Asad, I have been reading this post for a long time and have been contemplating a similar system layout to the one you last posted. I am very impressed with your design
I was wondering if a shaft could be mounted vertically in the feed reactor with auger flighting on the bottom half of the shaft extending into the output tube, when you need more material in the main reactor an electric motor starts to turn the shaft forcing the molten plastic into the other vessel.
A question for you, as long as you keep a certain amount of plastic in the feed reactor do you think you need a valve between the reactors or will the plastic work to keep the main reactor sealed from the air?
It looks as though you are going to use a furnace burner to start the reaction is that correct?
I was also having trouble figuring out the level sensing in the main reactor, could you touch on the o2 sensor idea a bit more? Are you going to compare temps of the senders to plastic temp or ?
I have been gathering materials and hope to start to build a unit soon. I hope this idea helps and appreciate any thoughts on my questions.
Keep up the good work.

A question for you, as long as you keep a certain amount of plastic in the feed reactor do you think you need a valve between the reactors or will the plastic work to keep the main reactor sealed from the air?
It looks as though you are going to use a furnace burner to start the reaction is that correct?
I was also having trouble figuring out the level sensing in the main reactor, could you touch on the o2 sensor idea a bit more? Are you going to compare temps of the senders to plastic temp or ?
I have been gathering materials and hope to start to build a unit soon. I hope this idea helps and appreciate any thoughts on my questions.
Keep up the good work.