Helo im Powers from Slovakia my english is bad
I need help with bedini SG
my parameters:
2N3055 tranzistor
470 ohm 2w rezistor
25 ohm 5 w rezistor
Coil is bifilar 850 turn
core is steel from old big rele (maybe this is problem)
Rotor is 20" cyklo aluminium,
15 ferits magnets 50mmx30mmx15mm LengtxWidthxHeight
North out
wheell spins well
whole structure only litte vibrate (hm..)
Both bateries is 12V 1.3Ah PB
My bateries before start
Primary 12.7V is fully charget
Sekondary 11.5V discharged
booth batieries is new
I start I started my device and the voltage was gradually increased to a secondary to 11.6V Voltage increased only very slowly
3 hours charging voltage and the secondary is only 11.75V
Primary battery dropped to 12.05V
I repeated the charge but the result was always similar to
Every discharge secondary batteries will not fully charge ..
For example i have a 12 volt secondary battery is discharged at 9V
starts well voltage is increased to 10V+ but it is only slowly increasing
At 11 volts only very slowly increase, for example 11V to 11.3V charging nearly 2 hoursAt 11.7 V voltage not grow only only very slowly ,
But main battery declining
where is the problem? pls help im newbie

I need help with bedini SG
my parameters:
2N3055 tranzistor
470 ohm 2w rezistor
25 ohm 5 w rezistor
Coil is bifilar 850 turn
core is steel from old big rele (maybe this is problem)
Rotor is 20" cyklo aluminium,
15 ferits magnets 50mmx30mmx15mm LengtxWidthxHeight
North out
wheell spins well
whole structure only litte vibrate (hm..)
Both bateries is 12V 1.3Ah PB
My bateries before start
Primary 12.7V is fully charget
Sekondary 11.5V discharged
booth batieries is new
I start I started my device and the voltage was gradually increased to a secondary to 11.6V Voltage increased only very slowly
3 hours charging voltage and the secondary is only 11.75V
Primary battery dropped to 12.05V
I repeated the charge but the result was always similar to
Every discharge secondary batteries will not fully charge ..
For example i have a 12 volt secondary battery is discharged at 9V
starts well voltage is increased to 10V+ but it is only slowly increasing
At 11 volts only very slowly increase, for example 11V to 11.3V charging nearly 2 hoursAt 11.7 V voltage not grow only only very slowly ,
But main battery declining
where is the problem? pls help im newbie