plastic to fuel process small plant design needed
HI Thks for quick reply
Now i have learned very much from your articles you have posted and i m trying to make diesel from waste plastic in my workshop with the help of my friends. the only thing i want 2 know that after collection the liquid fuel from plastic it need any further process before it used in diesel engine if yes the what is the process
and exactly what temprature we needed for this process to convert plastic into vapours and how to cool this vapour and convert into liquid form.
I am verymuch intrested in this process as i have 20000 kg of plastic every year to dispose and its very good process to dispose it without any reaction of hazard gases
it will be good for me if you provide a small design for this process with consulting with you friends which is very helpfull for me
HI Thks for quick reply
Now i have learned very much from your articles you have posted and i m trying to make diesel from waste plastic in my workshop with the help of my friends. the only thing i want 2 know that after collection the liquid fuel from plastic it need any further process before it used in diesel engine if yes the what is the process

and exactly what temprature we needed for this process to convert plastic into vapours and how to cool this vapour and convert into liquid form.
I am verymuch intrested in this process as i have 20000 kg of plastic every year to dispose and its very good process to dispose it without any reaction of hazard gases
it will be good for me if you provide a small design for this process with consulting with you friends which is very helpfull for me
