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Merry O. U. Christmas from Germany

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  • Merry O. U. Christmas from Germany

    Below is a remarkable post from Stephan at OU,

    Hi guys,
    this is the first real selfrunning device:

    YouTube - Think different The power of HHO selfrunning free energy system running a 400 Watts load

    Oliver and Valention, 2 users from the forum, showing their selfrunning HHO system powering
    a 400 Watt incandescent lamp for the first time in public
    as a Christmas present for 2010.

    This unit only runs on Water being splitted and producing overunity power
    to run the lamp.

    This is the first candidate for 2011 for the OverUnity Prize.

    P.S: The small accumulator is only powering the ignition circuit for the ignition spark and only needs a few Watts, so this could also be powered by the output of the generator in later units.

    These are the comments Oliver did send me with this video:

    The setup is on a trolley and they drive it around the house.
    Since they let the camera run continuously,
    so there will be no cuts in the video, the camera catches all the
    glitches like the blown out
    Lamp due to filament failure due to the vibrations of the whole trolly
    and the missed elevator.

    At the Beginning of the movie the system is started with the help of
    another steady Anton HHO system.
    From 0:45 it will be "cut off" and the whole system runs self-sufficiently.

    At 1:15 the construction light is still switched on as a load.

    Then the "journey " goes on.

    Then of course Murphey´s law hits twice:

    1. At about 2: 50 unfortunately, the lamp goes broke because of vibrations and
    then the motor runs too fast because of the lack of a load.

    2. At 3:25 we missed the elevator .. * grr *

    Murphy´s law always applies !

    At 4:55 of the elevator finally comes back and we go with the running motor-generator
    4 Floors down.

    As of 5:37, the system turns suddenly far above the normal speed and we
    want to stop it before it breaks.

    No matter.
    Without consideration of losses, we continue down the corridor, out into the
    open courtyard ..

    7:00 - The system is in the courtyard and the transformer moves around bounces against the motor because of the vibration
    the engine.

    8:00 - I turn off the camera, because I'm afraid for the expensive variac
    and the engine and because of the lack of light load the system still runs much too high RPM..

    I like the concept of this movie, because
    nobody has yet shown a combustion engine running in an elevator before.

    Any known fuel would have clouded the air in seconds and poisoned us.

    Also inside the elevator there could not be any hidden cables as some
    people always claim..
    People wake up, this is a real system selfrunning !


    I will visit them early in 2011
    and will have a close look into it.

    Happy Christmas to all Forum users and
    please spread this video !
    Many thanks for your support and a happy and great 2011 for you ALL !

    Regards, Stefan.

    Merry Christmas All ,and may this be the beginning of a wonderful new year
    If you want to Change the world
    BE that change !!

  • #2
    Merry Christmas : )

    Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
    Below is a remarkable post from Stephan at OU,

    Hi guys,
    this is the first real selfrunning device:

    YouTube - Think different The power of HHO selfrunning free energy system running a 400 Watts load

    Oliver and Valention, 2 users from the forum, showing their selfrunning HHO system powering
    a 400 Watt incandescent lamp for the first time in public
    as a Christmas present for 2010.

    This unit only runs on Water being splitted and producing overunity power
    to run the lamp.

    This is the first candidate for 2011 for the OverUnity Prize.

    P.S: The small accumulator is only powering the ignition circuit for the ignition spark and only needs a few Watts, so this could also be powered by the output of the generator in later units.

    These are the comments Oliver did send me with this video:

    The setup is on a trolley and they drive it around the house.
    Since they let the camera run continuously,
    so there will be no cuts in the video, the camera catches all the
    glitches like the blown out
    Lamp due to filament failure due to the vibrations of the whole trolly
    and the missed elevator.

    At the Beginning of the movie the system is started with the help of
    another steady Anton HHO system.
    From 0:45 it will be "cut off" and the whole system runs self-sufficiently.

    At 1:15 the construction light is still switched on as a load.

    Then the "journey " goes on.

    Then of course Murphey´s law hits twice:

    1. At about 2: 50 unfortunately, the lamp goes broke because of vibrations and
    then the motor runs too fast because of the lack of a load.

    2. At 3:25 we missed the elevator .. * grr *

    Murphy´s law always applies !

    At 4:55 of the elevator finally comes back and we go with the running motor-generator
    4 Floors down.

    As of 5:37, the system turns suddenly far above the normal speed and we
    want to stop it before it breaks.

    No matter.
    Without consideration of losses, we continue down the corridor, out into the
    open courtyard ..

    7:00 - The system is in the courtyard and the transformer moves around bounces against the motor because of the vibration
    the engine.

    8:00 - I turn off the camera, because I'm afraid for the expensive variac
    and the engine and because of the lack of light load the system still runs much too high RPM..

    I like the concept of this movie, because
    nobody has yet shown a combustion engine running in an elevator before.

    Any known fuel would have clouded the air in seconds and poisoned us.

    Also inside the elevator there could not be any hidden cables as some
    people always claim..
    People wake up, this is a real system selfrunning !


    I will visit them early in 2011
    and will have a close look into it.

    Happy Christmas to all Forum users and
    please spread this video !
    Many thanks for your support and a happy and great 2011 for you ALL !

    Regards, Stefan.

    Merry Christmas All ,and may this be the beginning of a wonderful new year
    I watched the video and was amazed and the things going wrong made it even more real and fun to watch. A big thumbs up to all involved and I hope they win!!! Tec


    • #3
      Stefan made a great OU movie!

      YouTube - Christmas 2010 Awakening from slavery

      Enjoy !

      If you want to Change the world
      BE that change !!


      • #4
        analysis of video

        Someone's analysis of the video that was sent to me:

        Had another look at the video, 99.9% sure that it is alcohol in the bottle, has an air inlet via a valve that you can see at the top of the bottle, silver with black knob. He adjusts it when starting up from "another cell!", with no air inlet the alcohol would not burn, with air with the HHO there would not be sufficient HHO with that size cell. The bubbling of the "water" in the bottle is not sufficient for HHO to run that engine, it would have to be another gas or it is as I said mixed with the HHO, alcohol + HHO or any white spirit that would look like water.

        The question is why need another cell to start it? if it can run on one cell then it would also start on one cell, rest my case.
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • #5
          Thank you Aaron,
          I hope that this is not the case.
          We shall see very soon!

          A wonderful holiday season to you and yours!

          If you want to Change the world
          BE that change !!


          • #6
            My son and I watched that vid many time stopping it here & there.
            My 1st question was that motor size is pretty large and I couldn't find where enough hydrogen could be made on that cart to equal the volume it would need.
            I gave the benefit of a pressurized pre-charged tank, but still failed to see where enough could be made to replace what was being used.
            Looking at the valve cover of the motor and the generator size, I would think the motor's displacement is greater than 1 cu/in. The latest post states the fuel cell produces 5-6ltr a min or 366.138 cu/in per minute. The motor sounds to be running far greater than 366rpm. One would need to know more specifics like air/fuel ratio, rpm and engine displacement to even start to consider it all.
            I hope they have done it.


            • #7
              From Helmut [very closely in touch]

              Of cource this is very hard to believe,and lots of sceptics are
              showing up,as well as people that hope this is genuine.
              below is a post from "Helmut" [posted at OU]who is a very sincere and trusted open source engineer,

              Merry Christmas .
              The Vid was done in Summer 2010.
              Oliver and Valentin build this setup to show that there is no hidden Cable or extern source of power supply.
              Until now Oliver did refuse to show the Vid to others , because he want produce a better Vid, where the Lamp did not brake.
              The problem with tis setup was, that the rpms are very difficult to regulate.
              There is no carburator in use. The hho Gas goes directly to the flange near the inlet valve. The only way to regulate the speed is by regulate the elektrolyser ( Anton ). Alternative one can adjust the spark timing.
              One can not feed the Gas into the Carburator. Other ways to realise a speed control are in development.
              If one is interestet to have one of this Generators, it is no problem to do a replication. All Informations are free available via Forum.
              The cost for such chinese Generator are not to high.
              Some replication are in use all ready.
              Feel free to read in the german Forum, or ask your Questions.

              But if one came to blame Oliver or Valetin to be cheaters ,or blaming for fakes, better stay here and do not waist our time.
              Such fellows we have enough in Germany.

              YouTube - hhofirstrun.AVI 5 liter+


              p.s. here is a better link
              YouTube - banditforfreedom's Channel

              Last edited by RAMSET; 12-25-2010, 07:45 PM.
              If you want to Change the world
              BE that change !!


              • #8
                Now this is really getting Good!!

                A post from Stefan at OU Today [Christmas]

                Oliver and Valentin are already working together with a testing facility and
                will publish their results from a professional motor teststand in the upcoming new year.

                Also it will be filmed all by a professional filmteam I was told.

                As you can see from their Youtube channel at:
                YouTube - MrEntelecheia's Channel
                they are doing it all very scientifically and use great measurement tools.

                To the skeptics:

                HHO does not burn,
                it DOES DETONATE, this is very different versus a gasoline-air mixture,
                thus it produces much more mechanical output.

                Here is a supportive email from engineer Les Banki,
                who is working on great HHO engine modification circuits:

                Hi Stefan,

                As for me, I ran a brand new (never had petrol in it!) 250cc engine 100% on water about 16 years ago.
                (Several people were present and it was also video taped.)
                Mind you, it was NOT a self running set up.
                It was simply done to prove the point.
                I knew it was a very, VERY, VERY crude and inefficient electrolyzer system but it still WORKED!

                (You should have heard the various comments around me prior to that: "Ha, ha....What an idiot Les is! He thinks that an engine can run on water!", etc., etc. Those very same people are no longer rubbishing the idea (or me) but are TRYING to do the same as I did all those years ago.)

                Others, on the other hand, pointed out that I obviously had the technology already then to do "boosting".
                Sure, I knew that too.
                However, my attitude was (and still is, to this very day!) that:

                I do not want to see even a single drop of petrol anywhere in or near the engine!!!!
                In other words: for me, WATER or NOTHING!


                I was out of that 'game' for more than 10 years but started up again about 4 years ago.
                This time, I have a much more refined technology and I have designed (from scratch) a COMPLETE ECU
                (Engine Control Unit) for single cylinder generator engines.

                Why this was/is necessary is explained in one of my articles.

                I have just finished the NEW Ignition/Injection control section AND the automatic RPM control which will bring the engine speed from idle to the correct RPM where the generator delivers approx. 240V at 50Hz and hold it there (but ONLY with the present load connected)!!!

                Loosing the 400W load (lamp) in their set-up, Oliver & Valentine experienced a 'run-away' condition which just confirms the obvious need for RPM control.
                Precise RPM control can only be achieved by FUEL INJECTION and a feed-back loop. Period.

                Yes, our generator engines are going to be fuel injected, (with Hydroxy ONLY)!

                (And yes, I am now working on a design of just such a feed-back loop which will COMPLETE the ECU design!)

                Those who have known me for many years will remember what I have been saying for years:

                The key to success with engines running on HHO ONLY is two fold:
                1. Generate ENOUGH quality Hydroxy (HHO)
                2. Engine MANAGEMENT!!!

                I am NOT the only one who is aware of this.

                It should be obvious even to "blind Freddy" that Oliver and Valentine generate ENOUGH HHO.
                I am sure you already know that only the usual, very vocal MORONS (saboteurs, paid or otherwise!, who have infested EVERY Forum, including yours!) kick, scream and argue, trying desperately to discredit!!
                (This is the main reason why I hardly ever post in your Forum. I am NOT going to waste my time and energy to argue with "dead beat morons".)

                For the past 2 - 3 years, all my designs (circuit diagrams, circuit descriptions and pcb layouts) have been freely available for download from a couple of Forums on Internet.

                I have now re-designed some of those circuits and those files will be replaced.
                I also offer VERY detailed circuit descriptions (for EVERY circuit) and general articles which I have written to educate those who are interested in this technology.
                (My writings alone are over 100 pages!)
                There is still more work to be done. Designing the printed circuit boards for the latest circuits, for example.
                But that won't take very long.

                About 6 weeks ago I bought a brand new 9kW Ducar (top brand!) petrol generator. (electric and remote start!)
                I also have 2 other generators, 1800W and 2000W.
                All these will be used for testing my designs.

                Yes, Stefan, I don't deny that I consider myself to be a TOP electronic design engineer!
                (If I wasn't, I would never be able to design the ECU!)
                Think about it: only engine manufacturer's engineers are engaged in this kind of work!

                Well, enough 'raving'.
                You may wonder why I am telling you all this. (I leave it to you to figure it out! :-) :-) )
                Suffice to say that my work is free for anyone to use, private or commercial!
                I would be very pleased if some people find my contributions useful!

                I just hope to have enough time left in this 73 years old body to finish this project!
                That is all I ask for.

                Btw, if you see some benefit from publishing this email (or part of it) in your Forum, you are welcome to do so.

                Best regards,
                Les Banki
                If you want to Change the world
                BE that change !!


                • #9
                  I was not trying to be a "downer" at all. I was trying to state that before one can even try to say its fake, you need a lot of information. I don't know the proper air fuel mixture for the best combustion with hydrogen. Regular carburetors are abt 14-1 for gasoline? 5-6ltrs a min at even a 4 to 1 mix would allow 1500rpm with a 1cu/in motor.
                  If I were them, I'd consider using dual feed tubes for air & fuel. Each would have a needle valve for adjusting the proper ratio. The fuel would also be tapped to go to a storage reserve tank so it didn't have to run on exactly what the cell generates. The needle valves could be adjusted simultaneously with solenoids once the correct idling point were found. This still has faults as a constant input pressure would be needed for fuel.
                  My best wishes for them!


                  • #10
                    Its all good Vaporiser !

                    Now From one of the "boyZ'

                    From Mark Dansie,
                    As you have seen with the person who owns this forum[OU ,Com] and others like Sterling Allen's FREEENERGYNEWS they are claiming self running and major breakthrough. I understand these are not your words but it is a natural interpretation that anyone would put on seeing the video.
                    Oliver responce,
                    Thanks a lot for recognizing that.

                    Mark again,

                    QuoteYour cells are very high quality product but I am not sure their efficiency is any more than some others that are out there.


                    We have made some comparsion, but the issue is NOT for rivalry or competition.
                    YouTube - MrEntelecheia's Channel

                    EVERY Cell is the right direction towards a non-fossil and better world.
                    It should be absolutely clear, that we are facing a lot of further
                    development and (creative) experiments of how we use the gases produced.
                    One thing is for sure: It comes from Water and gets into Water without
                    any damages to the environment.

                    I am a little confussed about if this is an open source project or not.

                    ANTON started as a common and basic system for experimenters.
                    Some modified it to a fuel Cell, other made it a NiFe-battery.
                    It up to the Teams, whether they publish their work on a puplic license,
                    open Source, GPL or however they have an outcome with their effords..

                    Mark, again,

                    From reading the German threads you do have detail about your cell and ignition modification. However I do have a couple of questions for you (assuming it is open sourced, if not no need to reply)
                    1. What other modifications did you do to the motor(valve timing, cam modifications, spark plug etc)?
                    2. Have you had the exhaust gas analysed and what was the results?
                    3. Were any other hydrocarbons present in the bubblier or cell.
                    I was not aware of any commercial arrangements you have with Chava or any other company or anyone else you may have met. That is of course your own business and no one elses.
                    I do however congradulate you on your work.

                    Oliver's responce to the above Two Quotes

                    The experiment with the ICE was just
                    another quick'n dirty "proof of possibilities" like all the other experiments and
                    tests we've made with the molecules of H's, O's and some N's.
                    Nobody should nail us with the 4-stroke machine,
                    because we want to get rid of this ancient concept.
                    Its a nice "boystoy", but who wants to heat his
                    home with a noisy genset made in cheap-china?

                    Its much more interesting to reverse the
                    electrolytic process with solid state technologies.

                    If you watch the "opensource"-communities, you may notify,
                    that there are a lot of forces out there with great lack in creativity and phantasy.
                    There is a great lack in knowledge and professionality also.
                    We are workers and no politians or involved with this abstract "war of opinions".
                    Any substantiated and constructive participation is welcome.

                    Best regards,
                    If you want to Change the world
                    BE that change !!


                    • #11
                      This video is probable the clearest presentation of a (almost) self running engine i have ever seen. Good job.

                      The only thing that could have been better is if they poured the bubble water out after the run, and put a fire to it, to show zero hydrocarbon fuels where involved. (but you will never make every one happy)

                      It would be nice if that video had details with it that explain at least their theory as to how this is happening. Cell details would have been nice, like volts, amps, temp, pulse if any, KOH concentration,... Generator details like, timing adjustment, ignition modification, why a separate battery was needed for ignition system...

                      I would think that the 400 watts light was more load than the ignition, but that is not addressed ether.
                      Anyway it does look real to me, if they just wanted to fool folks they would not have to modify the ignition system.

                      I guess it is a good video for the sake of showing whats possible, (like a few others have done in the past) but not much help for advancing Browns Gas technology.


                      • #12
                        Les Banki [an absolutely wonderful open source engineer]

                        While nothing “secret” or “fancy”, so far only a couple of people were ‘privy’ to the last closed loop details of my set-up since I choose NOT to publish them before.
                        (Most of the other circuit details of my ECU design have been available to all for the last 2-3 years

                        From here,

                        Selfrunning HHO system with 400 Watts additional output

                        A lot to see and learn ,this has been done as described at the first post.

                        If you want to Change the world
                        BE that change !!


                        • #13
                          Helmut sends his reguards

                          They get ready to close the loop

                          Entwicklertreffen für dezentrale Energie, Wurzbach 2011 - YouTube


                          Wurzbach - Fachtagung f. Alternativenergie 2011 - YouTube

                          If you want to Change the world
                          BE that change !!


                          • #14

                            When one looks at the energy content of this gas per liter or even per mole ~22.4 liters (18g of electrolyzed water) this is no doubt a fantastic accomplishment. With what 3-5 liter per minute? or was that a second?

