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Magnet Secrets by Peter Lindemann * NEW RELEASE *

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  • #31
    On this forum, many machines, motors, energetic ways are shared for free.
    If anyone really wants, by taking the steps he can follow John Bedini or others through the different threads (tesla switch, ferris wheel to name a few) to build a free energy or at least a very efficient machine.

    If you don't then, you don't really appreciate the high quality of information available here. And it's where some sold items get attacked because they're not free.

    Peter's book has value in his mind, and it has value for many people around. If it was offered for free, maybe and i say maybe he would never wrote it and this information would never been shared. We live in a world of exchange where money is not a devil's way but just a way, a form of energy. Sometimes we get things for money, sometimes for time, sometimes for free, or for work, it's just the way it is.

    Thank you for bringing this info in this book Peter !


    • #32
      To Aaron. i feel the need to say you are correct that my reply was inappropriate. I dont know what you are referring to about "being logged in" but you asked me a "capitalized" question and i answered it when i could, after which point someone told me they noticed it had been deleted. I also gave you criticism of your book but it was mainly the way it was being advertised which in my opinion was positive criticism as I have said I see nothing wrong with a man selling his opinions in the form of creative literature.
      i called Mr. Lindemann "obi wan kenobi" which at the time was a harmless comical reference to his photo on the page where the book is being sold (it looked video-gameish).
      That was childish, and i apologize, but the rest of my post i felt genuinely deserved to remain. the reason for my "rudeness" was your obvious lash towards me when saying something along the lines of "WHAT DO YOU DO FOR A LIVING THEN?". as someone else stated, that was also childish.
      and as i said before I have a job and work full time earning a paycheck like many other hard working individuals.

      I appreciate and understand the comments made by others.
      But im afraid some of you are missing the point entirely so let me reiterate it.
      There is nothing wrong with someone earning a living.. it should be common knowledge that this is a necessity in life. The issue here is HOW you earn your living. personally i have chosen to cost effectively build my own versions of many things i have learned online for free, and i appreciate that. It seems there is a great deal of good information that is freely given, but eventually much of this turns into a trail that leads you to the end of a road where you are encouraged to spend large amounts of money if you want to continue. Someone like me sees that and is instantly reminded of how the "world works". How can you ignore the fact that there are countless individuals out here spending much of their good time experimenting to help others understand what is going on in these circuits. I've met so people on YouTube alone that have done so many amazing things it blows my mind. Not only that, they take the time to record videos, and long explanations of what they are doing and how they did it. These are the real heroes in my opinion. I swear i saw a dirty fireman jacket in the background of one of "jonnydavros" videos. A lot of these people are earning a living, and also finding the time to do exactly what you are doing, but for free. Some of these people are school teachers which makes it even more admirable considering the pay we all know school teachers receive.

      You claim that someone such as myself provides nothing but complaints.
      Well i personally feel i have provided a good deal of pertinent information to others as well in the time I have spent personally researching. I did NOT however "charge" anyone because getting this information out only took time, and the internet.. these things are free. When you say just about 60% of your profit goes back into the energetic ministry, what does that mean? what expenses could you possibly have here other than webhosting? You write books, to make money, only to use the money to write more books? Why dont you just publish the entirety of each and every book online at this website? It would cost everyone practically nothing at that point. You get the information out, you throw some ads on the page to maintain the domain.. It makes more sense to me doing it that way if the genuine intention is to truly "help".

      Are you telling me that as grown human beings, you can find no other source of income to sustain your survival other than selling "secrets" in the form of expensive books? Is it just supposed to be okay that there are human beings that apparently claim they have no other means of surviving other than saying "hey i know some things that you SHOULD know, but dont, and it can really help you out.. pay me and ill tell you". thats not okay to me. I dont see why it has to be this way. That is expressing poor character to me. It is the same type of character that all of our past oppressors through history have shown. It can be loosely placed within the category of capitalizing on another humans ignorance. I understand books cost money to write and publish. But do you understand pictures and pages can be drawn, written, and distributed freely on the internet, all without having to spend a single dime? Im not a Dr. and i know that.

      As another human being I personally feel that if I were to have some type of "secret" that could really help others, I would be happy the internet is here for me to spread it Freely to as many people as possible. If at that point my heart should understand the potential profit, and decide to take that route, then I would undoubtedly understand in my heart i was doing something "wrong", at which point making the excuse that it was a "necessity to survive" would simply be a clever lie I told myself to sleep at night and be able to walk through public appearing proud. I say to you that it seems you have decided to take the profitable route in some of your endeavors claiming it to be necessary. and i say why cant we change that.

      Where was Tesla's ideal profit in the concept of "Free Energy" ?

      To say "thats just the way the world works" is senseless to me.
      It is a conscious choice you make hardly from necessity.
      These are my opinions and I have the feeling there are others that feel the same way. Or I "hope" there are others. Can at least one of us then, be allowed to give this opinion in a forum where it can be openly defended and responded to in an adult manner? There could be some defining piece of information I don't yet know about this organization and if enlightened I would surely give my apologies and cosign your reasoning.


      • #33
        Nicely worded Magneticitist. I have stated similiar feelings myself.


        • #34
          I am new here but have been studying and reading as much as possible on things like Zero Point Energy, The Pyramids, Consciousness, Magnetics, Quantum Sciences, etc. and I also have to agree with Magneticitist's point of view. This valuable information has been taken from us and we need it back but it seems like you cannot get all of the information and "secrets" because most people want to profit from these "secrets". What we are talking about on forums like this is the end of capitalism and profit for profits sake so why do most people want to make a profit on these secrets?

          For instance I listen to Coast to Coast AM frequently and I find it rather amusing that almost every guest on the show is promoting His or Her series of books. You can learn a lot from these guests but if you REALLY want to know what they know you have to buy their books.

          It is a sad world we live in and I am not belittling anyone from making a living from His or Her hard work but doing it this way will never bring about the kind of change that everyone that is interested in this subject surely wants.

          It would be the same thing as the power companies using free energy tech to supply power to the world you know damn well it would cost the same as it does now even though it would not cost them anything which is what I believe China is starting to do if I understand correctly.

          It really is no different than the many people selling get rich quick books. How do you think these people got rich so quickly? Mabey by selling get rich quick books? Just as Magneticitist suggests People making a profit on other Peoples ignorance.

          This is all IMO so take it with a grain of salt.


          • #35

            Today it is easy to get a lot of information for free. Music downloads, video downloads, etc. But someone had to put their own, time, money, and effort into
            these originally. The way things work these days, when something new comes
            out you have to pay for it initially if you want it right away. If you are willing to wait, then you may eventually get it for free. What incentive is there for anyone if there is no reward for their efforts ? That way hardly anything would
            be available or get done. These last few posts are from people used to getting something for nothing and expecting to get everything that way. That's not how things work unless you are stealing to begin with. Not everything is for free. Where have you people been living ? In some alternate universe ????



            • #36
              Originally posted by FRC View Post
              Today it is easy to get a lot of information for free. Music downloads, video downloads, etc. But someone had to put their own, time, money, and effort into
              these originally. The way things work these days, when something new comes
              out you have to pay for it initially if you want it right away. If you are willing to wait, then you may eventually get it for free. What incentive is there for anyone if there is no reward for their efforts ? That way hardly anything would
              be available or get done. These last few posts are from people used to getting something for nothing and expecting to get everything that way. That's not how things work unless you are stealing to begin with. Not everything is for free. Where have you people been living ? In some alternate universe ????

              So all of these magnetic secrets are new concepts that have just now been discovered and no one knew about before. I didn't realize that I thought this was just old information that he had gathered up.


              • #37
                Hi folks, Hi Magneticitist, though i agree with most of what your saying, the whole idea of earning a living is flawed. Of course I realize everyone is on their own journey of learning experiences in this world and I respect all perspectives, though I of course don't agree with all of them.
                If I may offer a little wisdom that I know some here may or may not agree with based upon their life experiences thus far. You see, this whole survival, lack and earning a living thing started when the idea was born, that one should be payed in some way for their time, energy and labor instead of one freely sharing it. And look at the results in the world, they are self evident if one cares to see with clear eyes and heart. And so then money came along and as many know, that has been used as another plundering tool of our time, energy and labor. And all this, because long ago, these ideas were carried forth and continue to this day. Now, I have no intention to debate anyone about this, for these are simply some of my perspectives that I've acquired and will no doubt change and evolve like all things in this universe. If we all shared freely, then yes indeed, everything would be free. Quite simple isn't it. No alternate universe needed, all that's needed is a thought. And so it is, what if all humans thought to share freely all their time, energy and labor tomorrow. It would seem like another universe and so shall it be.
                peace love light


                • #38
                  Thank you a lot!

                  Hi Peter,

                  I got your book and was very happy with it, since this is a form of magnetic application that I had been interested in, but always thought I was missing something about, and you clarified it very well.

                  I have a few small square neo magnets but don't have how to know their polarity, so I went with the taste test you mentioned. Poured a bit of water in a couple of glasses through the magnetic field, one pole for each, and tasted them. One was definitely bad tasting, while the other one seemed improved. I asked my wife to taste them, without telling her what it was all about, and she could definitely tell the difference and agreed with me.

                  So I set the magnets up in a more permanent fashion, right on our drinking water spout. I don't know about the field strength or the sweet spot, but it's still better than no magnets. I wanted to share it cause it's a quick simple application of what you said.

                  And your book goes into so much detail and application, that I can't wait to try all the other uses for this and save money with it.

                  Thank you!
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by clavaque; 01-10-2011, 06:02 PM.
                  Cristián Lávaque


                  • #39
                    Magnet Secrets by Peter Lindemann

                    Originally posted by Mark View Post
                    So all of these magnetic secrets are new concepts that have just now been discovered and no one knew about before. I didn't realize that I thought this was just old information that he had gathered up.
                    This method was invented by a man that Peter knew and worked with
                    a long time ago.

                    Seeing that virtually every magnet company that makes magnets for these
                    benefits are using a completely different method that doesn't come close
                    to this method's effectiveness, it appears to be quite a secret.

                    If you look at the list of those that are CURRENTLY benefiting from this
                    process - it is indisputable that this process is THE method to use:
                    • US Department of the Treasury
                    • U.S. Census Bureau
                    • N.O.A.A. (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
                    • Multiple City, County & State Governments
                    • U.S. Coast Guard
                    • U.S. Army
                    • U.S. Air Force
                    • Multiple Federal & State Prisons
                    • Coca Cola
                    • Phelps Dodge
                    • Multiple Hospitals & Universities
                    • Toyota
                    • Hitachi
                    • Matsu****a
                    • Panasonic
                    • Fuji Camera
                    • Walt Disney World ($63,000 Per Year Savings)
                    • Siemens
                    • Hilton Hotels (13% Fuel Savings)
                    • Brazilian Government (20% Fuel Savings)
                    • I.B.M.
                    • Samsung
                    • Holiday Inn
                    • too many to list...
                    This speaks for itself.

                    So this information has been around for years, but has been under
                    the radar for that entire time as well - until we released this book.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • #40


                      Why not deliver meals for free and simply solicit donations from the seniors
                      receiving meals hoping that out of the kindness of their own hearts that
                      they will support you enough to pay your bills?

                      That is EXACTLY what you are saying all of us should do when selling

                      Why? It is common sense.

                      You say: "but it is in my free time that i explore science."


                      In YOUR FREE TIME. This is NOT MY FREE TIME, nor is it the FREE TIME
                      of anyone else that I work with. This IS what we do for a living!
                      It isn't some hobby I play with whenever I can get around to it
                      just for kicks.

                      I closed my health food store that was generating 6 figures a year - I
                      walked away from it to do this and PATHS full time - please keep your
                      judgments and uninformed opinions to yourself.

                      Myself and others that I associate with have ALREADY contributed
                      COUNTLESS bits of information on various technologies, experiments, etc...
                      to the public domain, which none of us have ever asked a dime for. AND,
                      that cost us TIME, MONEY, EFFORT, etc... so we have done our part
                      in the humanitarian effort of getting info out for free - unfortunately,
                      hardly anyone has ever applied any of it. We plan to release more for
                      free, however it is comments such as the ones YOU are making that
                      really contribute to many of our desires to not what to share it at all
                      since what some of what we do for free is unappreciated and you want
                      to judge me or us?

                      You want to preach about human ethics, yet you expect some people
                      that earn a good portion of their primary income to simply work MANY
                      hours sourcing information, compiling it in easy to read fashion and
                      presenting it in a simple, AFFORDABLE and easy form to simply do it all
                      for free? So we can be broke, homeless, and hungry so we can wind
                      up on welfare contributing to the problems instead of being part of the
                      solution? GET REAL!

                      You should get in touch with reality, go to a bookstore and browse the books.
                      Do you know what REFERENCE BOOK are? It is one of the largest
                      parts of any LIBRARY or BOOK STORE and you know what? The people that
                      assembled such books usually have only compiled other people's data -
                      hence the entire concept of REFERENCE BOOK!!!

                      Don't tell me it is different because it is a printed book - many of those
                      are available as downloads as well - REFERENCE BOOKS! Expecting
                      compilations of info to simply be something you feel you are automatically
                      entitled to when it cost others so much time and effort is downright

                      Why don't you write Encyclopedia Britannica and tell them to give their
                      encyclopedias away for free or give their web memberships away for
                      free? Why don't you do that? That company never came up with all
                      the countless ideas and concepts contained within the books they sell!

                      You are so out of touch with reality - want to call my friend names
                      in such a sarcastic manner, insult us and be hypocritical at the same time
                      while preaching about how you earn a living doing one thing while what
                      you do in your free time is something else - just because what some of
                      us happen to do AS OUR FULL TIME JOB happens to be what you do in
                      your free time is IRRELEVANT and it isn't a matter of "human ethics" as
                      you want to preach - it is COMMON SENSE!

                      And I'm not sure who you think you are to tell me what I have a right
                      to sell or don't have a right to sell - you live your life and I'll live mine
                      thank you very much! If I want to innovate my own material and sell it,
                      I'll do it and you have nothing to say about it. And if I want to
                      take the time to research things that most people don't know about,
                      put it together in a way that allows anyone to reap the benefits easily
                      without spending countless hours to put it together and sell it to generate
                      income - I'll do that and again, you have NOTHING to say about it.

                      $17 is so cheap it's ridiculous! If you make $10 per hour delivering food
                      for example, the cost of this book is 1.7 hours of your time. How many
                      hours do you think it would take you to research out all the info, compile
                      it and put it together in a system that makes it easy for everyone to get?
                      A heck of a lot longer than 1.7 hours!

                      You may think you do your energy research in your free time, but time is
                      not free to me - personally - I value my time very much - all of it.

                      If you paid myself or my partner(s) what our time is worth, you'd be
                      spending hundreds or thousands of dollars for this one single book and
                      would be lucky to do so considering the benefits!

                      Any further judgments against anyone earning an honest living will
                      simply be deleted as they are simply ridiculous and out of touch with
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • #41
                        Hi folks, Hi Aaron, I know your comments were not directed towards me and I respect all perspectives. Of course everyone will have their perceptions of what reality is to them, though let's try to be honest with ourselves here. The so called reality of human systems of living are not common sense, though you would have to define what you think it means for me to understand your perspective. As many know, so called money is a manipulated instrument of exchange and so at any moment, if the groups overseeing those things were allowed to, they could make that fiat currency worthless and out goes the idea of earning a living. What I am trying to convey is, is that no matter how you try as a human society, you will never, ever, get money systems or any other systems like that to work for the good of all. It will always collapse upon itself, look around, how much proof do you folks need.
                        At some point, each here on this journey will come to understand that the only true reality, is one in which all share freely. No amount of words, as inadequate as they are for communication, will convey this wisdom to another. It obviously must come from direct experience, most of the time.
                        I'm not here debating peoples perspectives, I'm simply telling you these systems do not work and never will. It may take some souls a long time to figure this out, though eventually it will sink in. Also, just because one may think sharing freely isn't practical and/or is not reality or commonsense is irrelevant to the point I am making. A system or systems of thought either takes into account the good of all and by good of all I mean, all humans within a system will always have their basic needs met throughout their lifetime and if the systems do not meet those criteria, then they are flawed and dysfunctional to human life.
                        So in my opinion, if human systems do not meet the basic needs of all, then those systems are OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY and need healing or reform. Good luck on your paths.
                        peace love light


                        • #42

                          I would love nothing more than to have a piece of land where free energy
                          machines grow and harvest all my food for me, power my house, charge up
                          my free energy powered car, etc... and all without ever needing to earn a
                          penny. I believe I should be free to pursue my spiritual interests without
                          ever having to work for a living. But since I do have to work for a living,
                          I'll do it on my terms.

                          This is a possibility for everyone in the world but independence isn't
                          very welcome but I'm not waiting to ask for permission.

                          Perhaps after everything
                          is tore down to the bone and rebuilt from scratch, a society can be built
                          that caters to the spirit of mankind instead of turning them into slaves.
                          Hopefully it can be a peaceful transition, but how is it going so far?

                          Until then (outside of any kind of monastic community), the REALITY is
                          that my phone bills will come, so will my internet bill, my electric bill,
                          mortgage, tax, insurance, car gas expense, food and you name it... and
                          all the philosophy in the world isn't going to transform the reality of my
                          living expenses into something else. I like my lifestyle, I like the services
                          I get for my money, and I will continue to earn money in any way I see
                          fit without having to justify it to anyone.

                          And Tyson, your post was off topic AFTER I asked no more posts to
                          be posted about the topic of how people are paid. I'll be more clear.

                          The ONLY posts that are welcome in this thread from here on, whether
                          they are judgmental or not is about the Magnet Secrets book, which is
                          open to anyone that actually wants to support this forum by purchasing
                          a copy or has any other constructive posts that are on topic from people
                          that actually purchased the book.

                          Anyone is welcome to start another thread in the General forum that
                          discusses the concept of how people can get compensated for their
                          work, barter, Zeitgeist ideology, etc... whatever, that is of course welcome
                          but is simply cluttering this thread that has NOTHING to do with any
                          of those topics.
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • #43
                            Aaron, maybe you can split those off-topic posts into their own topic and move it to the General forum? I don't think it's fair to Peter to have these in the new book's topic.
                            Cristián Lávaque


                            • #44
                              Secret revealed

                              It seems like Clavaque has already revealed one of the secrets for free. In light
                              of what Aaron was saying, that this information was previously suppressed, that in itself makes it more valuable. There is a lot of suppressed information
                              around that we are unaware of. If it could be made available by paying for it
                              at least we might benefit from it. I would like to be able buy some of the information that the oil companies, military, and other government agencies
                              have covered up. But you can't buy it at any price. If it does become available at some cost, so much the better, at least it then is out in the open. Sorry for continuing off topic. Delete me if you want.



                              • #45
                                Originally posted by FRC View Post
                                It seems like Clavaque has already revealed one of the secrets for free.
                                LOL, what I said won't save money. What's in the book will, though.

                                Aaron, feel free to edit/remove my other post if you want.

                                I'm very much in favor of people getting money for their work and knowledge. Please keep putting out this valuable information and technologies in more products we can purchase.
                                Cristián Lávaque

