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The Lever Generator

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  • The Lever Generator

    I've being thinking for a while in a method to use composed forces, or a practical lever effect being magnetic electric or mechanic to generate energy from nothing.

    I didn't designed yet but here goes the idea.

    Archimedes said once:

    Give me a lever and an abutment and i can raise the universe.

  • #2
    RE: lever..

    That is sort of what this is...
    See my experiments here...

    You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


    • #3
      working model

      Here is one example that seems to work. Could be improved upon.

      YouTube - Gravity Magnetic Motor (Hand Made)



      • #4

        Well, those things is not exactly what I mean, even if the bicycle video will be used as a comparison. I will try to explain little further.

        Think of a lever where you have a big load or weight on one side, than you have the support closer to the load so as to make the lever. This way you can apply a very big force for a lower cost in my idea. Now think of a wheel just like that of the bicycle, if you have a lever that is activated only during the going down movement, but having a support so not directly coupled like in the video.

        I'm thinking about how to use this same principle for the electromagnetism too.
        Last edited by sebosfato; 07-17-2012, 07:54 PM.


        • #5
          I'm not sure if this concept is completely right, because even if the force is greater the distance witch it can be applied will be reduced...


          • #6

            Yes your idea has the possibility of greater efficiency.



            • #7
              Kapanadze device is electrical implementation of lever.


              • #8
                Interesting, fact is that i'm studying force on wire and i got a question here witch the result is greater than the initial force. I don't know if the result is wrong or what. Anyone have an idea?

                You see the weight is 500N but the tension force on the left wire is 667N, how can that be? I understand that when you decompose the forces there is a distribution, however seems like as the angle is 90° the force of the alfa wire pushing the other to maintain it at 90° is adding force. but is strange...

                I see the possibility for doing this electrically.

                @Boguslaw Yes i think that electromagnetically the lever can be used to raise the entropy of a system however the right angles must be found to get the maximum effect and maybe has to do with this case .

                What you think about?
                Attached Files

