Originally posted by Babataku
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As mentioned earlier, in the planned rebuild I will replace the refractory with brick. This includes the flame duct from the burner. The retort will get shortened which will move it further away from the flame. Incoming flame will have negotiate its' way through a maze of bricks. The object as said earlier upthread, is to convert the unit to being more like an oven and away from being like a blast furnace.
My burner head can be adjusted on the fly to apply the appropriate amount of heat to suit conditions. There is a dedicated TC with permanent LCD display that monitors flame temperature. I strongly recommended a TC on your flame.
Yes, this game is a good hobby.
Your fuel with specific gravity of .80 -.81 is very light. It is being cracked more than it needs. Probably the solution will be to reduce the effectiveness of the reflux chamber by increasing the temperature it runs at.
Adding 2 stroke oil to diesel is a known thing to improve lubricity.
It was good thing there wasn't too much damage with the fire.
Those Babbington burners are fun. They use rather a lot of air volume so a decent compressor is required.
Yes, the diesel definitely needs proper filtration. Allowing the fuel to settle will dramatically reduce the load on filters. On my DiyDiesel site you can see my current filtration set up for a few ideas.
BTW, I ran my flash evaporator but it was a disaster. It boiled over and control was too difficult. I needs much better instrumentation and more precise control mechanism on the feed. The silver lining was I learnt the feedstock oil has a very low boiling point so It looks like this is what was causing the problem with Orion retort boil-overs.
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