I truly appreciate the discussion and the exchange of opinions as well as experiences on the subject of flanges. I think that it's one of the most fundamental safety aspects of the system and the followers of this thread can benefit significantly and would be able to make the right choices for themselves. Thanks again!!
I would like to add my humble perspective that is based on 20+ years of engineering and real world implementations in more than one field: I agree that proven methods, no matter the cost, will remain the appropriate choice in general. The exceptions should be very carefully managed by experts and well versed personnel on the subject. Basically, folks like Jetis and ImakeBiodiesel and beyonbiodiesel seem to be very well accomplished in the art and science of home fabrication and engineering, and can afford to take risk - while others who are considered novices in those fields can reduce complexity and risk by purchasing the proven, more expensive solutions. With that said, pick your products wisely, and take heed of the surplus market. Many defective parts are being sold in the surplus market out there, without reasonable proof that they're not rejected parts. I know because that's part of what I do for a living.
I would like to add my humble perspective that is based on 20+ years of engineering and real world implementations in more than one field: I agree that proven methods, no matter the cost, will remain the appropriate choice in general. The exceptions should be very carefully managed by experts and well versed personnel on the subject. Basically, folks like Jetis and ImakeBiodiesel and beyonbiodiesel seem to be very well accomplished in the art and science of home fabrication and engineering, and can afford to take risk - while others who are considered novices in those fields can reduce complexity and risk by purchasing the proven, more expensive solutions. With that said, pick your products wisely, and take heed of the surplus market. Many defective parts are being sold in the surplus market out there, without reasonable proof that they're not rejected parts. I know because that's part of what I do for a living.