I think the problem really is not lenz.
Just like we have seen in Thane's videos it is the way you work with lenz. If you use it to work for you the more you draw on it the more it works for you.
Plus if anyone hasn't figured out the torridial coils use the magnetic field much differently then regular field coils. They do not emit the field. The field rotates within the core and the rotor follows that field. In fact that changes the very concept of an emitted field that normal field coils project from a point of view of going through the rotor to pushing the rotor from two bulges in the stator field cores.
The problem I see here is that the bulges are not where we think they are. They are where the field coils are not energized. Do an experiment where you try to feels the field of an energized torrid with an external magnet. I bet the only place you are gonna feel the fields are in the areas that the field coils are not energized.
Thane is using a synchronous motor in one of his experiments. The motor was not of a torrid design so it is entirely possible that this is the reason he is getting odd results. But I think he got the results because the high voltage cores were changing the frequency of the generated heavy current. since motors of that design rely on frequency that they sync to I bet this is the reason it was aiding the motor in speeding up.
Tesla was working on the same idea but inside of the motor itself. Some of his motors have a dual coils design. If you search for the patents you will see he was experimenting with different coil designs and the positions of the coil pairs. Some were stacked on top of the others and some were positioned in between the phases.
The curious thing is that he was also concerned with balanced weight between the coils although they had different surface area or turns.
Just like we have seen in Thane's videos it is the way you work with lenz. If you use it to work for you the more you draw on it the more it works for you.
Plus if anyone hasn't figured out the torridial coils use the magnetic field much differently then regular field coils. They do not emit the field. The field rotates within the core and the rotor follows that field. In fact that changes the very concept of an emitted field that normal field coils project from a point of view of going through the rotor to pushing the rotor from two bulges in the stator field cores.
The problem I see here is that the bulges are not where we think they are. They are where the field coils are not energized. Do an experiment where you try to feels the field of an energized torrid with an external magnet. I bet the only place you are gonna feel the fields are in the areas that the field coils are not energized.
Thane is using a synchronous motor in one of his experiments. The motor was not of a torrid design so it is entirely possible that this is the reason he is getting odd results. But I think he got the results because the high voltage cores were changing the frequency of the generated heavy current. since motors of that design rely on frequency that they sync to I bet this is the reason it was aiding the motor in speeding up.
Tesla was working on the same idea but inside of the motor itself. Some of his motors have a dual coils design. If you search for the patents you will see he was experimenting with different coil designs and the positions of the coil pairs. Some were stacked on top of the others and some were positioned in between the phases.
The curious thing is that he was also concerned with balanced weight between the coils although they had different surface area or turns.