Originally posted by sunilkm153
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Whether it is ABS or Polycarbonate, if you are processing a plastic that has a flame retardant in it, you will be corroding the inside of your retort and all the pipe work. Secondly, you will have Bromine in your fuel produced. It produces a Redish Brown colour and has a strong smell. If this is not removed, you will damage an engine, but at the least, Bromine will be retarding the burning process of the fuel and you will not have the power that would normally be produced.
Bromine in very small amounts can used as a disinfectant and has been used in swimming pools, but has been discontinued from such use because of People having serious skin reactions to it.
DO NOT get the fuel on your skin. You can end up with a very bad skin reaction.
If you are putting a Halogen via the output gas into the atmosphere, you are running the risk of killing or poisoning people, or at the least, causing damage to the Ozone layer in our atmosphere.
It is dangerous enough for the amateur processing small amounts of plastics and several of us here are very vocal about safety to ensure people remain safe. But unless you understand what it is you are processing, the Chemistry of such, the Dangers and the potential damage you can cause to environment and peoples Vehicles, YOU SHOULD NOT be trying to do this commercially. You will note that all the commercial Plastic to Fuel plants around the world process two plastic types only. Simply because they are the safest. That is PE and PP. They do not touch any other plastic type due to the dangers of doing such and just one plastic item of a wrong type can contaminate and make useless for sale, 1000ltrs of good fuel.
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