ask for help. I am currently trying to get people interested in alternative energy projects by preparing to build some basic things like diy windmills, passive solor projects and parabolic solar collectors. People are amazed at the temperatures reached with parabolic solar collectors and have shown great interest. I try to keep my projects cheap too, so that the common person can afford to do them too. Showing that you don't have to have a fancy engineering degree to get involved will also get more people interested. Sites like Mother Earth News and Green power science have all kinds of interesting projects for do it your selfers.
    Good luck!


    • #3

      Also you can form a nonprofit, but I won't tell you that it is easy. I am in the process and am lucky to have many good people helping me. People are much more willing to donate time and materials if they know it's tax deductible!


      • #4
        Hi Gdez, thanks for the reply and the good idea's, a non profit orginsation would be the eventual goal.

        I feel as though I could get a fair bit of interest if I can find sombody that live's in town ( the city ) willing to participate and spread the word, I live about 40 mins from the city and have trouble travelling.

        I am currently trying to get people interested in alternative energy projects by preparing to build some basic things like diy windmills, passive solor projects and parabolic solar collectors.
        Yes your right I need to get a few usefull working setups together even if only in small scale. Some things don't scale down well though some do.
        And document them with video, drawings ect. And have them ready to demonstrate.

        One of the reasons I need help is I have a serious neck problem which makes some things difficult. For example if I drive a steel picket into the ground for an earth, I would be lucky not to suffer for weeks from it. But if I have to do it, I do it, and suffer. I can take it. I'm not going to lay down and feel sorry for myself.

        I like to keep things cheap too, I have a few idea's.

        I've got a fuel generator I would like to convert to a GEET setup.

        I would like to design a very basic wind generator.

        Basically I would like to first design some very simple ways to produce emergency power for people when the grid power fails and the solar bank runs down. Just enough to run a fridge and a light. So people don't have to go to fuel powered generator immediately or sit in the dark.

        I hope to get some help in about 4 weeks time to set up a Radiant Energy Utilization arrangement ( a plate "p" setup) fairly large, with enough power to keep a large battery charged and ready. I'm also thinking that an earth battery could be used together with a plate 'p' setup to produce enough primary power to initiate an interaction with the environment, which would be the holy grail for me. Free power attracting more free power.

        An earth battery powering a Van De-Graff machine would be interesting especially if a plate 'p' or similar could be used to harness the very high potential created.

        I can't help but to think that getting people interested and putting forward idea's, the more people the more chance of that golden idea.

        I'm not really electronically minded i'm still learning, I am a boilermaker (metal fabricator) so I can build things no probs but I have trouble with electronics sometimes especially the tiny things.

        First things first I must build myself an energy shed so i can lay things out properly without it getting in the way and so i don't have to pack things up for safety, I can just lock the door.

        Yes thanks for your input you have given me some food for thought.

        Best Regards


        • #5
          Absolutely excellent idea.

          This is easily done in sofware as it is free to develop it home and merge it with the main application.

          Maybe it would be a good idea developing a website where someone start a project and people join the group to contribute to it.
          They might be local or far away people helping in any way they can.

          I was waiting for Peter to answer to my question about what would be the best ideas to develop to propose something like this.

          Well thought.


          • #6
            Yes Bugler, if a few people were to contribute to the same project with differnt points of view and skill sets a lot could be achieved in my opinion.

            A collaborative effort by likeminded people would probaly raise morale for the group as well, by motivating each other.

            I kind of like the idea of a many local groups using this site as a base so to speak, the local groups could be very hands on and still post progress and drawings to this site. So that groups working on similar projects around the world could collaborate through the web and or this website.


            Of course the other benifit of face to face contact is that the group could look out for each other with respect to outside influences of a negative nature. It seems to me that in the past inventors that work alone have been very vunerable to suppression.
            Last edited by Farmhand; 12-15-2010, 01:05 PM.


            • #7
              Hey I'm just a steamfitter(metal fabricator), but through the experience gained trough my profession I've found that I already possess many of the skills needed to be successful in the alternative energy field. WhAT DO YOU DO AS A BOILER MAKER?? What comes to my mind is distillation, refining, steam, high pressure vessels ,Catalytic cracking, and on and on. These are all things that make you a perfect canidate to promote alternative energy. I've built many systems for the chemical /petrochemical/energy industry.So why not use all your knowledge know to promote the things you seem to already know will be a benefit to all, not just the corporations. Think wood gasifiers, passive solar, geothermal, Biomass, ethonal distillation(one I definitely like) and hydro power and wind. Hey I have beat up knees and a bad back too, but that's what the younger generation for. Use your knowledge to get younger people involved , and teach them to build and inspire them to do the things that you may not be capable of doing yourself. Young people are seemingly more and more getting interested in helping to shape the future, because they see how things are going now and it doesn't look good for them.
              We need to let the young people know that the cost of nonrenewable energy is like an unavoidable tax that will be levied upon them, and there isn't going to be any taxcuts...EVER. The government has absolutely no incentive to do this no matter what kind of bull they try to feed you. Less fuel consumption for you= less money for them.

              Give them the tools , they will build.

              Good luck, Greg


              • #8
                Yeah a boiler maker is the old description for a metal fabricator, I havn't done any pressure vessel work for many years, I mainly worked in srtuctural steel work ( constuction ). I know my way around a combustion engine and i'm a very good welder, aluminium, steel, stainless steel ect. I like the idea of ethenol distilling. And small hydro and wind generators. Heat pumps seem to be a very good idea too, I have a friend that is a refridgeration mechanic, but getting info from him is like pulling teeth from a chicken.

                It might be necessary to "convince" him to help me, he just doesn't like to talk work when he's at home. He's one that doesn't see the need to do anything to help, he earns a lot of money.

                Thanks for the idea's there very good.



                • #9

                  here's another cool link, a type of project we will be promoting with our non profit

                  YouTube - 1 MILLION pounds of Food on 3 acres. 10,000 fish 500 yards compost

                  You'll probably like this, and there's much more on you tube.


                  • #10
                    Local support.

                    Great idea.

                    I am into aquaponics, and we just setup a workshop on how to build this a persons house. What was done is we all arrived and got a tour of the place and got to ask tons of questions.

                    Then we all worked together ( after we signed releases that we would not sue if we brook a hangnail at the place ) to build a 300 gallon addition to the system they had. We all got hands on experience building the device.

                    We won because we gained the knowledge and hands on experience.

                    The host won because they got free labor we cleaned about 2 cubic yards of gravel for their system.

                    I am in Summerfield Florida, if someone wants to see how to setup a solar system, my 1000 watt solar setup is now working.

                    I also am into solar cooking, my Global sun oven gets up to 375 degrees.

                    I have built SSG, Solid state Bedini, Rotoverter, Bedini Fans. And I have a few of the Bedini DVD's.

                    If anyone is in the central Florida area perhaps we could exchange ideas.

                    I do believe we need to work at the local area as well.

                    Send me a private message if you are nearby.

                    See my experiments here...

                    You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                    • #11
                      Gdez your right I do like that, I love fish, that looks like a well thought out setup. I will refer back to that video I have a friend who would like to see that aswell.

                      Hi Mart, Thanks for for posting, thats what the thread is for.
                      Everyone that wants to is welcome to do the same.

                      Global sun oven at 375 degree's, I hope thats farenheit, If celcius thats a furnace. That would be a good cooker.

                      I'm in Central Queensland In Australia i'm open for PM's as well though I haven't done as much as you Mart or you Gdez but I hope to get some things going on in the new year. I've done a fair bit of research on Tesla and i'm trying to decifer some of Walter Russell's writings which is not easy. It's written in english but most of it is over my head, I think the testatika machine may be partly based on the principals he puts forward.

                      Cheers all


                      • #12
                        Solar Stuff

                        My first parabolic reflector would only hit 190F, but I figured out where I made my mistakes. My next one I'm hoping for 500F +. GreenPower science has many easy models. The latest one that I'm working on also should cost only about 60$. Ill post it when I get it finished.

                        DeSoto Solar Home

                        this is a pretty good site for solar stuff too.

                        Concentrating solar collectors


                        • #13
                          Conscious Living Partnership

                          Originally posted by theremart View Post
                          I am in Summerfield Florida, if someone wants to see how to setup a solar system, my 1000 watt solar setup is now working.

                          If anyone is in the central Florida area perhaps we could exchange ideas.
                          One of my best friends Shannon Burnett started Conscious Living Partnership
                          in Palm Bay, Florida - about 80 miles from you from the looks of the map.

                          Conscious Living Partnership - Home

                          She has a large network of people involved in organic, holistic, etc...

                          Her forum: Conscious Living Space - Join the Conscious Revolution!

                          You might be able to call her or someone at CLP and get connected with
                          people in your area. There may be quite a few - I think most are in Florida.
                          That organization is a wealth of resources.
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO

