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Ozone generator...

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  • Ozone generator...

    Hi all,

    Does anyone know of or have plans for a good and efficient (low power high output) ozone generator (parts lists included etc.). Can be DIY or if you know of a good commercial unit that isn't too expensive pleas let me know.

    Would appreciate any first hand info as well.

    Just in case it's asked: uses would be room shock treatment, and possibly DIY water filtration. But leaning more towards room shock treatment.

    . . .
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  • #2
    Originally posted by Savvypro View Post
    Hi all,

    Does anyone know of or have plans for a good and efficient (low power high output) ozone generator (parts lists included etc.). Can be DIY or if you know of a good commercial unit that isn't too expensive pleas let me know.

    Would appreciate any first hand info as well.

    Just in case it's asked: uses would be room shock treatment, and possibly DIY water filtration. But leaning more towards room shock treatment.
    Negative/ Positive Ion Generator Kit | Alltronics


    • #3
      Room shock treament..


      I was considering getting the model that is used for treating for smoke in homes.

      If you do this be sure to run it on a timer, the problem with most generators is that they also create nitros oxide beside the ozone, so you don't want to be breathing this.

      What I finally went with was this unit with an oxygen concentrator and a unit for ozone generation ->

      Slightly used Medical Grade dual stage Ozone generator - eBay (item 330508246443 end time Dec-23-10 20:30:26 PST)

      Makes very pure Ozone, of which I have made ozonenated olive oil with. Powerful stuff.

      But I have found my Synergy unit to be reliable, I bought mine directly from the builder at Synergy systems and he gave me a good deal.

      Just an option ...

      See my experiments here...

      You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


      • #4
        That is usual method. But I think it would be too weak for water bubbler purposes. I seen implementation of it with a needle

        I use different method, that I think is stronger. Using any coil switching method to get high voltage out of car coil, then use one insulated and one uninsulated wire twisted together to produce corona of required polarity. However, I still have problem with insulation that keep leaking. Maybe glass or ceramic insulation is better.

        I use the circuit in that thread's second post to clean the room from ciggarete smell in under one hour.
        Last edited by sucahyo; 12-17-2010, 01:11 AM.


        • #5
          I have made many air ionizers in the last months for use in car air intakes that reduces fuel consumption and for use in rooms, where it clears the air, removes odors and gets rid of fungi and mold. People usually can work longer without getting tired if such an ionizer is in the room. I make my units so that the advantage of ion wind is used bu implementing an electrode design with rings and needles.

          Here are some pictures:

          I use the so called Mazilli ZVS circuit to drive a ferrite HV transformer at resonance and almost no switching losses, works great and consumes small power, the transistors do not get hot. Here is the circuit:

          You need to limit the current on the output of the ferrite transformer by using some 3-5w 5-6MegaOhm resistors, otherwise you will get an arc and high power consumption. The needles on the electrodes need to be as sharp as possible for optimum performance. This thing blows air through as if there was a small fan inside, can blow out a candle up to a meter away. Works on 12v, but the latest circuit I use incorporates a step up part that steps the input voltage up from 12-24V and this can be adjusted to get the output voltage needed using a pot. The need of this step up part is because those ferrite transformers are different, some work on the circuit above great on only 12v input, others need 24V to get the best HV. Now my driving PCBs look like this:

          Also adjustable input voltage is good because you don't require exact air gaps anymore, the gap can be bigger and then you just adjust the input voltage so that the HV side delivers the best ion wind. The output can be adjusted anywhere from 20kV to 50kV. More voltage will cause more corona and more ozone, this is good for desinfecting, getting rid of odors and mold, but is not so good for a person, so if this unit is used in an office, the pot is turned down and the corona gets minimal, only to ensure fresh air. It also acts as a dust filter and cleans the air, the ion wind sucks air in and no fungi, bacteria or viruses can survive the electric field. Dust particles are charged up and stick to any surface that has the opposite charge near the output of the ionizer. It is a very good device to have at home and in car.
          It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


          • #6
            Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
            That is usual method. But I think it would be too weak for water bubbler purposes. I seen implementation of it with a needle

            I use different method, that I think is stronger. Using any coil switching method to get high voltage out of car coil, then use one insulated and one uninsulated wire twisted together to produce corona of required polarity. However, I still have problem with insulation that keep leaking. Maybe glass or ceramic insulation is better.

            I use the circuit in that thread's second post to clean the room from ciggarete smell in under one hour.
            Not at all!

            I have made two such water bubblers, one using a special ionizing PC fan and this guy, both work very well. The concept is to keep air moving past the needles, so a small 5v dc pc fan will work easily.

            The best method I have, Buy this kit or similar. Encase in container with two ports. Place air input in one of the ports via a fish tank pump. This increases pressure in the ozone containment vessel. The output hose goes directly into your water. The reason I explain this obviously simple method, is because it is better to not drive ozone through the small plastic part pumps, as I believe after time the ozone would break down the polymers.


            • #7
              I see. You can observe the effect clearly then? thanks .


              • #8
                Originally posted by Jetijs View Post
                I make my units so that the advantage of ion wind is used bu implementing an electrode design with rings and needles.
                Thanks for sharing .

                BTW, some people prefer to have negative ion than positive ion.

                Is it possible to get only certain polarity on your implementation? Can you make one electrode more negative than others? And you connect the more negative output to the needle part?

                Never getting tired seems to be sign of positive ion. What happen if you run it too strong or too long? headache?


                • #9
                  ozone generator

                  ozone generators are easy to build for getting rid of smells just go to a lighting / electrical supplier buy uv ozone floresencet bulbs and ballist and install it inside furnace ducting with a fan to move the air through the duct.
                  shield the openings to avoid the uv rays to the eyes .


                  • #10
                    Exposure to larger quantities of positive ions usually gives an instant invigorating experience but that works only for a day or so the most (constant exposure). After that it turns against you and leads to depression, aches and pains and other (possibly) chronic illnesses.

                    I would never subject myself nor anyone else to positive ions only, or higher concentration of.

                    Generally speaking the ratio of positive to negative ions in the air is 5:4 (normally) but there are many inhabited places in the world where positive ions outnumber the negative by far. During a full Moon positive ions increase as well...

                    In the cities concentrations can be in 1000s in favour of positive ions and it is no wonder that people feel sick, lethargic and generally tired all the time. It has to do with metal and geometry (sharp/right angles) which causes production of positive ions due to friction of the wind against surfaces.

                    Also happens a lot in HVAC systems of many buildings because the ducts are aluminium/steel and mostly have right angles.

                    Either way there's that excellent book (I read it) about ions by Fred Soyka titled The Ion Effect.
                    Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                    • #11
                      Very cool stuff Jetijs.
                      This would make another excellent project. How much would this be, (as estimated pricetag) for materials to assemble one of those?
                      Those look like relatively simple parts to make one simply.

                      Further, Do you sell your units? If yes, How much do you sell your units for? How large are they?



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                        Thanks for sharing .

                        BTW, some people prefer to have negative ion than positive ion.

                        Is it possible to get only certain polarity on your implementation? Can you make one electrode more negative than others? And you connect the more negative output to the needle part?

                        Never getting tired seems to be sign of positive ion. What happen if you run it too strong or too long? headache?
                        As far as I know I can make the air coming out of the ionizer more positive or more negative depending on which polarity is put to the needles. Because the needles are the point where the ionization originates and the rings just guide the ion wind through them and absorb some of the opposite charged ions. I gave no way of measuring that, but the ion wind and the smell is the same no matter which polarity you put on your electrodes, so I guess that if you want negative ions (that are supposed to be very beneficial) you just put the negative to the needles and positive to the rings. I haven't noticed any bad experience in long exposure to the ion wind, I just need to turn the corona down so that the ion wind is there, but almost no ozone is produced, because when you put the ozone to the max, after a while you can start to feel dizzy.

                        Amigo, thanks for the info
                        Romo, making one such unit costs about 25$ for parts. I will draw a complete circuit today and post it. I use MC34163P chip for the step up voltage regulator part, but that can be replaced by a different type step up voltage regulator as I am afraid that the MC34163P is not very commonly available chip.
                        It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


                        • #13
                          Here is the driving circuit for the transformer:

                          And here is the voltage step up converter circuit using the MC34163P chip:

                          you just need to replace the R2 (47K) to a 50k potentiometer and you will have a power supply operating at 12VDC that puts out anything from 12-30VDC at a power level of about 15-20W. This is then used to power the transformer driving circuit.

                          And here is the apropriate PCB and component layout for the step up voltage converter:

                          Here you can see my PCB's, the first one is for the transformer driver and the second one is for the step up voltage converter:

                          Last edited by Jetijs; 12-19-2010, 12:49 PM.
                          It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


                          • #14
                            ztec2002, with corona I don't think UV shield is needed.

                            amigo, thanks for the info . I am agree with you, although I call ion with different name.

                            Jetijs thank you, thanks for the circuit too . I don't use high power but I once run the corona maker 5 hour a day in a week at the office. Not feeling dizzy but the room sure feel cold lol.

                            You only notice glow at the needle then?

                            I post concern about the use of air gap on vehicle in my thread:


                            • #15
                              sucahyo, yes, the glow is on the needles only
                              Some weeks ago I noticed an interesting phenomena with one of my ionizers. My friend had put it in his car so that the electrode block is in the air intake just after the air filter. He reported that the electrodes seem to make an unusual noise. So I went to have a look at it. If I turned the voltage down, just a slight hissing was heard, as the voltage vent up, the hissing became louder, just as it should be. But after turning the pot more than a certain point, there was a difeer4ent noise, not a hissing, more like a quiet squeal or something. I did not know why this is happening, because usually when I turn the pot more than needed, a spark discharge is happening with a snap sound, that means that the voltage is too high. This time something different occured. This all is nothing special, but the weird thing is that when this kappened, I could feel warmth coming off the rubber part where electrodes are inside and from the HV wires. It was like infrared radiation. My friend felt it also. I was afraid that maybe there is a short and my wires are getting hot, but when I shut the ionizer down, the wires were cool to touch. I mean usually if heat is felt form some 300mm away, the there is a lot of heat in the source and if this would be usual heat from convection, my wires should be melted long ago. Very interesting indeed. When the ionizer was removed form the car, it did not do this anymore on a table. This reminds me of what Tesla observed with his distruptive discharges at certain frequencies, that a heating effect can be felt. And my ionizer is essentially a big spark gap with limited current. This is some food for thought
                              It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.

